Ubuntu Linux Toolbox: 1000+ Commands for Ubuntu and Debian Power Users, Second Edition
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As always, I dedicate my work on this book to my wife, Sheree.
Christopher Negus
About the Author
Christopher Negus has more than 25 years of experience teaching and writing about Linux and UNIX. He has authored dozens of books on Linux, including the bestselling Red Hat Linux Bible , Linux Bible , the Linux Toys series, and the Linux Toolbox series.
As an employee of Red Hat Inc., Christopher has achieved certifications that include Red Hat Certified Engineer, Instructor, and Examiner (RHCE, RHCI, and RHCX). Currently, he creates technical content for the Red Hat Customer Portal, which covers topics related to Red Hat Enterprise Linux, virtualization, and cloud computing.
Awards for Christophers writing include Best Linux book of the year for his Red Hat Linux 8 Bible , as voted by readers of Linux World magazine. For the Linux Journal 2009 Readers Choice Awards, his Linux Bible was voted one of the top five Favorite Linux Books of All Time.
About the Technical Editors
Richard Blum has worked in the IT industry for more than 25 years both as a systems and network administrator. He has published numerous Linux and Open Source books, and is an online instructor for web programming and Linux courses that are used by colleges and universities across the U.S. When hes not busy being a computer nerd, he enjoys playing piano and guitar, and spending time with his wife, Barbara, and his two daughters, Katie Jane and Jessica.
David Duffey lives in Austin, TX with his wife and two children and is employed by Canonical, the commercial sponsor of Ubuntu. David is a bit of a geek and holds numerous Linux certifications from Canonical, Red Hat, Novell/SuSe, and LPI. David earned his undergraduate degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science at Kansas State University and his EMBA from the University of Texas McCombs School of Business.
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I would like to acknowledge Canonical Ltd. and the Ubuntu community for their ongoing excellent work producing the Linux-based Ubuntu operating system.
For this edition, I enlisted the excellent skills of David Duffey, Server Partner Programme Manager at Canonical. His help was invaluable when it came to sizing up the new content for this edition. Also on this edition, thanks to Richard Blum (a fine Linux author in his own right) for providing a thorough technical edit on this edition.
Special thanks to Franois Caen for his work as coauthor on the first edition of this book. Also on the first edition, Thomas Blader went far beyond his technical editor title, providing excellent insights and meticulous testing throughout the book. Eric Foster-Johnson came in near the end of the process on the first edition and provided Ubuntu feature enhancements throughout the book.
Thanks to my friends and associates at Red Hat who make it a joy to go to work every day. In particular, thanks to Henry Hutton for his constant encouragement and great ideas promoting my Linux books. And on the home front, thanks to my wonderful wife Sheree and cool son Seth for making it fun to come home too.
At Wiley, Id like to thank Mary James for helping to establish the vision for this book, as well as Maureen Spears for her gentle encouragement to keep me on schedule and for her steady hand developing and editing the book. Thanks to Daniel Scribner for steering it through the production phases. Nancy Rapoports detailed copy editing has added a layer of polish to the book that I couldnt hope to get on my own.
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