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New medical study reported by Fox Newswarns that stomach acid drugs can kill! Check out this Kitchen Curefor Acid Reflux...
If youre someone who is suffering fromGastroesophageal reflux disease, otherwise referred to as GERD forshort, you know just how painful and aggravating this condition canbe.
This is aquite common disorder that many people suffer from and comes aboutwhen the stomach acid refluxes into the lower esophagus regionthrough the lower esophageal sphincter. When this is occurring,there is a backflow of the stomachs contents into the esophagus,which then can cause a a few negative symptoms to occur.
The two primarycommon side effects present in those who are suffering from GERDinclude:
Persistentheartburn that never seems to let up
A burningfeeling of discomfort in the upper chest as well as abdomen
For some peoplethis occurs only after eating a meal and on an occasional basis,while for others its present each and every time they eat a mealand tends to last much longer in duration.
Typically theunderlying conditions that tend to bring on GERD include a lowerpressure level in the lower esophageal sphincter, irritation of thelining of the esophagus, which is typically brought on by the diet,along with an improper clearance of the esophageal acid from thearea.
In addition tothis, some people will also notice delayed stomach emptying, sothat too can be a reason why you may start to experience pain anddiscomfort associated with the condition.
The most commonfactors that can cause one to develop GERD include lifestyle anddietary choices, which is good news because it means the conditioncan be treated quite well as long as you are willing to make somepivotal changes to your everyday habits.
The mostproblematic foods that need to be avoided are chocolate,peppermint, fried or very fatty foods, coffee and alcoholbeverages.
Those who aresuffering are instructed to try and limit their consumption ofacidic foods, eating more alkaline foods instead, while keepinghigh fat meat and dairy products out of the picture.
By transitioningover to a diet thats filled with the proper foods and focusing oneating slightly smaller meals more frequently throughout the day toreduce the amount of stress thats placed on the system, you caneffectively control and combat GERD.
In this book,were going to cover all the main foods that you should be eatingin your diet to effectively help treat the condition and freeyourself from GERD symptoms for the time to come.
If you stayconsistent with your efforts and make sure that you are not lettingthe wrong foods enter your system, you should start to seesignificant improvements almost immediately.
Lets take a lookat the top 101 foods for GERD that you need to know.
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1. Acaiberry
This fruit has been talked about a greatdeal in the media for the wide number of benefits its supposed tooffer. First, its jam packed with antioxidants that will help tofend off free radical damage. In addition to that, it also containsa number of important minerals and vitamins as well as omega fatty acids, which is rare fora fruit to contain. This fruit is rich in potassium, manganese,copper, iron, and magnesium. While the jury is still out as towhether it qualifies as a true superfood, it has been shown tooffer help to those with GERD. Make sure that you dont overlookadding it to your diet plan.
2. Alfalfa
Alfalfa sprouts are a low-calorie, nutritious foodto add to your diet and are rich in vitamin A, niacin, calcium, aswell as dietary fiber. In addition to that, theyre also full ofvitamin C, vitamin K, thiamin, riboflavin, along with folate, sowill provide the body with many nutrients to support optimalfunction. Aflafla sprouts can help to boost your immune system dueto their vitamin A and C combination and work great in sandwiches,salads, or placed into a whole wheat pita.
3. Almonds
Almonds are one of the most commonly consumed nutvarieties and are a great addition to any GERD diet plan. Theyrean alkaline based food, so wont increase your risk for stomachacid development and add a nice mild flavor to the dishes thatyoure preparing. Almonds are high in manganese, rich in vitamin E,high in magnesium, and a good source of tryptophan, copper, vitaminB2, and phosphorus. They are higher in calories however due totheir healthy fat content, so just be sure that you are eating themin moderation and controlling your portion size. Those sufferingfrom GERD do want to consume smaller, less calorie dense meals, sotake caution to only eat about an ounce.
4. Almondbutter
Almond butter is a great addition to your diet as acondiment to replace regular butter and is full of healthy fatsalong with some muscle building protein. Almond butter offers anice change of pace compared to regular peanut butter and gives acreamy taste to any dish you serve it with. Almond butter containssimilar nutrients to that of regular almonds including magnesium,manganese, copper, phosphorus, and vitamin B2. Just like withalmonds, watch how much you are eating to keep your calorie countunder control. Serve it smeared over an apple, on a slice of wholegrain bread, or mix it into a protein shake.