Paleo Diet Secret Guide For Beginners: How to Lose Weight and Get Healthy from Paleo Diet
C opyright 2013 by G.H. Team
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Published By G.H. Team.
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D octors, researchers and health experts around the world agree on one thing; most of the current health issues facing the world today result from the modern diet. Yes, this is true. Our eating habits have changed so much that our genetic makeup has been altered to work accordingly. The problem is that some of these adjustments can cause more harm than good.
The modern diet consumed by most societies consist of highly refined foods, trans sugars and fats as well as spices which have tremendous effects on the functioning of the genetic machinery. This leads to the development of degenerative disorders including diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer's diseases, Parkinsonism and even reproductive disorders.
Because of this worrying trend, health experts around the world have put many people-hours in research to find the best solution in terms of the diet to adopt to prevent the development of the above-mentioned health problems. Thus the concept of Paleo diet was born. From its inception, Paleo diet has shown a lot of efficacy in maintaining health, which we will cover later in this book.
The Paleo diet consists of only real and whole foods. However, some natural but packaged or bottled sauces and condiments are allowed. The basic rules of the diet, automatically eliminate a great range of those preservatives found in so many foods today along with hidden sugars, additives, sodium, coloring, artificial flavoring, and so much more. In a result, you will then be able to eliminate all the unnecessary toxins that you would normally consume on a regular basis by eating more nutrients. The best part about the Paleo diet is the fact that it is very filling as well. The Paleo diet also promotes protein as one of the main things to eat in your diet, allowing the body to increase muscle mass while burning fat.
Overall, the Paleo diet is one of the best diet out there with a lot of research and results to back it up. It has helped a dozen of people to already lose the weight they need, and most of all, it has helped people to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Chapter 1: Right Now You Know About
The Paleo Diet
What Is The Paleo Diet And What Are Its Health Benefits?
W hat Is Paleo Diet?
Paleo diet or Paleolithic diet is defined as a modern nutritional concept or a plan that is based on the ancient diet made up of unprocessed wild plants and animals. It is believed that this diet was the main source of nutrients that made people in the Paleolithic era healthy, energetic and live longer.
If you do not know what Paleolithic means, here is the explanation. It is a relic period estimated to span 2.5 million years, which ended 10,000 years ago, and which was associated with the development of agriculture and the grain-based diets. These foods were eaten in the purest form without any form of processing or altering. Because of this, Paleo diet is also known as a caveman diet, hunter-gatherer or Stone Age diet.
As used today, Paleo diet refers to actual ancestral diets of humans. A gastroenterologist known as Walter L. Voegtlin in 1970s advanced the initial concept of this diet. From that time, researchers and academicians have authored many papers discussing the role and the benefits of the Paleo diet.
What Does Paleo Diet Entail?
There are several foods considered to fall under Paleo diet. They are centered on the available modern foods that represent those used during the Paleolithic era. Here is what you need to build a health Paleo diet.
Lean proteins
Lean proteins are those derived from grass fed and pasture raise animals meats, dairy products as well as those obtained from vegetables. These are important nutrients for the body because they support muscle strength, helps with immunity and promotes development of the strong and healthy bones.
In addition to these benefits, lean proteins are essential in satiety and determining the frequency and the amount of food taken. This is because they stay longer in the gastrointestinal system, making you feel satisfied for a longer time. You will feel satisfied between meals and this reduces overeating and food cravings which are the two most important causes of obesity and overweight.
Healthy fruits and vegetables
This is a misnomer as all fruits and vegetables are healthy except the processed ones. They contain phytochemicals (phytonutrients) antioxidants as well as vitamins. These act as detoxifiers and cleansers of the body by getting rid of substances that can damage DNA and lead to the development of degenerative diseases such as cancer, neurodegenerative disorders as well as diabetes.
Fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables are the best choices for Paleo diet. Processing can destroy the phytochemicals, denature the vitamins contained in them leading altered effects on the genetics, and predispose to disease development. You will find out the kind of fruits and vegetables that make up a Paleo diet.
Healthy fats
The worst contributor to poor health is fat. This is because certain fats are known to accumulate in the body to cause obesity and through peroxidation, lead to the development of cancer and diabetes among other serious health conditions.
The healthy fats consist of monounsaturated fats and omega-3, which have direct effects in reducing cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease as well as neurological decline. These fats are obtained from seeds, nuts, olive oil, fish oil, avocado and grass-fed meats.
In general, the foods that you should eat according to a Paleo diet include fish and other seafood, lean meat from grass-fed animals, fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, eggs and healthy oils (walnut, olive, avocado, macadamia, flaxseed and coconut). Those foods you should avoid include cereal grains, some dairy products, legumes (peanuts included), processed foods, potatoes, refined sugars, refined vegetable and salts.
Why is Paleo Diet Important?
Researchers, dietitians and health experts around the world agree that Paleo diet is the healthiest diet anyone can adopt in order to see improvements in their health. The areas in which Paleo diet has the most beneficial effects include: