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Bef ore Reading: Building Back ground Knowledge and V oc abulary Building back ground knowledge can help childr en proce ss new information and build upon what they already know . Before r eading a book, it is important to tap into what childr en already know about the to pic. This will help them deve lop their vocabulary and incre ase their reading compre hension.
Think about it
W hy do people enjoy paying attention to celebrities?
2. W hat is this celebrity famous for?
3. W hat are some of the qualities about celebrities that mak e them stand out? 4. W hat are the similarities and die rences between a celebrity and a hero/hero ine? 5. H ow does a persons pr ofessional c areer connect them to pers onal experiences? 6. H ow does what we know about the w orld shape the way we vie w ourselves ? How do our personal experiences shape our view of others?
8. H ow does the media shape our view of the world and our selves?
During Reading: Reading f or Meaning and Understanding T o achieve dee p comprehension of a book, childr en are e ncouraged to use close re ading strategies. During re ading, it is important to have childre n stop and make connections. These connections result in deeper analysis and unders tanding of a book.
Close Reading a T ext During r eading, have childre n stop and talk about the following: Any confusing parts A ny unknown word s T ex t to text, text to self, text to world connections The main idea in each chapter or heading
Encourage childre n to use context clues to determine the meaning of any unknown wor ds. These strategies will help childre n learn to analyze the text more thor oughly as they re ad.
When you are fi nished reading this book, turn to the next-to-last page fo r After Reading Questions and an Activity .
V ocabulary Wo rds: a nnulled e mpower e nvironmentally
Voc abulary: Voc abulary Is Ke y to Reading Comprehension Use the f ollowing directions to pr ompt a conve rsation about each wor d.
R ead the vocabulary wor ds.
W hat comes to mind when you see each word ? W hat do you think each word means?
f air-t rade o rganic publicize
e nvironmentally (en-vye -ruhn- MENT -u h-lee): relat ed to Earth and its living th ings, bodie s of wat er, and atmosphere
Fa shi onista fo r Gd
R ed-carpet re gular Emma W at son wants clothes that do more than just look good. Her clothing should be environmentally
friendly . And the people who make her clothes should hav e decent working conditions.
Y oud ne ver know by looking at it , but Emma s beautiful dre ss is ma de from 49 feet (1 5 meters ) of leftov er fabric. She wore it on her Beauty and the Beast tour in 2017 .
or ganic (or-GA N-ik): made using only n atural pr oducts an d without labo ratory -made fert ilizers or pestic ides
A t the Met Gala in 201 6, fans adored Emmas eco-consci ous gown. It was made from recy cled plastic bottl es spun into fabric. The out fit wa s lined with organic
silk. Even the zippers were m ade with recycled materials.
No Fast Fashion for W atson Emma believes clothes should be worn many times. She uses the hashtag #30wears on her social media accounts.
Emma wore eco- friendly fashion w hile on tour for the film Beauty and the Beast in 2017 . She chose designers care fully . She looked at how the cloth ing was prod uced. She looked at its eect on th e environment.
E mma helped design cloth ing for a fair-trade fashion company . She trav eled to Bangladesh. She met garment ma kers and saw their wo rking conditions. She said fair tra de is keeping ski lls and communities alive .
fair-trade (fair- TR ADE): a way of buying and selling products th at makes su re the people who ma ke the goods are paid a fair price
e mpower (em-POU- ur): to help pe ople control thei r own lives and claim their right s
Gende r Eq uality Is
Ever yone s Iue
Emma is a Unit ed Nations (UN) W ome n Goodwill Ambas sador . Her role is to help empower young women. She leads a campaign to promote gender equalit y called HeForS he. HeForS he calls for men to help solve equalit y is sues.
Noticing Inequality
People called Emma bossy when she was a child. She realized that boys who acted like she did werent called that.
F eminism by def inition is the be lief that men and women should ha ve equal rights and opport unities, Emma said in a UN speech. Nobe l Peace Prize wi nner Malala Yo usafz ai began calling her self a feminist after hearing E mmas speech.
Malala Yo usafz ai
Just a W ord
Feminism is another word for equality , Malala said. Before Emmas speech, she felt uncomfortable with the word.