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About this eBook
![Editor Zaina Budaly Art editor Mary Sandberg Managing e ditor Rachel Fox - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/432726/images/bg004_00.jpg)
Editor Zaina Budaly Art editor Mary Sandberg Managing e ditor Rachel Fox Managing a rt editor Owen Pe yt on Jones US edito r Jennett e ElNaggar Product ion edi tor Jacqueline Street -Elk ayam Product ion con troller Meske rem Berhane Senior jack et de signer Stephanie Cheng Hui Ta n Senior jack ets coordinator Priya nka Sharma- Saddi Jacket d esign de velopment manager Sophia M TT Publisher Andrew M acinty re Art direct or Karen Self Associat e publi shing d irect or Liz W heeler Publishing direct or Jonathan Metca lf Consultant and wr iter Jack C halloner First Ameri can Ed ition, 2 Published i n the U nited St ates b y DK Publi shing 1745 Broadway , 20t h Floor , N ew Y or k, NY Content pre viously p ublished i n STEM L ab , Math Make r Lab , Maker La b , Maker La b: Ou tdoors . Copyright 2023 Dor ling Ki ndersley L imited DK, a Division of Peng uin Random House L LC 23 24 2 5 26 27 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 001 9Fe b/2023 All ri ghts reserv ed. Wi thout l imiting t he rig hts under th e copyr ight reserv ed above, no par t of this publica tion may be repr oduced, s tore d in or int roduced into a r etrieval syst em, or tr ansmitt ed, in a ny form , or by any me ans (e lect ronic, me chanical , photoc opying, r ecording, or otherw ise) , with out th e prior writt en perm ission o f the c opyright owner . Published i n Great B ritain by Dorl ing Kind ersley L imited A ca talog r ecord for this bo ok is a vailable fr om the Librar y of Cong ress. ISBN 978 -0- 40-6 970- DK books are avai lable at special discounts when purchased i n bulk for sales promotions, premiums, fu nd-raising, or educ ational use. For deta ils, cont act : DK Publishing Specia l Marke ts, 1745 Broadway , 20t h Floor , N ew Y or k, NY SpecialSales@ dk.com Printed a nd bound in China www. dk.com Establ ished in 6, the Smithsonia n is th e world s larg est m useum and research complex, d edicated to public educat ion, nati onal ser vic e, and scholars hip in th e art s, s ciences, a nd hist ory . It includes 21 mus eums and galleries and the National Zoological Park. The t otal n umber of art ifact s, w orks o f ar t, and spe cimens i n the Smithsonian s col lect ion is est imated a t 15 5.5 million . This book was made with F ore st Stewardship Co uncil certied paperone small step in DKs commitment to a sustainable future . For more information go to www.dk.c om/our-green-pledge
SHAPES AND STRUCTURES Spaghe tti tow er News paper stool Suspensio n bridge G eodesi c dome S turdy sandcast le S ymmetr ical pi ctures Te ssell ating patt ern s Frien dship b rac elets Marble run Pantogra ph Origami jumping frog LIGHT AND SOUND Beaut iful sun print s Singing spoons Spectro scope Buzzer Guitar Lemon b att ery Sensat ional spe ake rs H armonica
NUMBERS AND MEA SUREMENTS Brillia nt ba rometer Rain gau ge Thermome ter Anemomete r Paper sundial Lat itude l ocat or S caling up pict ures Opt ical i llusi ons C raft stick bird feed er Lucky d ip B ake a nd shar e a pi zza P opcorn sale tray Math bin go Fibonac ci spir al co llage 6 M ake y our o wn c lock Tem plates G lossary Index Acknow led gment s
TEC HNOLO GY Thi s sy mbol hig hligh ts more infor mation ab out tools or mate rials. ENGINEERING Thi s sy mbol direc ts y ou to more fact s about structures or machines . MAT HEM AT IC S Thi s sy mbol iden ties ex tra informat ion on formu las, shapes, or measure ments . SCIENCE Thi s sy mbol poin ts o ut facts about bio logy, chemistry , o r physic s. LOOK OUT FO R THESE! STE M icons Placed throu ghout the book are colored symbol s, each repr esent ing a ST E M subj ect. The y are acco mpanied by fast fact s to he lp you under stand a specic ST E M subj ect at work in you r projec t, so watch out for them as you' re going alon g. Wi th all thi s knowledge , you'll b e a ST E M exper t in no ti me!