![Photoshop CC Bible - image 1](/uploads/posts/book/188343/images/cover.jpg)
Photoshop CC
Lisa DaNae Dayley
Brad Dayley
Photoshop CC Bible
Published by
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
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Copyright 2014 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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ISBN: 978-1-118-64369-3
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About the Authors
Lisa DaNae Dayley has been working with Photoshop for 18 years and is still constantly amazed at the cool stuff it can do! With a degree in Advertising from Brigham Young University, DaNae has owned and operated a media creation business for 19 years, incorporating writing, graphic design, and video editing over the years. She also enjoys teaching Photoshop classes locally. She has co-authored several books with her husband Brad and is the author of Photoshop CS3 Extended Video and 3D Bible and Roxio Easy Media Creator 8 in a Snap. DaNae lives in Utah with Brad and their four sons. When she is not at her computer, she can be found in the great outdoors (with a camera), preferably in a Jeep!
Brad Dayley is a senior software engineer with almost 25 years of experience creating computer software. He has been working with Photoshop for 23 years, enjoying the transition of Photoshop from a simple image editor to the powerhouse it is today. He is also the author of several books on a wide variety of topics. He is an avid amateur photographer and spends most of his free time in the remote areas of the western United States with his wife DaNae and four sons (wherever a Jeep can get them).
For D, A, & F!
As always, to Brad, my hero, my biggest fan, my best friend.
Always and Forever.
Our sincere gratitude goes out to the following people without whom this book could not have happened:
Our wonderful boys who, once again, sacrificed time with their mom and dad and took on extra chores so that we could have fun with our favorite hobby: playing with Photoshop and teaching others to love it as much as we do.
To our editors who made the book readable and technically accurate and kept us on track: you really rock. Thanks to Stephanie McComb for getting things rolling. Thanks to Carol Kessel for her inspiration, as well as for keeping us on track and keeping the project moving in the right direction. Thanks to Jade Williams, whose tireless efforts to create a polished end product are much appreciated; we also thank her for her patience when we brutalized the English language. Thanks to Marylouise Wiack for her ability to make the book coherent and enjoyable to read. And thanks to Dennis Cohen for using his technical expertise to watch our back and improve the quality of the book. We appreciated the fresh perspective and Mac point of view; it helped us out on many occasions. Also, thanks to the entire staff at Wiley, who were very professional in helping get this project out the door.
Welcome to the Photoshop CC Bible, the latest edition of the bestselling reference guide on Photoshop in publishing history. Now in its 18th year, the Photoshop Bible is the longest continuously published title on Adobe Photoshop. With numerous U.S. editions, dozens of localized translations around the globe, and hundreds of thousands of copies in print worldwide, the Photoshop Bible has become a must-have for Photoshop users everywhere.
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