Money Saving Tips
7 Quick and easy steps for your Home
We all have good intentions when it comes to savingmoney, right? But in reality, youll only start when youdevelop healthy habits and your future needs becomemore important than your current wants. A lot oftimes, our goal isnt a big enough priority to change our habits so we continue doing what we always do,unless we are pushed to make something happenquickly. I'm a believer in prevention or maintenance,after all you've taken the time to find a home for yourfamily that will suit your needs. I'm sure you looked around and made some very important decisionsbefore purchasing the home that you are currentlyliving in. Maybe you're on your path to looking for a home right now or in the near future. I would like to help you along in your journey. My book MoneySaving Tip, can help you with a few basic tips for saving energy costs and give you some comfort whileliving in your home.
Thank you for purchasing my book. My goal is to suggest howyou can save money today by implementing some quick and easyideas to give you comfort in your home and save you money on your electric bill.
Please leave a review of my book and recommend it to all yourfriends and family.
The information contained within these pages is from my own personal knowledge and experience. I have written this book to bereliable information regarding the subject matter at hand.
However, it is sold with the understanding that the author is notengaged in rendering legal advice.
Copyright 2020 by Joseph Dale, All rights reserved, except aspermitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of thispublication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in anyform or by any means, without the prior written permission of thePublisher.
Published by Joseph DaleFirst Edition February 2020
Soffit and Roof Vents11
I've been in the construction industry for over 20 years. I can tell you from experience what works and does not work. I'vereplaced my fair share of windows, and doors; insulated homes;replaced trim in various interior and exterior areas full bathroomand kitchen remodels; window and door replacements; tile, sheetrock, painting, flooring, electrical, plumbing, roofing, framing, house flips, etc.
Just when I thought I came across everything under the sun, something else will undoubtedly come across my path and add another notch to the learning belt. There is always room for learning more information, and I continue to do so.
In these pages to follow, I've included simple solutions youcan do to help save you money on your utility bill and give youcomfort in your home.
Now I am a do it yourself kinda guy not to mention I amcomfortable doing all these items I list here. If you don't mind getting a little dirty, everything I mention here should be relativelystraight forward. If you don't feel comfortable or are unsure ashow to do the items I list here, contact a local professional. I listthe type of professional to contact, or ask your local hardware storefor a recommendation.
Follow these quick and simple solutions, they will work and saveyou money and give you comfort.
Energy Saving Devices
Today's products use less electricity than a decade ago, however it's still important to pay attention to the items that useelectricity.
Look for the Energy Star on major appliances
Use LED Bulbs instead of incandescent
Turn lights off when not in use
Use a power strip for multiple devices and turn off when not in use.
Unplug your phone charger when not using. The plug adapter still uses energy when your phone or device is notplugged in
Windows and Doors
These are the most common areas where you will find the airleaks. Natural Ventilation works like this; Cold temperatures willalways naturally flow to warmer temperatures. So, in the Summertime when you are cooling your home, if there is a way for thecooler air to find its way out to the warmer air, it will. Same goesfor the winter time, that cold air will find its way into your home. Well if you ever felt a draft around your windows or doors, youcan identify with what I'm talking about. Follow along and I willexplain some quick and easy steps to help you save some moneyon your electric bill and live more comfortably.
On the exterior of the window you can apply a thin bead of clear silicone around the window frame. Silicone is flexible and will do well in the changing seasons. If you have wood trimaround your windows and the trim is weather rotted. Replace therotted wood, caulk it, and paint. This will help seal any gaps.
On the interior of the window, do the same as the exterior, apply athin bead of paintable caulking around the window frame wherethe frame meets the edges of the wall.
Note: Most silicones will not be paintable. Most caulking ispaintable, read the label or ask the person in charge of the paintdepartment at your local hardware store if you are unsure.
Here are a few ideas you can add around your windows to helpwith a thermal barrier:
Solar Film
You can apply a solar film on the inside of the window to helpreflect the suns heat. If you don't feel comfortable doing thisyourself contact a glass or window company.
Applying the film is relatively easy.
Things you will need
a spray bottle filled with water
Credit card, squeegee, or similar exacto knife, utility knife or razor blade. Solar film fit to size.
Begin by measuring the window and cut the length of filmyou will need. Next spray the window with the water evenly. Thefilm may have a cover film to protect the film from dust collecting,You will need to remove the cover film before applying the film onthe window; using the credit card or squeegee press firmly startingfrom the center and work your way up and down then left and rightor whatever preference you desire. The goal is to press the solarfilm evenly all the way around covering the entire window, work the bubbles out. Next Using your sharp edge cutting tool, removethe excess film from the edges. Let dry, you're all done.
Thermal Curtains
Using thermal curtains around your windows will help reduce theamount of heat in the summer and help keep the warm inside andthe cold out in the winter.
Most exterior doors have weather stripping around the door,sometimes these get chewed up or flattened out over time. Makesure you have measured and purchased the amount of weather stripping you will require. Once you are ready to replace, it should take about 10-15 minutes tops to replace including cutting. Theweather stripping is relatively easy to replace, just grab the flap from the weather stripping edge and gently tug until the strip startsto pull out, continue all the way until all of it is out. I like to startat the top and work my way down.