Use a New Nutritional Approach forGetting Rid of Your Gout
By Rudy S Silva, Nutritionist
Gout Diet 2013, Updated 2019, Cover updated2018 by Rudy S Silva
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Is this a Diseaseof the Rich?
It was thought at one time that gout was adisease that only the elderly, rich, and others who overatedeveloped this condition. However, with the increase in processedfood and the appearance of junk food, those that favored this foodbecame victims of an acid body and of excess uric acid.
The Real Cause of Gout
The real cause of gout is an imbalance of theacid-alkaline substances in your body. There are two differenttypes of acids that you need to be concerned with and eliminatewhen you have gout excess body acids and uric acid.
How this acid-alkaline imbalance occurs, howit creates gout, and what you can do about it is what this book isall about.
Once you rebalance your acids, you not onlyget rid of gout, but you create an alkaline body that is lesssusceptible to disease.
Gout and Arthritis
Gout is expressed as a form of arthritis,gouty arthritis," muscle or tissue pain in your body, but is notarthritis. Im sure many of you have had some form of pain in yourlegs or calves that woke you up, at night giving you agonizingpain, if you move your legs. Now, this might not be gout, but thisis the type of pain that gout sufferers experience, but only morepainful and mostly located in their joints.
If you have gout, you may experience piercingsharp pain in your joints, toes, ankles, knees, shoulders orelbows. This pain comes from the formation of needle-like uriccrystals that precipitate and attach themselves to your cartilage,muscle tissue, skin tissue or synovial pouches in your joints.
These uric crystals come from the excess uricacid that travels throughout your blood, and which precipitates toform crystals. Not all people with excess uric acid develop gout.But, if they dont, there are other illnesses that they mightdevelop, without knowing it.
Uric acid is not only responsible for goutbut is the seed for kidney stones.
In this book, you will get a completeunderstanding of what gout is and what is presently known aboutthis condition. In addition, you will find out how to cure thiscondition, using the right foods, techniques, supplements, fruits,and remedies. You will also find out what drugs are presently usedto treat gout.
What Causes Gout
Scientists, medical researchers, doctors, oralternative practitioners often say that they dont know whatcauses gout. But, there is plenty of evidence and informationavailable from many studies that point to why gout occurs.
You will be given a good picture of whatcauses gout. From this information, you will be able to see howvarious natural remedies presented will help you fix, cure oreliminate your gout.
Family History
First of all, studies have shown that if yourfamily members suffer from gout, your chance of having gout are 20%higher. The reason for this might come from the way you developedyour eating habit, as a child. Most family members all eat the samefood and may develop unhealthy eating habits. The impact of pooreating habits will be discussed in later chapters.
Heredity is also a factor for family membersto develop a tendency toward high uric acid levels. When thisoccurs, these family members need to pay closer attention to theirdiet.
Your Medical conditions
There are various medical conditions that canincrease your risk of developing gout. When you have an illness orare taking drugs, chances are you have an acid body. When you havean acid body, you are more prone to having gout. Here are fourconditions that contribute to gout.
high blood pressure (hypertension)
diabetes, both type 1 diabetes and type 2diabetes
kidney disease
having high levels of fat and cholesterollevels in your blood
Kidney Disease
Your kidney is responsible for eliminatingexcess uric acid from your blood. In some people, the kidney may bediseased and it might not able to remove all the excess uric acidfrom your body.
Not all people with hypothyroidism have gout,but those with hypothyroidism tend to have high levels of uricacid. When these people are under hypothyroidism medication, thistends to control their gout.
People with diabetes tend to have higherlevels of uric acid than normal. When people have an insulinresistance condition, this causes excess uric acid.
See A Doctor
There are many other body conditions orillnesses that may appear as gout. So, see your doctor, to confirmit is gout and not some other serious condition.
Gout is an inflammatory disease. Wheninflammation occurs anywhere in your body, it occurs becausesomething is irritating, burning, or damaging your bodysstructure.
Gout is an inflammation of various bonejoints and is considered a form of arthritis. This inflammationoccurs when monosodium urate monohydrate crystals deposit orprecipitate in your joints or in the joint synovial fluid. Whenthese crystals form, they contain sharp points, which tear or cutinto cartilage, bone ligaments, and tissue, causing great pain anddiscomfort.
These crystals can also deposit in majororgans, causing major damage. For this reason, its important totake action on this disease to eliminate it and stop itsreturn.
Gout pain often comes at night, when you aredeep asleep. The sharp pains appear in your toes, joints or calves.Any movement of your legs increases the pain. The pain can beunbearable at times.
Gout pain may last for days or even weeks,and the time between attacks can be weeks or years.
There is pseudogout that mimics theconditions of gout, but this occurs when calcium pyrophosphatecrystals collect in various joints causing pain and inflammation,like in a typical gout condition.
Pseudogout is not caused by high levels ofuric acid but is an imbalance of minerals that keeps calcium out ofsolution. When you dont have enough of the mineral sodium in yourbody, calcium will precipitate into crystals called bone spurs.This condition will also be eliminated with the information in thisbook.
What Causes Urate Crystals to Form?
Urate crystals form when you have animbalance in your acid-alkaline levels. When you have an excess ofacid in your body, uric acid will tend to precipitate and formcrystals.
So, if you have an alkaline body, you willnot have
gout. If you have an acid body, your chancesof having gout are higher.
To get rid of gout you will find, in laterchapters, many ways to make your body more alkaline.