Nikon D3200 Digital Field Guide
Alan Hess

Nikon D3200 Digital Field Guide
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About the Author
Alan Hess is a San Diego-based commercial photographer specializing in concert and live-event photography. He is the author of ten books, including Exposure Digital Field Guide, Composition Digital Field Guide, iPad Fully Loaded, All Access: Your Backstage Pass to Concert Photography, and Night and Low-Light Photography Photo Workshop, all of which are also available from Wiley.
Alan has also been part of the Photoshop World Instructor Dream Team since 2009, where he teaches about concert photography. You can find Alan at, where he writes a semi-regular blog, or on Twitter at ShotLivePhoto.
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For Nadra.
I must thank my family and friends for putting up with me during the crazy writing schedule, and for always letting me point a camera at them, usually at an inconvenient time. Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Thank you to everyone at Wiley for your hard work and dedication to this project. Writing a book is more of a team effort than many people realize, and I have been lucky enough to have a great team: Courtney, Amanda, George, and everyone at Wiley, I could not do this without you.
Thanks to Rodney, Kasey, and Kaitlin for being such great subjects.
All of the dogs photographed in this book were rescued from animal shelters, and some of them are still looking for their forever homes. Thanks to Boxers N Birds Animal Rescue for all that it does.
To my wife, who supports my crazy writing schedule, and doesnt mind when I turn the living room or kitchen into a makeshift studio to photograph a candle or two; I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I could not do this without your love and encouragement.
The Nikon D3200 is amazing. Its a camera designed for the photographer who is just starting out with a digital single-lens reflex camera (dSLR). But Nikon has packed this camera with the latest, greatest technology. It packs a huge new, Nikon-designed 24.2 megapixel sensor that shoots both great stills, and full HD video into a compact camera body.
The Nikon D3200 is a major update to the D3100 with a brand-new image-processing engine, the EXPEED 3. This is the same image-processing engine that comes in the Nikon D4, the top-end Nikon professional camera. This processing engine creates photos with great color, and produces low-noise images at high resolutions. The D3200 can photograph using ISO settings ranging from 100 to 6400, and can be pushed to Hi-1 (ISO 12800 equivalent), which allows great images to be taken in low light without a flash.
The purpose of this Digital Field Guide is to help you get the most out of this camera. It starts with a Quick Tour, which is designed to get you out and about capturing images without too much reading. Chapter 1 covers all of the external controls on the D3200 (and there are quite few of them). Many of the buttons and dials have different functions depending on which mode the camera is in. Chapter 1 also covers what is displayed when you look through the viewfinder, the information display, and the Guide mode. Chapter 2 covers the exposure, scene, and focus modes, as well as other important settings on the D3200, including the ISO and white balance settings.
The camera has a full menu system that allows you to set everything on it. Chapter 3 covers the Playback, Shooting, Custom Setting, and Setup menus. This is a great chapter to refer to when setting up your camera for the first time, or when you want to change any of the settings.
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