
Understanding Sidereal Time Zodiac

Copyright 2019 Trudy Pellegrino.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2019908802
Balboa Press rev. date: 06/29/2019
Forget Everything
You Know About Astrology
Until You Read This Book!
How does Sidereal Zodiac Affect You?
Find out if your sign changes!
True astrology is not locked in a
time frame of a seasonal calendar.
It is organically moving in space and time.

Table of Contents

About the Author
and the Origins of this Book
I am a practicing Astrologer/spiritual advisor in a small metaphysical shop. Many people have walked thru the doors of this location and we have discussed much about astrology thru the years. I have noticed many people have a basic understanding of the twelve zodiac signs. They know which sign they are and talk about its attributes. Most people, though, have never gone much further in their exploration of astrology.
It is with much time and observation I will present the unique perspective on this other system of astrology. It has evolved for many years of speaking with my clients, hearing their reactions and applying the new sign to each and every one of them that my confidence in this system evolved. I invite you to forget everything you may have learned about astrology until you finish this book.
My inspiration to study of astrology started one Sunday morning in the 1987 while walking thru the Victory Gardens in Boston. A fellow on a bike with a straw basket tied on the front, one who your mom would tell you not to talk to, started up a conversation about astrology. He invited me to his friends Thursday night astrology study group. Though I never made it to the group, it did spark in me an interest in astrology.
This was back in book stores days, so I would search for information thru books and magazines available in the metaphysical section. The giant textbook available with the most complete information was Parkers Astrology. It became my go-to. I would use the ephemeris in the back of the book to see planetary locations, and with this book I learned to calculate charts by hand. I never trusted the accuracy of the charts, as I was an enthusiast, and at the time had no true teacher to confirm my homework. When computers became accessible and programs made chart calculations something I could trust, I compared my old charts to the computer and I had drawn accurate charts! Circa 2002 I started to sit down with clients with my new laptop and western astrology program.
Backing up a couple years, in 1996, my life had taken a turn, so I decided to have an astrology reading with an astrologer using Jyotish, the study of Astrology from India. The reading was surprisingly accurate with timing and events. I learned that he applied a different system of astrology. But he didnt explain anything about his astrology to me. Years later as I was reviewing my astrological software I saw that there indeed was another system of astrology other than the popular Tropical zodiac popular western astrology used. It was called Lahiri, or Sidereal time Zodiac. I never even thought once about changing systems, nor did I ever do much to learn what sidereal Zodiac or Lahiri even was.
In 2008 when I had opened the new shop location I needed to up my game with more astrology knowledge. Like most western astrologers, I was self taught and aligned with popular astrology. For decades I was happy in this Tropical zodiac. I was learning about the different ways Astrology worked and that was enough to keep me occupied. Slowly though I began to keep coming across the path of this different system, one that uses true star time. Id check out this Sidereal Time option every now and then in the astrology program I had.
I remembered when I had that Jyotish Reading that I had a different chart and signs than western astrology. It set my chart up differently than western. What I eventually figured out was, it was aligned to Sidereal time. I had different signs. There was no book on a shelf to really explain this difference. So I had no formal reference, just these clues. Jyotish was aligned to Sidereal time. But what was Sidereal Time?
They say learning things thru experience is the only way to learn things! I finally discovered the truth in 2008. A friend was visiting and knew I was into astrology. He was showing off his new smart phone and a planetarium app that showed the planets in the sky. He held the phone towards the moon, and it revealed that the moon was in Taurus I was immediately confused. My computer program and popular astrology sites claimed the moon was in Gemini. Popular astrology did not correlate to what was actually in the sky. My world was shaken.
I had a clue that Sidereal time and Tropical time were different, but I finally saw how different. Jyotish, the ancient astrology of India, has always followed the stars in the sky. They use Spica as the fixed star to align their astrological data. As astrology has been accepted and held sacred in this spiritual cultural of India in temples by astrologers and priests, they have always been using correct and current astronomical data to chart their skies and apply it to astrology.
So surely you can understand, some turmoil started happening in my world. I was on my own to comprehend the difference, and it took a while to assimilate and to change systems. But once I did start experiencing Sidereal time and applying to myself and clients, I know this is the right fit.
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