Table of Contents
Hgh bld rur fft mr thn a blln l worldwide and tht number is rng.
In fact, th numbr f people wth hgh bld rur h doubled n th last 40 r a serious hlth nrn, as hgh bld rur lnkd t a higher rk f conditions uh hrt d, kdn failure and trk
As dt thught t l a mjr role in th development f high bld pressure, ntt nd lmkr hv ngnrd f dtr trtg to help rdu t
DASH stands for Dietary Arh t Stop Hrtnn. Th DASH diet is a lflng rh t healthy tng tht' designed to hl trt r rvnt hgh bld pressure (hrtnn). The DASH dt ln was dvld t lwr blood rur without mdtn n research nrd b the Ntnl Inttut f Hlth.
Th DASH dt nurg you t reduce th sodium n your diet nd t a vrt f foods rh n nutrnt tht hl lower bld rur, such tum, calcium nd mgnum.
By fllwng th DASH dt, u m be able t rdu your bld pressure b a fw nt n jut tw weeks. Ovr tm, the t numbr f ur blood pressure (tl bld rur) uld drop by ght to 14 points, which n mk a gnfnt dffrn n ur hlth rk.
Because th DASH diet a hlth w of tng, it ffr hlth bnft bd jut lwrng blood pressure. The DASH dt l n ln wth dtr rmmndtn to rvnt tr, cancer, hrt d, stroke nd dbt.
Wht I the DASH Dt?
Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, r DASH, a dt recommended fr l wh wnt t rvnt r trt hrtnn l knwn as high bld pressure nd rdu their rk of hrt d.
The DASH dt focuses n frut, vgtbl, whole grn nd lean meats.
Th diet w rtd after rrhr ntd that hgh bld rur w muh l mmn in people wh fllwd a lnt-bd dt, uh vgn nd vgtrn
Thats why th DASH dt emphasizes frut nd vgtbl whl ntnng some ln rtn sources like chicken, fh nd bn. Th dt is lw n rd mt, lt, ddd ugr nd ft.
Sntt blv that n f th mn reasons l wth hgh blood rur n bnft frm this dt is bu t rdu lt intake.
The regular DASH diet program nurg no more than 1 tn (2,300 mg) f dum r d, which n line wth mt ntnl gudln.
Th lower-salt vrn rmmnd no more thn 3/4 teaspoon (1,500 mg) f sodium per d.
DASH stands for Dtr Arh t St Hrtnn, nd the dt w developed fr a research tud n th rl 1990.1 Th ur f th study w t dntf a fd-bd strategy to lower bld rur. Evn though the rgnl research w quite a long time g, ntt recently ndutd a mt-nl fr a DASH dt rvw t summarize how muh bld pressure n b reduced b th DASH diet. Th study fund, n average, people rdu their bld rur b 6.7 mmHg tl nd 3.5 mmHg dtl n jut tw weeks. Th mr sodium restricted, the lower bld rur g.
Or more ml ttd, th DASH dt plan includes tng mr
fruits nd vgtbl,
lw-ft or nnft dr,
bn, nd
And eating less
ftt meats,
full-ft dr products,
ugr-wtnd beverages,
wt, nd
dum (lt).
Since th rgnl rrh, scientists l hv found that th uld l the DASH diet ln fr wght l.2 Whn l follow the Dash diet n ddtn to nrng exercise, th l weight nd improve metabolic mur such as insulin sensitivity. Hwvr, in mrn t low-carbohydrate dt, the DASH diet ln w nt fftv a trtg fr wght loss. When th DASH dt fllwd lng wth xr and caloric rdutn, l improved thr bld pressure vn mr; lowering it by 16 mmHg tl and 9mmHg dtl; plus, th lt m wght.2 A l dt th DASH diet and lwr their bld rur, th may hv a reduced nd fr mdtn. Discuss the diet-based changes u are making wth your hlth-r professional, and f ur blood rur is t r blw gl (<140/80), you n du rdung ur mdtn nd mntnng ur bld rur wth diet ln.
Whm I th DASH Dt Good fr Exactly, and Wht Types Ar Avlbl?
Th DASH dt was dvld fll t help l lwr hgh blood rur and rmtd by th Ntnl Hrt, Lung, nd Bld Inttut (NHLBI), part f th Ntnl Institutes f Hlth. Ardng t th Amrn Heart Atn, bld rur rdng hghr thn 130 mllmtr of mrur (mm Hg) fr tl blood pressure and higher than 80 mm Hg fr dtl r ndrd hgh.
Th fd tn vlbl n th DASH dt closely mirror the tng ln recommended in the U.S. Drtmnt f Agricultures MPlt, with a focus on whl fd, uh frut and vgg; fat-free or lw-ft dairy; whole grains; nd ln mt, fish, and ultr. Mnwhl, th plan rur cutting back on, or rfrbl lmntng, processed fd, like sugary drnk nd packaged nk, nd lmtng rd meat, whh n x has bn lnkd t rr hrt health and hrt failure, rdng to a past study.
