
A Caribbea n Diet

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Copyrigh t 2014 Winslow Nicholas
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A Caribbea n Die t Cookbook
Chapter | Page |
| Snacks | |
| Soups | |
| Fis h Dishes | |
| Meat Dishes | |
| Vegetabl e Dishes | |
| Sweets | |
| Drinks | |
| Foo d Facts | |
A Caribbea n Die t Cookbook
Chapte r 1
her e ar e n o stric t rule s whe n i t come s t o snacks , howeve r a snac k i s usually associate d wit h a ligh t an d casua l meal , on e tha t i s hurried, or a small amount eaten
betwee n meals . I f yo u ar e tryin g t o los e weight , whethe r i t i s a grea t dea l o r jus t a little , it woul d b e pruden t t o abstai n fro m heav y snack s an d thos e whic h offe r generou s amounts of fat, sugar, and salt such as the rea d il y availabl e processe d foods . Thi s ma y soun d very tediou s an d unexcitin g an d n o doub t you'v e hear d i t al l before . Mos t healt h an d die t books
reiterate this firmly in the belief that their readers will heed to such invaluable advice, yet reams of data from hour s o f scientifi c researc h stil l sugges t tha t th e messag e i s failin g to reac h home.
One person's idea of a snack may not necessarily be suitable for all. One could prefer
whole - wheat crackers with cottage cheese or a s e lectio n o f fres h fruit , thos e w it h a less salubriou s tendenc y woul d i d eally settle for a handful of sweets and a packet of crisps. Given such a contrast of choice, it would be safe both to the waistline and the healthiness of your diet to outlaw snacks between meals to begin with. Just treat them as small meals to enjoy on selective days, when you can't be bothered to cook for example, or when you fee l lik e cookin g bu t can' t b e bothere d t o ge t th e pot s an d pan s ou t simpl y becaus e you drea d th e hug e task of washing up afterwards, thats u nless you are lucky enough to own a dishwasher.
Snacks should be sensible towards diet and health; filling enough to fill the parts tha t othe r snack s canno t reach , an d no t contai n hidde n danger s lik e saturate d fa t an d a high sugar and salt content. Such treats will fill you all right; fill you with rubbish, nothing else. Wholemeal produce, fruit and vege t ables, all high in fibre, is an idea l choice.
Fibre provides enormous benefits to health, it passes through the digestive tract an d accumulate s liq u id and swells up to provide a good amount of soft bulk. This helps to spee d u p bowe l movement s an d dilut e fa t metabolite s tha t ar e associate d wit h carcinogen formation , an d hel p giv e protectio n fro m a numbe r o f disease s o f th e larg e intestine . You wil l al s o experience the added benefit of feeling full, so limiting the amount you eat in total.
Goo d nutritio n shoul d b e take n int o consideratio n als o whe n preparin g snacks . A goo d balanc e o f vitamin s an d mineral s i s jus t a s importan t a s colourfu l an d exciti n g food . I hope the following recipes will give some idea about snacks. These are light, and some are designed to serve as a side dish like the carrot and pumpkin dip for instance, this tasty dish could be enjoyed with a piece of crusty bread sliced thinly. The same would apply to the avocado cream dip. But take care not to include undesirable things like sweet or salty biscuits . I f yo u ar e seriou s abou t you r die t an d yo u hav e a goo d dea l o f weigh t t o lose , opt
fo r heart y salad s o r a fres h frui t cocktai l wit hout any fancy dressing with artificial ingredients.
blac k an d whit e grapes
rip e mango
rip e papa w (papaya) S om e mil d chedda r cheese
cocktail sticks
large grapefruit
This quick snack is ideal for parties or as a starter before a light meal. Don't worry about th e calori e content , a s i t i s ver y lo w indeed . Mango , papa w an d grape s offe r a wealt h of goodness , s o to o doe s th e cheese , rich in vitamin A, B12 and folic acid, and of course calcium.
To prepare, peel and chop th e mang o an d papa w int o smal l chunk s suitabl e fo r a cocktail stick. Don't forget to remove the seeds from the papaw. Then cut the cheese into chunks and place one piece onto a cocktail stick by piercing the centre of the cheese with th e stick , the n slid e th e piec e o f chees e dow n toward s th e othe r en d o f th e stick . Leave enough room at the bo t tom end of the stick to hold comfortably with your fingers while eatin g th e cocktail . Nex t pu t a chun k o f mang o ont o th e stic k an d slid e i t alon g unti l i t rests o n th e chees e the n ad d a grape , the n a piec e o f papaw , the n finis h wit h a grape . I f you run out of room simply shift the ch e ese , an d th e res t o f th e frui t alon g th e stic k . Repeat thi s unti l al l th e cocktai l stick s ar e use d u p , the n carefull y inser t the m int o th e grapefruit, whic h coul d b e place d o n a colourfu l plat e fo r serving . Peopl e sometime s cove r the grapefruit with a piece of baking foil to make it more attractive. I think fruit is quite attractive enough in its natural form. Enjo y thi s snac k o n it s ow n o r c ompliment it with somethin g else .
tablespoons rum
A das h o f cinnamon
Cinnamon works wonders with stewed fruits, pancakes, custards and rice puddings. The aromatic flavour of this beautiful spice is eno u gh to bring any dish to life.
T o animat e you r tast e bud s tak e on e fres h grapefruit , carefully cu t i t i n tw o without breakin g i t the n scoo p ou t th e content s o f eac h hal f an d plac e i t int o a bowl . Kee p th e two grapefruit shells. Peel and segment the ora n ge, cut each segment in half and place the pieces in with the grapefruit pulp. Peel and slice the banana into the bowl with the grapefruit and orange. Add the tablespoons of ru m an d a das h o f cinnamon , the n mix
and serve in the grapefruit shells on a la r g e plate . Sprea d an y exces s frui t o n th e plate next to the grapefruit.
large, ripe avocado pear
tablespoon s mayonnaise
garlic clove, crushed
teaspoo n se a salt
teaspoo n lime juice
teaspoo n lemon juice
A pinc h o f paprika
A trul y exoti c experience , ric h i n nutrient s th e avocad o i s a supe r - food which is favoured b y mos t a s a delectabl e starter . I t i s s o versatil e a s i t ca n b e cu t i n hal f an d fille d with almos t an y daint y morse l lik e prawn s fo r instance , o r i t ca n b e peele d an d sliced and added to colourful salads, or even mashed into a paste to make a variety of tasty dips. Here's one you can make for yourself.
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