
Second Edition DK London Senior Editor Geo rgina P alffy Senior Ar t Edi tor Ly nne Moulding US Editor Megan Douglass US E xecutive Editor Lori Cates Hand Managing Editor Fr ancesca B aines Managing Ar t Edit or Phi lip Letsu Senior Production Editor And y Hilliard Production Contr oller Samantha Cross Jacket Designer Surabhi Wad hwa Jacket Design Development Manager Sophia MTT Publisher Andr ew Macintyre Art Di rector Kare n Self Associate Publishing Director Liz Wheeler Publishing Director Jona than Metcalf DK Delhi Editor Shambhavi Thatte DTP Des igner Pawan Kumar Senior Editor Virien Chopra Senior Ar t Edi tor Vikas Chauhan Managing Editor King shuk Ghoshal Managing Ar t Edit or Gov ind Mittal First Edition DK Delhi Project Editor Suefa Lee Project Ar t Edi tor Divya PR Assistant Editor Rij i Raju Art Ed itor Anj ali Sachar Assistant Ar t Edi tors Y as hashvi Choudhary , Simar D hamija DTP De signers Sachin G upta, Ashok Kumar Senior DT P Designer Harish Aggarwal Picture Resear cher Sakshi Saluja Jacket Designer Surabhi Wad hwa Managing Jackets Editor Saloni Singh Senior Managing Editor Roh an Sinha Deputy Managing Art E ditor Anja na Nair DK London Assistant Editor Vicky Richards Senior Editor Fleur Star Senior Ar t Edi tor Spen cer Holbrook US Senior Editor Margaret Pa rrish US Editor Jill Hamilton Jacket Editor Claire Gell Jacke t Design Development Manager Sophia MTT Producer , P re-production Nad ine King Producer Gary B atchelor Managing Editor Fr ancesca B aines Managing Ar t Edit or Phi lip Letsu Publisher Andr ew Macintyre Associate Publishing Director Liz Wheeler Art Di rector Kare n Self Publishing Director Jona than Metcalf Written by Philip Pa rker , Shannon Reed Consultants: Gary Werner , Philip Baselice US Sensitivity Reader: Bianca H ezekiah This American Edition, 2021 First American Edition, 2017 Published in the U nited States by D K Publishing 1450 Broadway , S uite 801, New Y or k, NY 10018 Copyright 2017, 2021 D orling Kindersley Limited DK, a Division of Pe nguin Random House L LC 21 22 2 3 24 2 5 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 001323373J an/2021 All rights reserved. Without l imiting the rights under the c opyright reserved above, no part o f this publication may b e repro duced, s tored in or i ntroduced i nto a retrieva l system, or tr ansmitted, i n any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical , p hotocopying, r ecording, or otherwise), without the prior w ritten permission of th e copyright owner. Published in Great Britain by D orling Kindersley Limited. A catalog reco rd fo r this book i s available from the L ibrary of Congre ss. ISBN 978-0-7440-3710-4 DK books are a vailable at special discounts when p urchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or educational use. For d etails, c ontact: DK Publishing Special Markets, 1450 Broadway , S uite 801, New Y or k, NY 10018 SpecialSales@dk.com Printed and bound i n Canada For t he cur io us www.dk.com This book was made with Fo rest Stewardship Council c ertied paperone small step in DKs commitment to a sustainable future . For more information go to www. dk.com/our-gr een-pledge Established in 1846, the Smithsonian is the worlds largest museum and r esearc h complex, dedicated to public educa tion, national service, and scholarship in the arts, sciences, and history . It includes 19 museums and galleries and the National Zoologic al Park. The total number of artifacts, works of art, and specimens in the Smithsonians collection is estimated at 155.5 million.
Benjamin Harrison William McKinley Theodore Ro osevelt William H. T a Woodro w Wilson Warren G. Hard ing Calvin Coolidge Herbert Hoover Franklin D . R oosevelt Harry S. Tr uman Dwight D. Eisenhower John F . Kennedy Lyndon B. Johns on Richard M. Nixon Gerald R. F ord Jimmy Carter Ronald Re agan George H. W. Bush Bill Clinton George W . Bush Barack Obama Donald Tr ump Joe Biden NOTAB LE FIRST LADIES Martha Wa shington Abigail Adams Dolley Madison Mary T od d Lincoln Frances Cleveland Edith Wilson Lou Hoover Eleanor Roosevelt Jacqueline Kennedy Lady Bird Johnson Betty Fo rd Rosalynn Cart er Nancy Reagan Barbara Bush Hillary Clinton Laura Bush Michelle Obama
The American Revolution The Declaration o f Independence The Draing of t he Constitution Presidential Po wers Presidential Elections The Electoral Sy stem 1 The President and Co ngress The Bill of Rights The Civil Wa r Abolition of Slavery Voting Rights Prohibition Women s Surage Two- Ter m Limit Right to V ote at 18 THE CONSTI TUTION AND THE PRESIDENCY PRESIDENTIAL PLACES AND VEHICLES The White House The Oval Oce The West Wing
GLOSSARY INDEX ACKNOWLEDGMENTS US Presidents S tate by State Extraordinary E lections Vice President s Political P arties Presidential Fun F acts REFERENCE Eisenhower Executive Oce B uilding Blair House Camp David Number One O bservato ry Circle Mount Ver non Monticello Mount Rushmore Air For ce One Cadillac One Ground Fo rce One Marine One Other parties or independents Republican Democrat COLOR KEY This book uses dierent c olors to show t he political party of each president.
Since George W ashing ton took the oath as the rst president of the United State s in 1789, the country has had 46 pr esidents. As the nation s chief executive, pr esidents througho ut the years have faced many domestic and inte rnational challenges in ensuring the prosperity and security of the United State s. MEETING A T TH E OVA L OFFICE Former US pr esidents George H. W. Bush, Barack Obama, George W . Bush, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Ca rter met in the Oval Oce in 2009the rst time since 1981 that all living presidents had been to gether at the White House.