Th DASH dt specifically mt the low-sodium (salt) rurmnt that n gv l an edge vr hypertension. Th means t a grt dt fr people wh hv high blood pressure or have a rnl or family htr of hrt d, well those ndvdul wh may be t rk fr t 2 dbt or r urrntl managing th ndtn.
DASH Diet Types
Dndng n ur health nd, u n h frm tw frm f the DASH diet:
Th Stndrd DASH Dt Th plan limits dum numtn to 2,300 milligrams (mg) per d.
The Lwr-Sdum DASH Dt Th vrn ll for lmtng dum consumption t 1,500 mg r d.
According t th NHLBI, th daily Dh Eating Pln l nvlv, on average: (9)
6 t 8 rvng of grains, rfrbl whl grn
6 r fwr rvng f mt, poultry, nd fh
4 t 5 rvng f veggies
4 t 5 rvng f fruit
2 t 3 servings f lw-ft r ft-fr dairy rdut (ft-fr f watching weight, like with diabetes)
2 t 3 rvng of fat r l (preferably hlth ft)
Hr r m of th thr dl nutrtnl gl f th DASH dt ln:
Total ft 27 rnt f lr
Saturated fat 6 rnt f lr r l
Prtn 18 rnt f lr
Crbhdrt r 55 percent f lr
Cholesterol is limited t 150 mg
Fbr is 30 grm (g) r mr
Dndng n weight l r weight mntnn nd, u n h a DASH diet ln that rvd 1,200, 1,400, 1,600, 1,800, 2,000, 2,600, r 3,100 lr r d.
How Does the DASH Dt Wrk to Hl Lower Blood Prur?
Th DASH dt wrk b lmtng nt nl salt but also turtd ft bth f whh n b detrimental to heart hlth, Kmbrl R-Frn, RDN, CDE, a nutrtnt based n Sebring, Florida. Sdum-rh salt n drv u bld pressure, whh ut unnr strain n the heart mul, R-Frn . Saturated ft, n the other hand, n nr hltrl lvl. Chltrl has th tntl f blkng r decreasing the flow of blood to th hrt, R-Frn , ddng that rtrtd bld flow could ld t a heart ttk.
The DASH diet l works by nrng fd tht provide fiber, ln protein, nd other nutrnt thught to hl lower blood pressure.
Also mrtnt t note l who want to lwr thr blood rur huld mbn the dt with thr hlth lifestyle rh to mngng hrtnn, uh gttng mr xr, lng wght, and uttng bk n alcohol consumption. Quttng mkng also crucial fr lwrng bld pressure nd mntnng gd hrt health.
Wht th recommended dl llwn f dum?
Th National Inttut f Health's 2015-2020 Dtr Guidelines fr Amrn recommend consuming l thn 2,300 mg f lt each day rt f a hlth diet.
Blood Prur Smtm
Hgh bld rur (hrtnn) has bn rfrrd t as th "lnt killer" bu it most mmnl ur wthut n mtm. Unmltd hgh bld rur n rt for r, even dd, wthut ung mtm. Hwvr, whn mltn f hrtnn begin t develop, mtm can ur.
Symptoms of complicated high bld rur can nlud
hrtn of brth,
How d th DASH dt lwr bld rur nd rmt wght l?
Th DASH diet rich n tum, mgnum, lum, nd fiber; nd has a low content of sodium (lt) nd saturated fat. Adding mr of th nutrients improve th ltrlt balance in th bd, llwng t t xrt x flud tht ntrbut t hgh bld rur. Th nutrients l rmt rlxtn f th bld vl, rdung bld pressure. These nutrnt are ftn deficient n overweight nd b l, the DASH diet n hl rrt those deficiencies nd hl l feel bttr. By tlf, some l m l wght wth th DASH dt, but mt will need to dd xr or furthr rdu carbohydrates to bg wght losses. Th good nw fr people wth dbt, prediabetes, r nuln resistance tht th DASH dt does mrv nuln ntvt.
This DASH dt guidelines specified tw levels f dum rdutn.
Th DASH dt phase 1 lmtd dum to 2300mg, or about 1 teaspoon r d.
The DASH dt h 2 furthr rdud sodium t 1500mg.
T rh th goal f h 2, th person huld vd ll tbl lt nd vd adding n lt t cooking. W tnd to gt more thn th rmmndd amount f dum whn w t kgd or processed foods or when eating r dnng ut. Salt is the mjr ur of sodium in the diet, and w n usually refer to th tw wrd ntrhngbl unl w are discussing f bhml r.