Paleo Diet
The Ultimate Paleo Diet Guide For Losing Weight& Feeling Great
Roberto Thawani
Copyright 2015 Roberto Thawani
Smashwords Edition
Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: What is the Paleo Diet?
Chapter 2: Benefits of the Paleo Diet
Chapter 3: Basic Principles of the Paleo Diet
Chapter 4: How you can lose weight on the PaleoDiet
I want to thank you andcongratulate you for downloading the book, Paleo Diet: TheUltimate Paleo Diet Guide for Losing Weight & FeelingGreat
This book containsstrategies and techniques on how you can adopt the Paleo Diet inyour regular diet so you can reap the rewards that come with it.The human body is not equipped to process many of the modernfoods that are readily available to us. As such, the amount ofsugar, starch and other processed foods that we regularly consumedo not only lead to weight gain but also brings detrimental effectsin our health. With the Paleo diet, you can take advantage of theeating method that has helped our prehistoric ancestors becomehealthy, lean and strong. I hope that through this book, you willbetter understand the concepts and principles of this diet and howyou can start today.
Thanks again fordownloading this book, I hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1: Whatis the Paleo Diet?
Over the recent years, thePaleo diet has become extremely popular which led a lot of peopleto believe that it is a NEW way of eating. What many people do notrealize is that the Paleo diet was conceived nearly 40 years ago.In his book The Stone Age Diet published in 1975, Dr. WalterVoegtlin, a gastroenterologist shared the effectiveness of the newdiet he prescribed to his patients. The diet is basically areplication of the eating patterns of Paleolithic people. Itbasically requires consumption of huge quantities of proteins andfats from animals and only a small quantity of carbohydrates. Inhis book, Dr. Voegtlin further shared that he saw substantialimprovements in the health of his patients suffering from irritablebowel syndrome and Crohns disease who followed the newdiet.
But during that time, thebook was not able to acquire enough readers and followers becausemost people believed in the effectiveness of another diet which waslow fat and low calorie.
After 10 years, The NewEngland Journal of Medicine published the work of Melvin Konner andDr. S. Boyd Eaton which supported the research of Dr. Voegtlin.Luckily, that new report caught the attention of a lot of peoplenot only in the medical community but in media, as well. Because ofthe papers popularity, Melvin Konner and Dr. S. Boyd Eaton wroteand published their book The Paleolithic Prescription: A Programof Diet & Exercise and a Design for Living. The principles ofthe different Paleo diet that many people follow today are based onthe principles written in that book.
You can read a detailedexplanation on how our ancestors from the Paleolithic era eat andwhy their lifestyle can be considered healthy. But more thanexplaining the benefits of the Paleolithic diet and lifestyle, thetwo authors also presented how the prehistoric diet can be adaptedto our modern lifestyle. After laying out the nutritional value ofthe diet during the Paleolithic era, the authors then shared how wecan obtain the same nutrition profile from the food that areavailable to us today. Because of it, the Paleo diet has trulybecome a trend today.
There are actuallydifferent versions of the Paleo diet that you can see today. Themain differences in these versions are in terms of how strict theyrequire you to adhere to the eating patterns of the people duringthe Paleolithic era. The version that you will read in this bookwill basically describe how you can replicate the nutritional valueof the original Paleo diet without being too complicated, hard orimpractical. You will be able to take advantage of the benefits ofthe Paleo diet without the need to change your whole lifestyle andspending a lot of time looking for exotic foods to include in yourdiet. What you will see is a way to practice the Paleo diet using amoderate approach and still see wonderful outcomes.
The modern day Paleo dietis supposed to be designed in such a way that the outcomes andbenefits of the pre-agricultural diet can be duplicated without theneed for replicating the ancient methods used for the prehistoricdiet. Well, if you want to know, yes, there are avid Paleo devoteeswho literally forage, gather and hunt for all of their foodsupplies but you do not really need to follow their steps in orderto benefit from the Paleo diet. Yes, you can have the same resultsby getting food straight from the farmers markets, health foodstores and even grocery stores.
Chapter 2:Benefits of the Paleo Diet
Aside from successfullylosing and maintaining your ideal weight over the long term, hereare the other benefits you can get from the Paleo diet:
It can prevent or reversemetabolic syndrome
Metabolic syndrome is acollection of several risk factors that increases your risk ofacquiring certain diseases like heart disease, stroke and diabetes.With the Paleo diet, you will lessen or even prevent the occurrenceof these risk factors. You do this by removing all the foods thatare known to cause these illnesses such as fatty foods, refinedsugar, processed foods and white flour.
Enhance the health of yourheart
This is actually one ofthe main reasons why the Paleo diet has caught the attention ofmany medical experts. The good fats and lean proteins included inthe diet are known to be vital in maintaining a healthy heart.Since the Paleo diet includes fish, lean meat and shellfish, youwill consume less of the harmful saturated fats while consuming thegood fats that can lessen your triglycerides and bad cholesterol.In the long term, you can lessen or even possibly reversearteriosclerosis which is considered the main cause of aneurysm,blood clotting, and stroke.
Enhanced digestivehealth
Since you will beeliminating a lot of processed legumes and grains from your diet,you will have lower chances of acquiring certain diseases likeCrohns disease, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and celiacdisease. With the Paleo diet, you will be encouraged to eat foodthat are rich in fiber like vegetables and fruits that can aid influshing your digestive system and keeping your colon clear andclean.
Enhanced ImmuneSystem
When you eliminate thefoods that your body is not really genetically prepared to digest,you will lessen your risk of having allergies and other problemswith your immune system such as rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgiaand lupus.
Chapter 3:Basic Principles of the Paleo Diet
One of the things aboutPaleo diet that you need to grasp is how its food pyramid is adirect inversion of the food pyramid that the USDA recommends. Asmentioned in the previous chapter, the Paleo diet is generally highin protein and low in carbohydrates. As such, meat, seafood andeggs will comprise a big portion of your daily calories. Then afterthe proteins, the next group is the fats from vegetables, fruitsand plant foods. Then the next food group is the seeds andnuts.
What should NOT be on yourPaleo Plate?
If you truly want to reapthe benefits of the Paleo diet, you should not only be mindful ofthe foods that you will eat but also of the foods that you shouldNot EAT. When you change the elements and proportions of your dailydiet, you are just doing half of the Paleo diet. In order to do thesecond half, you also need to eliminate the foods that canencourage fat storage and blood sugar problems that can slow yourmetabolism. The foods that you need to eliminate include thefollowing:
Sugar: One of the biggestbenefits you can get from the Paleo diets is that you can actuallylower your blood sugar levels. This can help lessen your risk ofacquiring diabetes and metabolic syndrome. You can get thesebenefits partly because of the elimination of sugar in your diet.But you need to make sure that you also stay away from artificialsweeteners that are used as substitutes for sugar. But dont worry.You can still use honey to sweeten your food because honey was mostprobably used by our Paleolithic ancestors, as well. Just make surethat you use it in moderation.