To my dad for all you have taught me and provided for me.
Thank you for supporting me through every step and valuable learning experience.
Your deep knowledge and wisdom remain with me forever.
The unexamined life is not worth living.
All organisations rely upon the effectiveness of the people within them their individual effectiveness and their effectiveness in teams. This is true for businesses, governments, academic institutions and charities. I have pursued a career in business, and I see this truth whatever the nature of the company may be. Capital intensive businesses, like those in energy and mining, still need the people driving performance to be very effective, otherwise all that capital will be wasted. People-intensive businesses, for instance retailing and professional services, cannot operate without their raw material, their people, being truly productive and effective.
Given this, bookstores are full of books about how organisations can be most effective. The themes of leadership, teamwork and performance are to be found in title after title. Many of these books provide good tactical and practical advice. Resilience has become a theme of much writing about organisations. This should be no surprise. Given the pace of change in the world economy, the result of globalisation and the emergence of new technologies, companies are faced with the need to evolve and change transformation has become a constant for many organisations.
What distinguishes the work of Geetu Bharwaney is that it is based both upon a firm intellectual basis, over 15 years of work in the field of emotional intelligence, and 25 years of practical work as a coach and mentor to individuals and organisations. I have seen Geetus work at first hand, and how it can make a real difference to the effectiveness of organisations. In her work, Geetu recognises that without emotion there can be no lasting motivation, and without motivation there can be no energy in an organisation. Emotional balance and resilience, indeed happiness, go hand in hand with individual and team performance. This focus on driving performance, through understanding the essentials that underpin individual and team performance and building the skills to unlock organisational energy, is a characteristic of Geetus work.
Emotional Resilience therefore is both very relevant, while also having strong foundations, being the result of both academic research and years of practical work and refinement. Within this book, readers will find a coherent framework for thinking through how to increase individual and team effectiveness through resilience, and great practical advice and actions to turn this framework into reality.
Dominic Casserley
Chief Executive Officer
Willis Group Holdings plc
Geetu Bharwaney is the Founding Director of Ei World Limited, a company at the forefront of globally advancing innovative development programmes. Geetu is widely recognised as a pioneer practitioner in delivering talent management, leadership development, team effectiveness and CEO coaching based on emotional intelligence and emotional resilience.
She has delivered programmes on emotional resilience in 37 countries since 1999 and is the longest established coach specialising in emotional intelligence in the UK.
Geetu is available to support talent and organisational development of the worlds best companies. She speaks regularly at conferences and corporate events and is a member of the EI Consortium, set up to promote the value, applied research and application of emotional intelligence in organisations.
Ei World has a strategic alliance with AIIR Consulting for the delivery of coaching on demand, any time anywhere.
Geetu Bharwaney
All web resources at:
I would like to thank Dominic Casserley for writing the foreword of this book. Your personal understanding of the relevance of emotional resilience in business is both inspiring and deeply appreciated.
I would also like to thank Eloise Cook from Pearson without whom the idea for this book would have remained just an idea. You have been an ideal partner to bring this book to fruition.
To my partner Mark, thank you for supporting me through each step of the journey.
I am grateful to my teachers on emotion. You have helped me to understand the role of emotion in individual and team resilience. Most importantly, you inspired me in your own way to communicate globally the value of emotional resilience and to make this topic accessible to people at work everywhere.
Thank you to all members of the Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organisations (CREIO). You have introduced me to a myriad of concepts of emotional intelligence and inspired me to keep developing as a practitioner in the field.
Barbara Sorenson emotional and family health
Professor Vanessa Urch Druskat and Dr Steven B. Wolff team emotional intelligence
Dr Konstantin Vassilis Petrides trait emotional intelligence
Dr Jonathan Kirschner - business psychology
Harold Klemp spiritual teachings of Eckankar
Dr Mark Atkinson the importance of emotional health
Colleagues and friends
A special thank you to my support system of colleagues at Ei World, AIIR Consulting and friends who provided critical feedback, praise and helpful suggestions within my deadlines. Thank you for contributions to making this book better:
Adle MacKinlay, Alison Baugh, Carmel Lewis, Gemma Prichard, Helen Lappert, Dr Jonathan Kirschner, Katherine Baldwin, Nasreen Memon, Neel Kamal, Eike Marx and Dr Yomi Ajayi-obe.
And finally, thank you to all clients and strategic partners of Ei World who continue to experiment with and have courage to test out the tools and tips in this book to face the everyday work challenges in your arenas of work, you are too numerous to mention...
Publishers acknowledgements
The publishers are grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material:
Hachette Book Group and Profile Books for permission to reproduce the list of annoying habits of leaders in Marshall Goldsmith (2008) What Got You Here Wont Get You There. London: Profile Books. Used by permission of Hachette Books and Profile Books.
In some instances we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material and we would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so.
Resilience is now recognised as an important factor in the workplace. In the (...) turbulent context of todays working world, the resilience of both individuals and organisations becomes paramount in order to survive and thrive.
This book provides a method for achieving personal and team resilience. I want to start by explaining where these ideas come from.
My perspectives on emotional resilience have emerged from 25 years as a coach and facilitator, helping clients improve their effectiveness and performance at work. Over the last 16 years, I have specialised in the concept of emotional intelligence, as I started to recognise that emotion is what people struggle with on a daily basis. For most people, it is not technical skills or knowledge that is the gap between where they are and where they want to be in terms of their performance at work. It is the understanding of how emotion in us and others affects everything we think and do. Many people fail to understand the root of problems at work and difficulties under pressure, so they do not fix their problems for the long term. As a direct consequence, they end up not performing at their best. In situations at work, by not taking emotion into account (their own and other peoples), what happens is that often they end up not fulfilling their potential but working below it. Some will end up unwell and unable to work at all. My belief is that this can be avoided through paying attention to emotion.