Title Page
The Amazing Life of a Psychic
Chris Guyon
Publisher Information
Chris Guyon - Copyright 2013
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Andrews UK Limited
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Cover image by Nigel Peace
To my daughters Rebecca and Cassandra,
two of the most beautiful souls I know.
I thank my parents Eileen and Bruce Allan for their loving encouragement throughout my life, and my soul sisters Maggie Stanley and Pat Veck, always there for me through thick and thin.
My deepest thanks are for my soul mate and husband Tony, who recognised something special in me at the tender age of fifteen. He may not have always understood or agreed with what I did, but his love and support gave me the courage to explore the unknown.
I am grateful to my angels and guides who nudged me into writing down my experiences, and to my publisher Nigel Peace at Local Legend for all his help in making the book what it is today.
About This Book
Sometimes we all feel that we are just faces in a crowd.
Ordinary people. Nothing special.
Well never be celebrities or prodigies, nor rich and famous.
But Chris Guyon teaches us that everyone is special,
for we are spiritual beings with wonderful minds
that can reach out for and touch the truly extraordinary.
By paying attention to the inner voice and opening our hearts
to the spirit world, we invite memories of past lives, the development of psychic and healing gifts, and the protection of angels.
This is the inspiring story of Chris Guyons amazing life.
One night I had a strange dream - well, I was taken out of it by an angel, who showed me to a room. The angel stood at the back to my right. In the middle of this small room was an oblong table with a chair facing it and sitting on the other side of the table were three beings in long white robes. They nodded for me to sit in the chair facing them. I did so and the one in the middle leaned forward and said, You have cancer.
My first response was, Please dont let it be the pancreas as I was aware that this was a very painful way to die. The being shook his head and said, It is unusual and it is deep, but all will be well, really emphasising those last four words. At that point the angel came over to me and once again I was back in my dream. I woke up the following morning wondering what on Earth that had been all about. I told my colleagues what had happened and they were horrified! They couldnt understand why I would have such a dream.
Four months later, I went to my doctor because I had developed a worrying condition on my foot which was causing me so much pain I was finding it difficult to walk. He referred me to the physiotherapy department at the hospital so that I could be shown certain exercises to relieve the pain. On my first visit, the very nice physiotherapist asked me to remove my shoes and socks so that she could see my feet. I noticed her frowning at a mark on my inner ankle. It looked just like a blood blister and I had wondered if Id knocked my ankle with a shopping trolley. It didnt hurt and it didnt itch so I wasnt that bothered about it. The physiotherapist asked me if I had shown it to my doctor. I said that I hadnt so she strongly advised me to see him. She then showed me the exercises to help with my painful foot.
It turned out that my blood blister was in fact a malignant melanoma (a dangerous form of skin cancer). I was warned that it was quite aggressive and that it was not of the normal type.
Everyone was shocked at my diagnosis but I remained calm. If the first part of the warning had turned out to be true then so would the rest: All will be well. And it was. Here I am four years later telling you about it! People kept telling me at the time how brave I was, but bravery had nothing to do with it. Faith in what I had been told, that all would be well, helped carry me through that very dark time.
I am not afraid to die. Death has held no fear for me after my first angel experience at sixteen years old. I feel that I will be going home to a very loving environment.
Extraordinary things happen to ordinary people, and by sharing my story I hope it will help you to see the extraordinary in your own lives.
1 - Many Lives
I felt such a pressure in my chest and such extremes of sadness that the only way to release it all was by crying. Ah, youre such a sensitive child, said my mum as she ruffled my hair. I was seven years old and watching the Titanic sink in the black and white film A Night to Remember with my parents and younger brothers. It was the Sunday afternoon film on the TV. I had watched the film with interest until it reached the scene where the ships lights go out and it starts to sink at an angle. Looking back, I realise how close to the truth she was.
The film was shown many times over the years but it always had the same effect on me. No matter what age I was, at exactly the same point in the film I would feel that pressure in my chest. It became a bit of a family joke and boxes of tissues were passed to me without anyone having to look at me. Then, one day when I was in my thirties, I had a flashback to a previous life. I was looking through the eyes of someone walking down a corridor. There were doors on either side with numbers on them. I could see the arm of the person who was walking down this corridor. It had a white sleeve and a white glove on the hand, carrying a silver tray with a glass of Martini on it. I saw another person approaching - a man in the same uniform, but he had his tray tucked under his arm. We nodded at each other as we passed - and then the flashback was gone.
I had a sense, a knowing that I had been part of the staff on the Titanic and that was why I was so affected by that old film. The pressure in my chest was a memory of drowning... Over the years, I had other past life memories flash into my mind and the majority of them involved drowning, which may account for my fear of the sea in this lifetime. To be taken on a cruise would feel like a punishment to me. On our first holiday together, my husband suggested a romantic moonlit walk along the beach. I couldnt stand it after only five minutes. I could hear the sea whispering to me and I begged to be able to walk on the promenade!
I was shown another life but it seemed as though I was looking down from a great height on the scene below me, where I saw the mast of an Elizabethan ship and a man on the deck. He had sandy coloured hair and beard and I knew he was me. He wore a white, open fronted shirt with breeches cut off at the knees, and he was barefoot. The ship was in dock and there were crowds of people on the quayside, come to see it off before it set sail. Amongst those there I saw a young woman with her mother and knew that this girl was the love of the mans life. I watched him jump from the deck down to the quayside to kiss her goodbye. In this flashback I felt all the emotions of this man as he kissed the girl he loved, but also a great sadness as he knew he would not be coming back from this voyage (it felt like a premonition). Then the ships sails unfurled and caught in the breeze and it was time to leave. The man climbed back up onto the deck and waved to the girl quickly before taking his post on the ship. This had been such a powerfully emotional flashback.
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