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Copyright 2013 by Chris Johnson. All rights reserved.
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Johnson, Chris, 1957
On target living : your guide to a life of balance, energy, and vitality / Chris Johnson.
pages cm
ISBN 978-1-118-43529-8 (pbk.); ISBN 978-1-118-63297-0 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-63296-3 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-63295-6 (ebk)
1. Health behaviorPopular works. 2. Health promotionPopular works. 3. Industrial hygienePopular works. I. Title.
RA776.9.J64 2013
There are so many people who were instrumental in the development and completion of this book. I'd like to begin by thanking many of my teachers. To Miss Ellis, my sixth-grade teacher, who believed in me. To my college professors, Dr. Louis Junker, Dr. Wayne Van Huss, Dr. William Heusner, and Dr. Kwok Ho. Thank you for sharing your passion and vision and opening my eyes to a life's work in health and fitness.
To my mentor Al Arens, your guidance and support made a huge impact on my life!
To my colleagues Phil Nuernberger, Bena Long, Matthew Cross, Diana Doroftei, and Anna Callori, who I have learned from and been supported by; they inspired me to keep learning and growing.
Thanks to all my wonderful friends and family who have supported me from the beginning.
To all our faithful On Target Living readers, followers, whose letters, phone calls, e-mails, and testimonials motivate and drive me everydayI thank you!
To our wonderful team at On Target Living, Matt, Dawn, Sherri, Tab, Toni, Regie, and CJ: you are truly changing lives every day!
To brother, sister, and Annette: your love over the years has been a guiding force in my life.
And to my wife, Paula; my daughter, Kristen and her friend Sean, my son, Matt, daughter-in-law, Holly, and my dog, Dolly, for all your love and support.
To my mom and dadthank you for your guidance, support, and most of all your love!
Why On Target Living?
What makes On Target Living different from other health and fitness programs? The answer is Balance! With over 46,000 diet and nutrition books on the market today, and countless exercise DVDs, books, and programs, don't we have enough information to keep us healthy and performing at our best? The answer is yes! But what most people are missing for better health and performance is balance!
The On Target Living philosophy is centered around balance. Helping people understand how quality nutrition, proper rest and rejuvenation, along with regular exercise, keep the mind and body working in harmony. For over 30 years, I have watched people work hard in the gym and get little results. Or follow a strict nutritional program only to abandon ship only after a month or two.
Each year I receive hundreds of e-mails and phone calls from people all over the world who may be struggling with their health, energy, or performance. I try to help them understand that the answer to their high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, or getting a good night's sleep does not come from a prescription pad. That losing weight does not need to be a low calorie diet tied to intense exercise. Or the solution to erectile dysfunction or low testosterone may not be a pill or hormone replacement therapy, but learning how to control stress.
What do performance, productivity, and success mean to you? I believe many people view this as a financial description. If you are successful, you make a lot of money; if you are a top performer, you earn the most income; if you have the most productive sales team, you get the largest commission. What if I told you none of this matters if you don't have your health, or better yet, you can have greater performance, be more productive and have more success in your life, if you take control of your health!
How can being overweight affect your work? How can being on multiple medications affect your relationships? Is your energy not what it used to be? Why are my kids overweight? These are a few questions to think about. Each one is related to performance in some way, shape or form.
I have witnessed the positive change that comes when people adopt a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle. A better understanding of simple nutrition has not only improved their health, but changed their life. An important, though often overlooked, part of lasting success is finding the energy and vitality to complete your goals. Companies are spending a significant amount of money and resources to find solutions that will help their employees overcome the challenges of daily fatigue. The first step to solving these problems is a system of health and energy strategies.
Peak Performance: Something I have and something you want!
As I have evolved throughout my career, I have made some dramatic changes in my teachings, but the one thing that really stands out is how nutrition, rest, and exercise relate to PEAK performance. What I call PEAK performance is not something you compare to others, but your ability to perform, you being your best. Being your best as a parent, spouse, friend, boss, employee, athlete, grandparent, neighbor, or volunteerall aspects of your life. If you are not feeding your body, resting properly, or exercising enough, you can never reach your full potential. As you read further in this book, think about where you want to go. Is your health and fitness where you want it to be? Are you on a path to greater success in your life? How do you want to be remembered? Let
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