Animals into art
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Archaeological approaches to cultural identity
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Avebury reconsidered: from the 1660s to the 1990s
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Centre and periphery: comparative studies in archaeology
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Chalcolithic, Bronze and Iron Age cultures in South Asia
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Conflict in the archaeology of living traditions
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Domination and resistance
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The excluded past: archaeology in education
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Food, metals and towns in African history: African adaptations in subsistence and technology
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Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation
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From the Baltic to the Black Sea: studies in medieval archaeology
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Hunters of the recent past
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The meanings of things: material culture and symbolic expression
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The origins of human behaviour
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Pleistocene perspective: innovation, adaptation and human survival
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The politics of the past
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Signifying animals: human meaning in the natural world
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State and society: the emergence and development of social hierarchy and political centralization
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The walking larder: patterns of domestication, pastoralism, and predation
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What is an animal?
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Whats new? A closer look at the process of innovation
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Who needs the past? Indigenous values and archaeology
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The world at 18 000 BP: high latitudes
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The world at 18 000 BP: low latitudes
C. Gamble & O. Soffer (eds)
First published in 1989 by Unwin Hyman Ltd
First published in paperback in 1990 by Unwin Hyman Ltd
Reprinted 2000 by Routledge
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1989 1990 2000 H. F. Cleere and contributors
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British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloguing in Publication Data
ISBN 0415214483
List of contributors
Gabebah Abrahams, South African Cultural History Museum, Capetown, South Africa.
Peter V. Addyman, York Archaeological Trust, York, UK.
John Alexander, St Johns College, Cambridge, UK.
Margareta Birnstad, Riksantikvariembetet, Stockholm, Sweden.
Henry Cleere, Council for British Archaeology, London, UK.
Jon S. Czaplicki, Cultural Resource Management Division, Arizona State Museum, Tucson, Arizona, USA.
Hester A. Davis, Arkansas Archaeological Survey, Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA.
Evan I. DeBloois, USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC, USA.
Josephine Flood, Australian Heritage Commission, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Javier Garca Fernndez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain.
Francis N. Golding, English Heritage, London, UK.
Ann Hamlin, Historic Buildings and Monuments Branch, Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland, Belfast, UK.
Florante G. Henson, National Museum, Division of Archaeology, Manila, Philippines.
Joachim Herrmann, Zentralinstitut fr Alte Geschichte und Archologie, Berlin, German Democratic Republic.
Kristian Kristiansen, Center for Research in the Humanities, Copenhagen University, Denmark.
Robert M. Laidlaw, Bureau of Land Management, Sacramento, California, USA.
V. M. Masson, Institute of Archaeology, Leningrad, USSR.
William J. Mayer-Oakes, Department of Anthropology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas, USA.
Kwasi Myles, Organisation of Museums, Monuments and Sites of Africa, Accra, Ghana.
Presley Norton, Programa de Antropologa para el Ecuador, Quito, Ecuador.
Robert J. Pearce, Museum of Indian Archaeology, London, Ontario, Canada.
David Rasamuel, The University of Madagascar, Antananarivo, Madagascar.
Mario Sanoja, Academia Nacional dela Historia de Venezuala, Caracas, Venezuela.
Andrew Saunders, English Heritage, London, UK.
Curtis F. Schaafsma, Museum of New Mexico, Sante Fe, New Mexico, USA.
Kent A. Schneider, USDA Forest Service, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Roland Silva, Ministry of Cultural Affairs, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Nicholas P. Stanley Price, The Getty Conservation Institute, Marina del Rey, California, USA.
B. K. Thapar, The Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage, New Delhi, India.
Gustaf Trotzig, Riksantikvariembetet, Stockholm, Sweden.
Iraida Vargas, Departamento de Arqueologa y Etnografa, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.
Geoffrey Wainwright, Engish Heritage, London, UK.
Zhuang Min, State Administrative Bureau for Museums and Archaeological Data, Beijing, Peoples Republic of China.