Barbara Wolf & Margaret Anderson
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2013 by Barbara Wolf & Margaret Anderson. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 08/07/2013
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This book is dedicated to Barbaras husband Jack and to the rest of the world.
We firmly believe in what we believe, and we realize you may not agree with everything we believe. Probably we would not agree with everything you agree with. But, let us put aside our differences and let us be friends.
Its the world that matters. Mother Earth needs help and we are trying to give it to her. That is all that is expected.
Chief Golden Light Eagle, Lakota Nation.
Grandmother SilverStar, Cherokee/Lakota Nation.
Patricia Cota-Robles and musician son. Musical Rapture.
James Tyberonn and Archangel Metatron.
Ronna Herman and Archangel Michael.
Hideo and Michiko Nakazawa, Japan.
Mitsuru Ooba, Japan.
Hiroyoshi Kawagishi, Japan.
Judy and Peter Dix, USA.
Fumi Johns Stewart, World Peace Prayer Society, USA.
Annelies Kessler, Switzerland.
Carmen Balhestero, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Marilu Montenegro and Marilene Pitta, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Loide Bedran, Brazil.
Ana Maria da Silva Ramos, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
2013 And Beyond begins with the ending of the year 2012, specifically the date December 12, 2012, 12-12-12.
12-12-12 is one of the major dates for preparing Mother Earth to live in a complex 144 grid system of crystals and crystalline fields. This preparation extended over a long period of time and it was nearly complete by December 12, 2012. One concern was the predicted 12-12-12 activation of the Ruby Fire Crystal of Bimini. It was dormant for over 12,000 years except on occasion it influenced the discharging of massive negative energy. Would this happen now?
When 12-12-12 was ready to arrive, a warning was put out that people should stay far away from Bimini because of the worry of negative energy. In our opinion, 12-12-12 negative energy could disrupt Mother Earths crystalline network so carefully put into place, and therefore, any disturbance needed to be stopped.
Another concern by some was the predicted demise of Mother Earth on December 21 or 22. Others predicted that this would be a time of birthing a new Mother Earth. We preferred to think there would be a 2013 and beyond. To insure this, we turned our attention to the Ruby Fire Crystal to stop any release of negative energy.
B arbaras Journal, December 11, 2012:
The days work will be one day before December 12. Music will be the key.
We will clean negative energy off the Ruby Fire Crystal and program it to Peace, Love, and Light. First, we spread out a big world map and we line it with photographs of Masters. We want their energy to help us with todays work.
We begin playing sacred Musical Rapture, sitting in meditation, listening, waiting for the Angelic Kingdom to begin singing. That is the way to reach zero point. I look at the Ruby Fire Crystal of Bimini. Its energy field looks good. I am ready to send Peace, Love, and Light energy to it if I see any indication that its energy is negative.
I wait, searching. The energies of the Ruby Fire Crystal remain okay.
For one hour I listen to the entire music and everything is okay. But, after the music ends, the Higher Worlds give me a command to diminish the fire in the Kamchatka area. Last night on television news I saw photographs of a volcano that just exploded in that area, and the news said this is one of most active volcanic areas on the planet. Oh dear!
A few years ago, the Higher Worlds asked me to stop a Pacific plate shift off the Kamchatka Peninsula. The method used to alert me was to show me a tsunami and a wide river of water with dead people wearing white coats floating down the river. I worked with another woman to stop a plate shift, and afterwards I asked the Higher Worlds why they had shown me a tsunami with dead people when it did not happen. The Higher Worlds said it would have happened if we had not stopped the plate shift.
And so, today the Higher Worlds tell me to lessen the fire potential in the Kamchatka area and I understand all too well that the activity happening just now on Mother Earth could augment fires coming to the surface from her interior. This would upset the balance we want. I do not have a plan. What can I do?
Then I remember that Pele, goddess of fire and volcanoes, conducts the Pacific orchestra. Those who play under her baton are Big Ones, guardians of particular volcanoes. I tell Pele that the Kamchatka Peninsula needs to diminish fire potential and I give her the work.
Now it is 11:45 a.m. For many years, noon has been the high point of my meditation work. The power is strong now. Very strong. I am thinking that now is the moment to change any negative energies to the positive . and yes . the POWER IS VERY STRONG NOW.
I see that the negative energies programmed to emerge at the Ruby Fire Crystal area are READY.
My mind is full on stopping any emerging negative energy. FULL ON.
My thoughts are PEACE, LOVE, LIGHT.
Over and over and over again, MY THOUGHTS ARE ON THIS.
The music helps. When a certain tone is sounded, I think PEACE.
Then another tone is struck and I think LOVE.
Another tone is struck and I think LIGHT.
Several times the music repeats these tones and I repeat my thoughts.
But, I begin to realize that the negative power is lessening.
Lessening, Lessening, Lessening.
The negative energy is gone.
The work is done.
Now I connect to crystal skull Max. I watch him sending codings for Mother Earth for her dress that I call her 144 crystalline grid dress.
All is well.
Margarets Channeling, December 11, 2012:
I have my crystal team close to me. I ask this team to speak 12-12-12 wisdom.
They answer that joy is the prime frequency for 12-12-12, the lightness of spirit. They say to follow their crystalline energy line Earth Energy, Solar Energy, Galactic Energy, Universal Energy. They all come from different places and their frequencies join for Mother Earth. The team knows the Crystalline Grid fires up tomorrow (12-12-12) and the team wants to be placed on the golden scarf given to me in Brazil that holds the energy of love. I do as they wish. I know their energy will boost the energy of Mother Earth because all will work together.
Now I am speaking to Max, the crystal skull, who says the crystals are like an orchestra and he is the conductor. He has an answer when I ask him if he is checking to hear his orchestra practicing. He says there is so much anticipation for 12-12-12. People do not know if they are observers or part of the orchestra. On 12-12-12 the human body comes alive with crystalline energy. The cells are all tuned up. They are humming.
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