Volume II
Keys to Ascension
Joshua David Stone, PhD
Copyright 1994 by Joshua David Stone
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Cover design by
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eISBN: 978-1-62233-554-1
Print Edition ISBN: 0-929385-56-X
Published and printed in the United States of America by:
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Flagstaff, AZ 86003
About the Book
There are tens of thousands of self-help books on psychology and human relationships; however, there are very few that integrate the topics of the soul and spirit into the picture. Most books on this subject focus on personality-level self-actualization. The new wave in the field of psychology is transpersonal or soul psychology, which will lead to monadic psychology for the more advanced students of the path.
The entire understanding of psychology is completely changed when the soul is properly integrated. It has been said that personality-level self-actualization brings happiness, soul-level self-actualization brings joy, and monadic- and spiritual-level self-actualization bring bliss.
About the Author
Dr. Joshua David Stone (December 1953August 2005) was an American author, teacher and spokesperson for the ascension movement.
He worked very closely with his wife, Terri Sue Stone, who is a claraudient voice channel for the ascended masters, most specifically for the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul of Alice A. Bailey fame.
In the 1990s, Dr. Stone initiated the Wesak celebrations at Mount Shasta, California, which are annual spiritual gatherings that spawned a lot of interest and controversy in the New Age movement. The last Wesak celebration hosted by Dr. Stone at Mount Shasta took place in 2004. The Wesak celebrations in Mount Shasta are still carried on today.
Dr. Joshua David Stone was a recipient of a PhD in transpersonal psychology and was the author of a fifteen-volume Ascension Series of books, all of which are published by Light Technology Publishing.
Also by Joshua David Stone, PhD
The Easy-to-Read Encyclopedia of the Spiritual Path
- The Complete Ascension Manual:
How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime - Soul Psychology:
Keys to Ascension - Beyond Ascension:
How to Complete the Seven Levels of Initiation - Hidden Mysteries:
ETs, Ancient Mystery Schools & Ascension - The Ascended Masters Light the Way:
Beacons of Ascension - Cosmic Ascension:
Your Cosmic Map Home - A Beginners Guide to the Path of Ascension
- Golden Keys to Ascension and Healing:
Revelations of Sai Baba and the Ascended Masters - Manual for Planetary Leadership
- Your Ascension Mission:
Embracing Your Puzzle Piece - Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate
- How to Teach Ascension Classes
- Ascension and Romantic Relationships
- Complete Ascension Index
- How to Be Financially Successful:
A Spiritual Perspective
I would like to dedicate this book to my father, mother, and sister. Earth life can be a very tough school and without a supportive and loving family, life becomes that much harder. By the grace of God, this lifetime I was born into a most wonderful family.
Without their most generous loving support on spiritual, mental, emotional, Earthly, and financial levels throughout my life, I would not be the person I am today and you would not be reading these books. In truth, I would have long since passed over to the spiritual world.
Words cannot put into proper expression the feelings of gratitude and love I feel for these three wonderful beings. It has been my honor to know them, and I am sure our love and friendship will continue long beyond the short span of this incarnation.
One of my greatest interests in this lifetime has been the study of what I am now calling monadic or spiritual psychology. There are tens of thousands of self-help books on psychology and human relationships; however, there are very few books that integrate the soul and spirit into the picture. This has been my greatest focus of interest. This book represents the distillation of my lifes research, study, and work in this area.
I have attempted to make this subject very clear, right to the point, and easy to understand. The book is extremely comprehensive and, in combination with my first book, The Complete Ascension Manual: How to Achieve Ascension in This Lifetime, it sets forth the basics of soul and monadic psychology.
It must be understood that there are three levels of self-actualization: There is personality-level self-actualization, soul-level self-actualization, and lastly there is monadic or spiritual-level self-actualization. These two books provide the basic understanding, tools, and maps for achieving all three levels of what might collectively be called God-realization.
Most of the books in the average bookstore are focusing on personality-level self-actualization. The new wave in the field of psychology is transpersonal, or soul, psychology, which will then lead to monadic psychology for the more advanced students of the path.
The entire understanding of psychology is completely changed when the soul is properly integrated. It has been said that personality-level self-actualization brings happiness; soul-level self-actualization brings joy; monadic- and spiritual-level self-actualization brings bliss. It is toward this goal that I humbly direct my lifes work in understanding soul and spiritual psychology.
Joshua David Stone, PhD
The Development of Personal Power and the Functioning of the Conscious and Subconscious Minds
The single most important aspect of achieving psychological and spiritual health is learning to own your personal power
Dr. Joshua David Stone
The conscious mind is the reasoning mind, whereas the subconscious mind is the nonreasoning mind. The superconscious mind is the all-knowing mind.
The conscious mind is the captain of the ship, computer programmer, decision-maker, gardener. If the conscious mind is the captain, then the subconscious mind is the shipmate below the deck who follows whatever orders the captain gives. The subconscious mind is the computer or tape recorder.
The subconscious mind is the soil. If the conscious mind is the gardener, the gardener plants the seeds (thoughts), and the soil grows whatever kind of seed is planted a weed or a beautiful flower. The subconscious mind will store information and follow orders whether the orders are rational or irrational. The subconscious mind doesnt care, as it has absolutely no reasoning ability.
The subconscious mind is a paradox. It has no reasoning ability and yet it does have an incredible number of amazing abilities and intelligence factors. The best metaphor for understanding this is that of the computer. A computer is an incredible piece of equipment, yet it doesnt care whether its programmed to solve the energy crisis or to create a nuclear war. The subconscious does whatever it is programmed to do, no matter what. A good example is the way the subconscious mind completely runs the physical body. This can be proven by the effects of hypnotic suggestions given to a person concerning the body. The subconscious mind has the ability to create perfect health or create cancer. It will create whatever it is programmed to do. No one consciously programs cancer, but many people unconsciously program cancer into their bodies through self-hatred, victim consciousness, revenge, giving up, and so on. The ideal is to tell yourself or your subconscious mind that you are in perfect, radiant health and that every day in every way you are getting healthier and healthier.
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