Vegan Im Possible
TheWhys, Hows & What to dos of a Healthy Eating Lifestyle
ByBridgett Tulloh
Disclaimer: No part of this publication may bereproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or transmittedelectronically without direct written permission in writing from the author.
While this book is intended to be informational,there are a multitude of studies that provide concrete health data on thisdiet, in addition to the sources referenced here.
Please be advised that there are accounts of meatand dairy farming practices that may be difficult for the consumer toread. While no actual images ofcruelty are depicted, the reader should be prepared to read about inhumanepractices within the industry.
This book is not a substitute for medicalcare. Please practice individualresponsibility.
Textcopyright 2013 Bridgett Tulloh
AllRights Reserved
Table of Contents
Aboutthe Author : Bridgett Tulloh attended the Duke University Professional Health CoachTraining in 2013. She earned herMasters degree in Education at North Carolina State University, and herBachelors degree in Sociology at the University of North Carolina at ChapelHill. Bridgett spent 10 yearsworking with children with special needs in education and the community. These days, in addition to being afull-time mom, she is currently working as a writer, and is beginning a careeras a Wellness Coach. You can viewher article writing here:
Ive written this book in hopes of giving abeginners guide to a vegan lifestyle. While this book is intended to beinformational, it is based on my opinion and particular references that I haveincluded throughout the book. Muchdata is available to the public regarding the validity of a meat and dairy-freelifestyle. I have read andexplored veganism for about 3 years (at the time of this publication). And though I have previously practiceda 100% vegan diet, I am sympathetic to those who struggle to commit to thislifestyle.
During my pregnancy, I veered from this course,and had difficulty regaining my momentum after my sons birth. It seemed nearly impossible at thetime. For now, we are a mostlyvegan family, and it seems possible again.
My son has never eaten meat, and has had verylimited amounts of dairy. We makeno claims to be perfect eaters and, like everyone, endeavor to do our besteach day. No one makes perfectchoices all the time; though, if you are committed to what you believe isright, you will often find yourself back on the path with time.
There has been some discussion that perhapsvegans promote themselves as taking a moral high ground, and in some way, placethemselves on a dietary and lifestyle pedestal. Many people consider a vegan way of life to involveabstaining from all purchases (shoes, leather chairs, etc.) that were connectedto an animal. In this way, theterm plant-based diet has emerged as similar to a vegan diet, but without themoralistic philosophy behind it.
The emphasis with plant-based diets tends to besolely health focused, rather than with the promotion of ethical causes. However, it should be noted that manypeople use the terms vegan and plant-based diets interchangeably, and in afew instances, it will be referenced in this way throughout the book.
Again, please know that for every considerationproposed and discussed regarding veganism in this book, there are a multitudeof opinions, studies and arguments on both sides, nutritionally. This book is intended to behelpful in establishing, what I believe, are extremely healthy ways of eatingand living.
I hope that through making these healthy changesin your life, you will find enjoyment and better quality of life. You may besurprised by what you learn.
Introduction:Veganism Defined
If youre like me, youve heard of the term vegan for many years. You may have thought it sounded like an extreme lifestylechoice. Vegetarian? Okay,sure. I could do that. But, vegan? What about cheese, milk, yogurt? Could I live without those favorites? And arent those foodshealthy for me anyway?
Well, as it turns out, those foods actually arent healthy for you after all. Weve been duped, you could say. The industries that promote dairy andanimal products are not necessarily looking out for our best interests.
Be your own health advocate and get the realfacts. So, what is veganism, exactly ?
A vegan diet simply meansthat you choose not to eat any animals or animal products.
Its really that simple. Rest assured, you will find loads ofhealthy and tasty alternatives that will help you experience this way of life,without feeling deprived. And whenyou begin to eat the vegan way, you can truly expect to look and feel better.
In the following chapters, Ill tell you whyabstaining from animal foods and products is healthier than the traditionalAmerican diet, and youll learn some unfavorable and unkind basics of the meatand dairy industry. Ill alsodetail some of the specific benefits you will experience by going vegan,including benefits for your health, your spirit and your sense of economy. Well talk about how to incorporatethese changes into your lifestyle, and Ill even give you a true glimpse ofwhat everyday life is really like as a vegan. Lastly, well take a look at some recipes to get youstarted, and some resources for further reading inspiration.
A Personal Story:
I began my vegan journey after a close friendmade the choice. She had read TheKind Diet, by Alicia Silverstone and found herself adopting the lifestyle soonthereafter. She did so quietly,and without any real fanfare about it. She simply made the changes and let others take note.
I asked her one day, as we were enjoying ourauthentic Vietnamese food in a Durham, NC restaurant (I had the pork, she hadthe lotus root soup and tofu platter), about her reasoning. I had not read thebook yet and was curious about the thinking behind being vegan. I wondered things aloud like,
Arentwe designed to eat meat? Didnt our bodies evolve to be meat eaters? Dont you miss cheese and ice cream andsour cream and milk chocolate and yogurt?
And, although Im not quite sure, I probably evenasked her, the infamous vegan question
Wheredo you get your protein?!
The fact is, I liked her answers. This conversation took place a fewyears ago, but a few things still stick with me.
One was this: When I asked her about our bodys need for meat through ourhuman evolution, here is (paraphrasing, of course) what she had to say Yes, our ancestors (roughly our humanhistory for the last 200,000 years or so), did eat animals as part of theirdiet. But I like to think thatwhen they did so, it was in moderation, without it being primary in their diet. I also like to think that when theytook an animals life for their own sustenance, that they did it purely forsurvival, that they had respect for the animal, and that they expressed greatgratitude and reverence for its life.
Its certainly a lot different than how we treatand consume animals today. I thinkabout what she said, and I contrast this image of our ancestors hunting forwild boar and fish, with the modern day, all too familiar images, ofmicrowaveable frozen sausage links, double- and triple- stacked burgers andmystery meat hot dogs. Yes, Idsay there is quite a difference.
This book will shed some much needed light on theway in which our society eats and manufactures food. You may have heard these facts and sentiments echoed inother articles and books. Fortunately, this information is becoming available and moremainstream. Its encouraging thatmore and more people are moving towards a plant-based diet.
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