Healthy Eating and LifestylePlan for Vegetarians
Copyright 2014 KaylaItsines
Published by Kayla Itsinesat Smashwords
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About the authors
Kayla Itsines
The Bikini Body Training Company PtyLtd
I began my study in 2008 at theAustralian Institute of Fitness. Upon completing the AIF MasterTrainer course, I began working at a female- only personal trainingcentre in Adelaide, South Australia. Soon after, I started my ownbusiness called The Bikini Body Training Company Pty. Ltd. and fromthere it began! After such an amazing response to my business inthe first 6 months, I began to build an online presence viaInstagram and Facebook that essentially became my blog.
This is where I started to uploadclient transformations, healthy eating ideas and some training tipsfor all the women I couldnt reach around the world. In 2012, Ialso teamed up with my partner's company, Fresh Fitness Solutions(founded in 2011), so we could run bootcamps in order to servicemore women who wanted our help.
It is now 2014 and we pride ourselveson our bikini body training, helpful nutrition guidelines and mostimportantly, continuing to help our clients achieve incredible,life-changing results. Together, we hope to continue bringinglife-changing experiences to more and more women around the world!Including YOU!
Tobi Pearce
Fresh Fitness Solutions
After winning my first naturalbodybuilding competition in 2011 (WNBF Light-Heavyweight Division),I decided to study personal training at the Australian Institute ofFitness. This was secondary study to a double degree in Businessand Commerce I had recently been studying.
Competing in bodybuilding at acompetitive level made me realise my underlying passion for thehealth and fitness industry.
My transformation from the 60kgclassical musician in high school to a 102kg bodybuilder was hugelymotivating for not only myself, but as I soon learned, my clientsand many others too. I used to be under the impression that successwith sport, music and education were most valuable tome.
The amount of knowledge I gained andapplied to achieve my goals in natural bodybuilding became hugelybeneficial when coaching my first few clients. However, I quicklyrealised that the success of my clients was much more fulfillingand motivating than my own. As my passion for client results grew,I realised that together with my beautiful partner, Kayla Itsines,we could have a positive impact on more women's lives.
I believe that healthyeating is essential for everyone! I also believe that people havethe right to choice when it comes to the food they eat.
While I myself am not a vegetarian, itis my mission to help girls obtain adequate amounts ofmacronutrients and micronutrients while being able to fit in withintheir chosen dietary choices. This is why I have created thisNutrition Healthy Eating and Lifestyle Plan (H.E.L.P) forVegetarians!
Within this eBook I have made referenceto, and based my recommendations on, three of the more common typesof vegetarianism. Both myself and the Accredited PractisingDietitians of NPA Pty. Ltd. (Nutrition Professionals Australia)acknowledge that there are certain nutrients that are moredifficult to obtain when following a vegetarian diet. For thisreason, I have highlighted these and
provided recommendations as to how tomeet the required daily intake.
I will begin by saying that beingvegetarian means different things to different people. It isdifficult to define! Because of this, I will highlight that thereis not one meal plan or set of recommendations that will fit allindividuals who have adopted this lifestyle. For this reason, Ihave provided you with four example menus to suit those following apescatarian diet, four example menus to suit those following alacto-ovo vegetarian diet, and six example menus for thosefollowing a vegan diet.
As following a vegetarian dietrestricts or removes foods from one or more food groups, it isimportant that you liaise regularly with your doctor for regularcheck ups to ensure that you are in good health.
Healthy eating is essential foreveryone. I am not in the business of promoting exclusionary diets(i.e. no carbs or fats), but I am in the business of advocatingbalanced, healthy eating based on the Australian Guide to HealthyEating. These guidelines are publicly available and can be readilyaccessed by visiting the following website: eating
Originally, this eBook was developed tosuit my market of women aged 16-25 years who want to obtain what wecall a bikini body. Since
the release of my Nutrition HELP over ayear a go, women all over the world even into their 40s are usingthis information and are achieving amazing results.
To me, a bikini body is not a certainbody weight, size or look, but rather a state where YOU areconfident, healthy and feel good about yourself and yourbody.
Fresh Fitness and I have taken the timeto research and write this eBook as one of our resources to suitthe health and fitness goals of women all over the world. Theinformation in this eBook is based upon a combination of variousresearch articles and personal experiences from both my clients andmyself. Through the healthy eating advice and recommendationsprovided, this resource is intended to further educate and assistwomen work toward their goals.
This information provided within thisNutrition HELP will cover all of your nutritional requirements andprovide you with a foundation of nutritional knowledge. Thisincludes:
14 day meal plan,consisting of three meals and two snacks per day
2 days to suit pescatariandi- ets that also include eggs and milk
2 days to suit pescatariandi- ets that also includes milk only
4 days to suit lacto-ovovege- tarian diets
6 days to suit vegandiets
Full recipes for alldinner meals
Information about the fivefoods and serving sizes
Comprehensive educationsec- tion, including information about macronutrients, importantmicro-nutrients, how to alter the meal
plan to suit common dietaryintolerances, and the science behind effective, maintainable weightloss
Cooking tips andinformation on food hygiene, cheat meals, alcohol, advice foreating out
Comprehensive FrequentlyAsked Questions (FAQ) section
We acknowledge that everyone is anindividual. In this way, we wish to be seen as advocates for posi-tive health with a focus on educating our audience and promotinghealthy attitudes around the bikini body ideology.
Previous experience tells me that youneed to focus on all aspects of lifestyle such as eating, training,rest- ing and rehabilitation in order to reach your goals. Us- ingthis eBook in conjunction with proper training
can help YOU to obtain the best resultsin the same way many of my clients have!
Please visit tofind out how you can maximise your results using my Bikini BodyTraining Guide. Together, the training advice in my Bi- kini BodyTraining Guide and the healthy eating advice/recommendationsprovided herein, are in- tended to further educate and assist womento work toward their health and fitness
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