I would like to dedicate this book to my extraterrestrial brothers and sisters, to Pan and the nature spirits, to the archangels and angels, to friends from the inner Earth, and lastly to the hidden and lesser-known mystery schools of all faiths that grace this planet.
These less well-known friends and servants of the divine dont often get the gratitude and acknowledgment they so richly deserve for the tireless and often unseen spiritual work they do on humanitys behalf. My prayer is that in the not-too-distant future there will be much more open communication among us all and acknowledgment that we are all brothers and sisters in one universal and multidimensional family.
As it has become clear to more and more people that humans are not the only intelligent beings in Gods infinite creation, the need has arisen for an overview of the extraterrestrial civilizations that are currently contacting Earth. I have attempted to provide that, describing each civilization, along with its beliefs, characteristics, and reasons for being here.
It is also time for widespread awareness of information that is both ancient and Earthly. Many people are unfamiliar with the profound but hidden spiritual teachings of the Essenes, the Kahunas of Hawaii, Pan and the nature kingdom, the angelic kingdom, the Vedas and Upanishads, the Kabbalah, the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the Egyptian mysteries, and the Keys of Enoch, even though they are some of the most profound spiritual teachings that exist on this beloved planet. It is my belief that a well-rounded study of all the worlds religions, mystery schools, and saints, and masters will accelerate your progress on the path toward self-realization.
All in all, the contents of this book are guaranteed to expand your consciousness and change your perception of reality.
Joshua David Stone
Part One: Extraterrestrial Activity in This Universe
Extraterrestrials and Other Governmental Cover-ups
Ninety-five percent of all extraterrestrials visiting our planet are of a positive nature.
During the past five years I have developed an interest in understanding the nature and extent of extraterrestrial involvement with Planet Earth over the course of history. A thousand books would probably not cover the topic, but I will attempt to provide a brief overview of the subject, as I find it a curious phenomenon that a great many very devoted and spiritual people have very little knowledge about extraterrestrial involvement on Earth.
First of all, Gods infinite universe is filled with life. It is the height of egotism to think that humans are the only life form to exist. Extraterrestrials have been visiting Earth since the beginning of time. There were the electrical wars in pre-Lemurian times and later, in Atlantis and Egypt, extraterrestrials visited in great numbers. In Atlantis they helped with crystal technologies and with the building of the great crystal, which was the power source for the entire civilization of Atlantis. Extraterrestrials have come from our galaxy as well as from distant galaxies.
It is important at this point to say that I believe, based on the guidance I have received, that ninety-five percent of all extraterrestrial contact with the humans is of a positive nature. Most of the civilizations are far beyond humanity on technological and spiritual levels. One of the basic laws they follow is that of respecting the free choice of humans and never interfering unless they have been asked for help.