Dr Joshua David Stone
Writers Club Press
San Jose New York Lincoln Shanghai
Secrets of the Ages as Revealed by Spirit and the Masters
All Rights Reserved 2001 by Dr. Joshua David Stone
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ISBN: 0-595-19982-8
ISBN: 978-1-4697-1662-6 (ebook)
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One of the Great Secrets of Spiritual and Worldly Success: Learning to Maintain the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Consciousness and Integration and Balance under All Circumstances of Life
My friends, it is with great joy and pleasure that I begin this book with this chapter. I cannot think of a more important chapter to begin a book with, for here within lies one of the great secrets to both Spiritual and Worldly success!
The great secret of success on all levels deals with the understanding that our thoughts create our reality. That there are only two ways to think in life and only two, and every single person on Earth or in this infinite universe is thinking with one or the other whether they realize it or not. Every person on this planet is either thinking with their Spiritual/Melchizedek/Christ/Buddha/balanced and integrated mind and feelings, or with their negative ego/fear-based/separative/lowerself/selfish/imbalanced and non-integrated mind and emotions. Said in another way, every person sees and experiences life from Love or Fear! From Gods eyes and perspective or the negative egos mind and perspective. This is why it has been said that the definition of God is God equals man minus ego! This is why the Bible says, Let this mind be in your that was in Christ Jesus! By learning to think with our Spiritual/Christ/Buddha mind, we create only positive thoughts, feelings, words, behavior, energy, magnetism, and attraction! When life is seen from this set of Spiritual eyes and thoughts, we create only balance and integration. Are you optimistic or pessimistic? Which set of glasses are you wearing. When you wear your Spiritual glasses you see only unconditional love, forgiveness, lessons, joy, bliss, Spiritual ecstasy, preferences instead of attachments, and inner peace. The world is a projection screen of our own thinking and we are seeing our own movie. Everyone is searching for inner peace and happiness and the great secret of life is that it is a state of mind, a perspective on life. When a person has trained themselves to think with their Spiritual/ Christ/Buddha mind they have inner peace and happiness regardless of what is happening outside of themselves. Whether they have profit or loss, pleasure or pain, sickness or health, success or failure; whether people criticize them or praise them they remain the same. They are always positive and optimistic! The reason for this and one of the key secrets of life is that that when life is seen from Gods eyes, life and all experience becomes the teacher! So, everything that happens happens for a reason, for there are no accidents. From Gods perspective, everything that happens is seen as a Spiritual test, lesson, challenge, an opportunity to grow, a stepping stone for soul growth. Everything that happens, no matter what it is, is seen as a Spiritual test to see if you can remain in your Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/Consciousness! Jesus remained in it, even though he was tortured and physically killed! This was his Spiritual test and his great example to us all. He was not the only Master that demonstrated this for they all did in all religions and Spiritual paths! If you prefer to call it Krishna, Buddha, Moses, Mohammed, Taoist, or just God consciousness, that is fine. The name does not matter! From Gods perspective, Earth is seen as a school or training ground to practice these lessons.
When life is seen from this perspective, instead of reacting to all the things you dont like from your emotional body and getting angry and upset, life becomes almost like a psychological martial arts test to see if you can respond appropriately as God would have you respond. If we want to be with God in Heaven we must act like God on Earth! In every situation of life there is a Spiritual response and a negative ego response, an unconditionally loving response or a fearful and attacking response, an appropriate response and an inappropriate response, a balanced response and an imbalance response!
From Gods perspective, there is never anything bad that happens. There are just lessons and Spiritual tests. From Gods perspective, the appropriate attitude toward everything in life is not my will but thine, oh Lord, thank you for the lesson! From Gods perspective, you should welcome adversity and bless everything that happens. This does not mean you surrender to evil, just the opposite. God wants us to be Spiritual Warriors of Unconditional Love in his service! God wishes us to be Integrated Spiritual Masters! An Integrated Spiritual Master does not give in to illusion or evil, but fights it every step of the way and holds to truth! Did not Jesus say, Get thee behind me, Satan!
An Integrated Spiritual Master fights glamour, illusion and maya, but does so with 100% personal power, unconditional love, calmness, non-victim consciousness, with preference rather than attachment and by being centered and responding, not reacting!
An Integrated Spiritual Master has total mastery over their thoughts, feelings, emotions, speech, behavior, inner child, subconscious mind, lower-self desire, physical body, energy, the earth and earth life!
An Integrated Spiritual Master fights attack and judgement with Unconditional Love. Turns the other check! Always sets the better example. Takes the high road not the low road. Strives for egolessness not egotism. Recognizes that so what if you gain the whole world, if you lose your own Soul. They recognize that after pride cometh the fall! They recognize that the Greatest among you is the servant of all!
The Integrated Spiritual Master masters the Spiritual, Psychological, and Physical/Earthly levels in Service of God and Unconditional Love. Sees self and every person as an incarnation of God! Recognizes mistakes as positive and not negative and as just opportunities to forgive self and others and to learn and grow in wisdom!
An Integrated Spiritual Master looks at every moment of life as an opportunity to practice the Presence of God! They recognize that the only reason they have incarnated into this world is to learn and master these lessons and to be of service! To fulfill their Spiritual Mission, purpose, puzzle piece, contract, blueprint, and to leave a legacy on Earth to help people!
An Integrated Spiritual Master totally realizes that practicing being of the Spiritual/Christ/Buddha Consciousness will help them achieve liberation, enlightenment, salvation, Ascension, translation, transfiguration, God Realization, Self Realization, Self Actualization, Integrated Ascension and Godliness! An Integrated Spiritual Master tries to be 100% positive at all times knowing the law of karma is that everything you put out comes back to you! Seeing self and others and all life as an incarnation of God, the Spiritual Master recognizes that we each are not only one with God in the ultimate ideal of truth, we are also one with each other. God has one son and one daughter and we all share the same identity as the Eternal Self of God! We each are the Christ, the Buddha, the Eternal Self, in truth. Life is seen as an opportunity to not only recognize this truth, but then to realize this truth.
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