Henry W. Lim
Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA
Laurie L. Kohen
Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA
Samantha L. Schneider
Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA
Danielle Yeager
Department of Dermatology, Henry Ford Health System, Detroit, MI, USA
ISBN 978-3-030-18014-0 e-ISBN 978-3-030-18015-7
Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
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At the Henry Ford Department of Dermatology, there has been a long-standing guidebook, initially developed by one of the editors (LK), that provides a practical clinical reference for our residents and junior faculty. Over the years, the book has expanded and evolved to become a highly valued text among our entire department. ThePractical Guideis an expansion of this effort. Members of Henry Ford Dermatology Department, alumni, and residents contributed to thisPractical Guide.
We strive to be evidence-based in many of the recommendations. However, as all of us recognize, many medications used in dermatology are off-label, and others, while widely used, may not have undergone appropriate clinical trials. Since these treatments are commonly used in clinical practice, we have included many in our algorithms. Treatment ladders presented (including the dosing of medication) are based on our experience at Henry Ford. Therefore, appropriate clinical judgement regarding the individual patients condition must be exercised.
ThisPractical Guideis meant to complement, but not replace, an ACGME-accredited dermatology residency training program. It is our hope that it would enhance the excellent level of care that you and your team deliver to your patients.
We would like to thank all the authors for their contribution; without their time and expertise, this effort would not have come to fruition. Finally, we do sincerely hope that you will find thisPractical Guideuseful in your daily patient care.
Samantha L. Schneider
Danielle Yeager
Laurie L. Kohen
Henry W. Lim
Detroit, MI, USA
February 2019
Jennifer B. Mancuso and Pranita V. Rambhatla
Allison Zarbo , Marla Jahnke and Tor Shwayder
Danielle Yeager , Mark Balle and David Ozog
Chelsea Luther , Jesse Veenstra , Laurie L. Kohen and Molly Powers
Caitlin Farmer , Matteo Lopiccolo and Alison T. Boucher
Danielle Yeager , Samantha L. Schneider , Marsha Chaffins and Ben J. Friedman
Jewell V. Gaulding and Diane Jackson-Richards
Angad Chadha , Chelsea Fidai and Chauncey McHargue
Tasneem F. Mohammad , Iltefat H. Hamzavi and Henry W. Lim
Karlee Novice and Ellen N. Pritchett
Bhavnit K. Bhatia , Richard H. Huggins and Alison Tisack
Samantha L. Schneider and Holly Kerr
Samantha L. Schneider and Laurie L. Kohen
Allison Zarbo and Anna Axelson
Caitlin Farmer , Matteo Lopiccolo and Alison T. Boucher