Rote-Meto Comparative Dictionary
Rote-Meto Comparative Dictionary Owen Edwards Published by ANU Press The Australian National University Acton ACT 2601, Australia Email: Available to download for free at A catalogue record for this book is available from the National Library of Australia ISBN (print): 9781760464561 ISBN (online): 9781760464578 WorldCat (print): 1268571904 WorldCat (online): 1268255637 DOI: 10.22459/RMCD.2021 This title is published under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). The full licence terms are available at Cover design and layout by ANU Press. Cover photograph by Kirsten Culhane. This edition 2021 ANU Press
vii Acknowledgements While this comparative dictionary is collated by only one author, much of the data was collected by many others. I would like to thank all those who generously shared their unpublished lexical databases, listed in alphabetical order by surname of first author (see 1.3 for more information): Misriani Balle and Stuart Cameron (Helong); John Christensen (Kisar); Joo Cristo Rei and Mark Donohue (Galolen); Kirsten Culhane, Laurence Jumetan, and Yedida Ora (Amfo'an); James Fox (Termanu ritual language); Charles E. Grimes, Evelyn Cheng, Enna Adelaide Hayer-Pah, Jonathan Pandie, Neng Mulosing, and Johnny M.
Banamtuan (Tii), Yustin Nako, Paulus Nako, Misriani Balle, and Johnny M. Banamtuan (Rikou), Thersia Tamelan (Dela), Catharina Williams-van Klinken (Fehan Tetun); as well as Albert Zacharias, Adika Getroida Balukh, Misriani Balle, and Johnny M. Banamtuan (Lole). I would also like to thank my many consultants who provided me with data from their languages. It is with great regret that I do not have enough space to list all those who have generously shared knowledge of their languages. Nonetheless, I must mention the following people: Dominggus Atimeta (Timaus), Heronimus Bani (Kotos Amarasi), Toni Buraen and family (Ro'is Amarasi), Yulius Iu (Landu), Melianus Obhetan and family (Ro'is Amarasi), Yedida Ora (Kotos Amarasi), Pieter Sijoen (Oepao), Ferdis Tasae (Funai Helong), and Manuel Un Bria, Emerentiana Uduk, and Aloyisus Nurak (all Kusa-Manea).
I would further like to thank several scholars who have contributed in various ways. Tom Hoogervorst consulted an earlier version of this dictionary and identified many forms that are ultimately loans. Malcolm Ross also read an earlier version of this dictionary and identified a number of forms that are inherited from a higher node, as well as a few connections between Proto-Rote-Meto reconstructions and Proto-Oceanic. Antoinette Schapper first invited me to present on Rote-Meto at the international workshop on language contact and substrate in the languages of Wallacea and thus gave me the impetus to launch this project. She also suggested that the work be structured around Proto-Rote-Meto reconstructions with a clearer demarcation between Rote-Meto forms and out-comparisons. This has greatly improved the clarity of the work compared to early drafts.
Rote-Meto Comparative Dictionary viii Marian Klamer provided me with the job during which much data was added to this dictionary and many revisions were carried out. I am happy to say that this publication was supported by the VICI research project Reconstructing the past through languages of the present: the Lesser Sunda Islands, funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, project number 277-70-012. Mark Donohue has greatly influenced my thinking on the history of Austronesian languages. He also invited me to the workshop in Kupang in July 2012 where I first encountered the languages and people of Timor. I also need to thank Charles Grimes. Apart from his constant encouragement and support, Im sure that this is a project that Chuck would have loved to have worked on himself, in some form or another.
I am humbled by his generosity in allowing me to do this work. Finally, the deficiencies that undoubtedly remain in this work are entirely my own responsibility and none of the people mentioned in these acknowledgements are responsible for them.
ix Abbreviations and symbols * reconstruction (asterisk) ** pseudo-reconstruction (see = clitic (equals sign) # cognate set spread by borrowing (hash) - productive affix (hyphen) borrowed word (ordinal indicator) / historic compound; neither member independent (slash) ~ reduplication (tilde) vowel sequence formed by diphthongisation (tie; see 2.5.3) _ historic compound; one member no longer independent (underscore) | historic affix (vertical bar) CEMP Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian CER Central East Rote (Nuclear Rote except Tii and Lole) CERM Central East Rote and Meto CMP Central Malayo Polynesian dJ de Josselin de Jong (1947) J Jonker (1908) M Middelkoop (1972) Mo Morris (1984) nRM Nuclear Rote-Meto nRote Nuclear Rote (Rote except Dela-Oenale and Dengka) On Onvlee (1984) PCEMP Proto-Central-Eastern Malayo-Polynesian PCMP Proto-Central Malayo-Polynesian PMeto Proto-Meto PMP Proto-Malayo-Polynesian PnMeto Proto-Nuclear Meto (Meto except Ro'is Amarasi) POc Proto Oceanic Rote-Meto Comparative Dictionary x
PnRote Proto-Nuclear Rote PRM Proto-Rote-Meto PWMP Proto-Western Malayo-Polynesian PwRM Proto-West Rote-Meto PwRote Proto-West Rote UBB Unit Bahasa dan Budaya (Language and Culture Unit) wRM West Rote-Meto wRote West Rote (Dela-Oenale and Dengka)
xi Speech varieties listed in the dictionary Rote-Meto speech varieties Lect Rote/Meto ISO Glottocode Amanatun Meto aoz aman1264 Amanuban Meto aoz aman1264 Amanuban, South Meto aoz aman1266 Amfo'an Meto aoz amfo1237 Ba'a Rote llg baaa1237 Baikeno Meto bkx baik1238 Bilbaa Rote bpz bilb1242 Bokai Rote twu boka1251 Dela Rote row dela1252 Dengka Rote dnk deng1253 Fatule'u Meto aoz amfo1237 Keka Rote twu keka1234 Ketun Meto Kopas Meto Korbafo Rote twu korb1237 Kotos Amarasi Meto aaz koto1251 Kusa-Manea Meto aoz kusa1252 Landu Rote rgu land1257 Lole Rote llg lole1239 Meto Meto aoz uabm1237 Miomafo Meto aoz moll1242 Molo Meto aoz moll1242 Oenale Rote row oena1237 Oepao Rote rgu oepa1237 Rikou Rote rgu nucl1538 Ro'is Amarasi Meto aaz rois1241 Termanu Rote twu pada1259 Tii Rote txq tiii1241 Timaus Meto Meto is used when a form is taken from Jonker (1908) who does not specify which variety of Meto his data is from. Rote-Meto Comparative Dictionary xii Speech varieties (with at least four occurrences) in out-comparisons Lect Region Sub-region ISO Glottocode Alorese Alor-Pantar Alor and Pantar aol alor1247 Anakalang Sumba west Sumba akg anak1240 Asilulu C. Maluku Ambon Island asl asil1242 Bima Sumbawa East Sumbawa bhp bima1247 Bolok Helong Timor west Timor heg helo1244 Bugis Sulawesi south Sulawesi bug bugi1244 Buru C. Maluku Buru mhs buru1303 Central Lembata Flores Solor Islands lvu kali1300 Central Nage Flores central Flores nxe cent2355 Dadu'a Timor Atauro dadu1237 Dhao Timor Dhao nfa dhao1237 East Tetun Timor east Timor tet east2473 Ende Flores central Flores end ende1246 Fehan Tetun Timor central Timor tet sout2898 Funai Helong Timor west Timor heg funa1237 Galolen Timor east Timor gal galo1243 Haruku C.
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