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Chapter 1. Basic Concepts
Adding Styles to HTML and XHTML
Styles can be applied to documents in three distinct ways, as discussed in the following sections.
Inline Styles
In HTML and XHTML, ) without the curly braces:
Look out!This text is alarmingly presented!
Note that, as of this writing, a full style sheet cannot be placed into a style
attribute. Only the content of a single declaration block can be used as a style
attribute value. For example, it is not possible to place hover styles (using :hover
) in a style
attribute, nor can one use @import
in this context.
Although typical XML document languages (e.g., XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.1, and SVG) support the style
attribute, it is unlikely that all XML languages will support a similar capability. Because of this and because it encourages poor authoring practices , authors are generally discouraged from using the style
Embedded Style Sheets
A style sheet can be embedded at the top of an HTML or XHTML document using the style
element, which must appear within the head
Stylin'!h1 {color: purple;}p {font-size: smaller; color: gray;}...
XML languages may or may not provide an equivalent capability; always check the language DTD to be certain.
External Style Sheets
Styles can be listed in a separate file. The primary advantage to a separate file is that by collecting commonly used styles in a single file, all pages using that style sheet can be updated by editing a single style sheet. Another key advantage is that external style sheets are cached, which can help reduce bandwidth usage. An external style sheet can be referenced in one of the following three ways:
@import directive
One or more @import
directives can be placed at the beginning of any style sheet. For HTML and XHTML documents, this would be done within an embedded style sheet:
My Document@import url(site.css);@import url(navbar.css);@import url(footer.css);body {background: yellow;}
Note that @import
directives can appear at the top (and, according to the specification,