Discovering Your
Inner Psychic
The Four Pillars of Psychic Development
Nadia Shapiro
Discovering Your Inner Psychic
Copyright 2014 by Nadia Shapiro
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Cover design by Marissa Morningstaur Executive Editor: Jonn Morningstaur
ISBN 978-1-935914-30-3
Printed in the United States of America
Additional copies are available from:
Alliance Press
P.O. Box 17515
Reno, NV 89511
From Concept to Finished Product
To my dear mother, Barbara Williams
You have always supported me in all my endeavors.
Not only are you my mother, but youre also my best friend.
I am so grateful to have you in my life and truly appreciate
every experience you have brought into my realm.
You have always listened when I needed an ear and
have always cheered when I needed a push.
You are truly the most amazing person I have ever met.
Thank you for everything.
Your daughter,
Special Note to the Reader
To my beloved readers,
The intention of this book is to hold a special space for you to have direct access to discovering who you truly are as a soul. It is designed to take you on a journey of self-discovery while unlocking your intuitive powers. This book is your map on your quest to opening your intuitive abilities.
If you choose to accept this quest, you will begin to see yourself in a whole new light and through a whole new set of eyes. If you get off your journey at any point in your life, simply pick up your map and continue on your adventure.
Embark on this journey appreciating exactly where you are in life. Your goal is to travel to the Four Pillars of Psychic Development
with an open heart and an open mind. The infinity lotus icon will guide you to the major principles within each pillar. And every pillar you complete will lead you to an open path to the next pillar where even more magic will manifest.
When you have spent time in each of the four pillars, you unlock powers in an enchanted space that will ultimately shift your reality and allow you to discover yourself as a soul of pure light and love. Do each meditation as it is written and be sure to write
your reflections in this book or in your own special journal. The quill icon and associated Reflect instructions will assist you to bringing forward your thoughts, feelings and insights triggered in the exercises and meditations. It is in the writing of your reflections that you will unlock different levels to your abilities.
Good luck and many blessings to all of you on your journey.
With Light and Love,
The spiritual path
is simply the journey of living our lives.
Everyone is on a spiritual path;
most people just dont know it.
Marianne Williamson
Welcome to the first step of your new-found journey toward a deeper spiritual connection and awareness. It is by no mistake you are reading this book. You are being called to awaken your true nature and discover your intuitive abilities. This handbook is the doorway to opening these powers. It will provide you with the basic tools you will need to begin your journey of self-discovery.
You will come to know yourself as an energetic being with exponential intuitive powers that will enable you to help yourself as well as others. As you practice the techniques in this book, you will begin to feel happier, more fulfilled, and in alignment with your life purpose. You created a divine plan before you arrived here in your body and it is time to find out what that plan is.
Upon reading this book you will naturally begin to ascend and evolve. By choosing to read this book, you have already made the decision that you would like to connect with your higher self and open up your intuitive abilities. I have taught hundreds of people throughout the years in my courses to do just that with the very principles discussed in this book.
Please understand that its not necessary to believe in God in order to develop your new skills effectively. There are many exercises in this book that do not rely on a belief in a Higher Power. However, your progress will definitely be more rapid when you have faith in a power greater than yourself. Indeed, if you are looking to open up your intuitive abilities, you most likely have experienced some connection with a higher power. In this book I refer to this higher power by many names: God, Source, Divine Father/Mother, Universal Supreme Being. In actuality, it doesnt matter what you call it so long as you identify with it!
It is important to understand when doing this work for others that everyone is a mirror of you; everyone who sits in front of you is showing you aspects of YOURSELF. This will become very apparent, especially when you begin to develop your inner psychic and begin to read peoples energy.
You will be repeatedly amazed to find that the person sitting across from you happens to be experiencing circumstances that are similar to those that you are going through in your life at this time. Or, that the circumstances in the reading may reflect some theme or life lesson that you have been through in your past and are now able to assist others who are going through the same life experience.
If it is your desire to do psychic readings for other people through the art of reading energy, you will be able to do so by practicing with the tools in this book, or you can simply use them for yourself.
Most people who come to me for a reading are looking for answers to a problem they are experiencing in their life or they may wish to connect with a loved one who has passed away. These readings are generally very healing for people and are meant to empower them as well as offer them confirmation of things they already know.
In this book you will build a strong foundation and begin to hone your psychic abilities. It is important that you use a methodical approach and proceed with caution when you begin to open your intuitive abilities.
My purpose in writing this book is to help you do just that by developing key practices that I refer to as the Four Pillars. These are the first four tools in your tool kit:
Pillar 1 Protection
Own your space and protect yourself at all times.
Pillar 2 Cleansing
Energetically cleanse yourself and your surroundings on a regular basis.
Pillar 3 Control and Discipline
Gaining control and discipline as you develop your abilities.
Pillar 4 Meditation
Adopt a meditation practice to strengthen your Spirit connection.
These four pillars provide the foundation from which you can begin to open up and explore your intuitive abilities safely and effectively. I strongly suggest that you do not attempt any type of energy work until you have understood the principles and practiced the exercises presented in these four pillars.