Gods Perfect Timing
Copyright 2018 Daniel J. Williams.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2018907001
WestBow Press rev. date: 07/17/2018
Unless they have experienced it for themselves, few couples can understand the heartache that comes from the inability to conceive a child. Dan Williams book paints an emotional picture of that pain, but also reminds readers of the comfort that comes from knowing God will meet them at their point of need.
Jim Daly, President Focus on the Family
Foreword by U.S. Senator James Lankford
This book is dedicated to my wife Nancy, who helped inspire this story, and to Kayla, who will own my heart forever. I would also like to dedicate it to all those couples struggling with infertility, birth mothers considering adoption as an alternative, and to adoption agencies like Nightlight Christian Adoption, who seek to provide birth mothers with an alternative for their unborn child.
I would also like to acknowledge my parents who developed in me the moral compass that helped guide my life in the tough times, and my sister Mary who always had my back.
I would be remiss if I did not express my gratitude to the men and women of John Butchees Sunday school class at Southern Hills Baptist Church. Their constant prayers and encouragement helped us to keep our eyes and hearts focused on Gods faithfulness.
Finally, I would like to dedicate this book to my Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) family, especially the Oklahoma City Division, whose unwavering support was instrumental to this story.
The DNA of this book was influenced by the support and guidance of the following people:
Megan Marie Cox, an accomplished published author who helped me to navigate the publishing world and how to even write a book. It also didnt hurt that her husband, Casey, was one of the heroes of the book.
Kay McAndrew, whose amazing ability to search out the beauty and clarity of the English language, helped give breath to my words and life to the pages between the cover of this book.
My long-time friend Margaret Finegan, whose keen eyes previously scoured through numerous tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service for nearly forty years, helped keep my words concise and thoughts focused.
I had the pleasure of first meeting Dan Williams, and several other FBI agents who worked directly for him, during my first congressional campaign. Their friendship and humor shattered the stereotype of the stiff, no-nonsense FBI agent often portrayed in movies. They personified the FBIs motto of fidelity, bravery and integrity.
I was there when Dan and Nancy became the victims of an adoption fraud. I saw the pain and anguish they endured to have a child. Nevertheless, their faith in Gods mercy and love never wavered.
Dans story is a beautifully told narrative of faith in a loving God who does the impossible daily around and through ordinary people. He describes in heart-wrenching detail his and Nancys seven-year struggle with infertility, the loss of their first child through a miscarriage, the difficulties of trying to adopt, and a life-shattering adoption fraud. Yet it is a statement of Gods incredible faithfulness and power to overcome the difficulties we all experience at some time in our lives, even when we battle doubt and despair.
It was evident that God had prepared them for this painful journey, but as you read you will feel the pain and loss. His story is peppered with many personal accounts of his own father who would help establish the foundation for his life and anecdotes about the FBI. Each day of his past was part of Gods plan and preparation for the future. Entwined in every page is Gods love, mercy and faithfulness. The kind of faith that led to The Miracle of K ayla .
James Lankford
United States Senator
The following account is my own personal description of events based upon my best recollection. Embedded in every page is my own personal faith. The story is not so much about me or my family, but how I believe God used us to tell his story.
The opinions expressed within these pages are mine and not those of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Even after more than two decades in the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), I never realized the biggest heartbreak and triumph in my life would start and end right inside my own home. I spent my career working some of the FBIs top profile cases from chasing down top ten fugitives to traveling the world to prevent terrorist events back home. The FBI Academy at Quantico, Virginia, had prepared me for many things, but it never equipped me for the journey my wife Nancy and I departed on to have the child we believed God had placed on our hearts.
It was an expedition I certainly would not have chosen for my wife and me. It was a seven-year journey that seemed more like a roller coaster ride through hope and despair.
The pain, emptiness and heartache that comes with the desire to have a child, only to be confronted by the impassable wall of infertility, is difficult to fathom for those who are blessed with the ability to conceive. Mothers Day and Fathers Day serve as additional reminders of the empty void in your life. Eventually, they become days on the calendar you look to with dread. Baby showers are difficult events that serve to remind you of the hole in your own heart and the difficulty it takes to smile when jealousy is consuming your spirit. The coo and laughter of a baby only serve as a microphone for the pain echoing in the abyss of your soul.
Yet we were about to learn God will sometimes take you to places you never imagined going. Yes, sometimes the walk can be painful, but the destination is always better than anyone could have ever imagined.
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