John Walkenbachs Favorite Excel 2010 Tips and Tricks
by John Walkenbach
John Walkenbachs Favorite Excel 2010 Tips and Tricks
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About the Author
John Walkenbach is author of more than 50 spreadsheet books and lives in southern Arizona. Visit his Web site:
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Excel is a very popular program. Millions of people throughout the world use it on a regular basis. But its a safe bet that the vast majority of users have yet to discover some of the amazing things this product can do. If Ive done my job, youll find enough useful information in this book to help you use Excel on a new level.
This is the third edition of this book, and I added many new tips and beefed up many of the old tips based on feedback from readers of the previous editions.
What You Should Know
This book isnt a beginners guide to Excel. Rather, its a book for those who already use Excel but realize that they have a lot more to learn. This book is filled with tips and tricks that Ive learned over the years, and Im certain that about 99 percent of all Excel users will find something new and useful in these pages.
If you have absolutely no experience with Excel, this book might not be the best choice for you. To get the most out of this book, you should have some background in using Excel. Specifically, I assume that you know how to accomplish the following tasks with Excel:
Create workbooks, insert worksheets, save files, and perform other basic tasks.
Navigate through a workbook.
Use the Excel Ribbon and dialog boxes.
Use basic Windows features, such as file management and copy-and-paste techniques.
What You Should Have
To use this book, you need a copy of Microsoft Excel 2010 for Windows. If you use an older version of Excel, you should get one of the previous editions of this book.
As far as hardware goes for the computer you use to run Excel, the faster, the better. And, of course, the more memory in your system, the happier youll be.
Conventions Used in This Book
Take a minute to skim this section and learn some of the typographic conventions used throughout this book.
Formula listings
Formulas usually appear on a separate line in monospace font . For example, I might list the following formula: