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Quicken 2014 For Dummies
Published by: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774, www.wiley.com
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Y ou arent a dummy, of course. But heres the deal: You dont have to be some sort of technogeek or financial wizard to manage your financial affairs on a PC. You have other things to do, places to go, and people to meet. And thats where Quicken 2014 For Dummies comes in.
In the pages that follow, I give you the straight scoop on how to use Quicken 2014 for Windows, without a lot of extra baggage, goofy tangential information, or misguided advice.
About This Book
This book isnt meant to be read from cover to cover like some Scandinavian crime thriller page-turner. Rather, its organized into tiny, no-sweat descriptions of how to do the things you need to do. If youre the sort of person who just doesnt feel right not reading a book from cover to cover, you can, of course, go ahead and read this thing from front to back.
I can recommend this approach, however, only for people who have already checked the TV listings. There may, after all, be a Grimm rerun on.
To make the best use of your time and energy, you should know about the following conventions I use in this book.
When I want you to type something, such as Hydraulics screamed as the pilot lowered his landing gear , I put it in bold letters.
By the way, with Quicken, you dont have to worry about the case of the stuff you type (except for passwords, which are case sensitive). If I tell you to type Hillary , you can type HILLARY . Or you can follow e. e. cummingss lead and type hillary .
Whenever I describe a message or information that you see on the screen, I present it as follows:
Surprise! This is a message onscreen.
Sometimes I provide step-by-step descriptions of tasks. I feel very bad that I have to do this. So to make things easier for you, I highlight the tasks with bold text. That way youll know exactly what youre supposed to do. I also often provide a more detailed explanation in regular text. You can skip the regular text that accompanies the step-by-step descriptions if you already understand the process.
Heres an example that shows what I mean:
1.Press Enter.
Find the key thats labeled Enter. Extend your index finger so that it rests ever so gently on the Enter key. In one sure, fluid motion, press the Enter key by using your index finger. Then release the key.
Okay, thats kind of an extreme example. I never go into that much detail. But you get the idea. If you know how to press Enter, you can just do that and not read further. If you need help say, with the finger depression part or something just read the nitty-gritty details.
Can you skip anything else? Let me see now.... You can skip the paragraphs with the Technical Stuff icons next to them. See the section, later in this Introduction, for an example of the Technical Stuff icon. The information I stick in those paragraphs is really only for those of you who like that technical kind of stuff.
But a warning: Dont skip the Warnings. Theyre the text flagged with the picture of the 19th-century bomb. They describe some things you really shouldnt do.
Out of respect for you, Im not going to put such stuff in these paragraphs as Dont smoke. I figure that youre an adult. You can make your own lifestyle decisions.
So Ill reserve the Warnings for more urgent and immediate dangers things akin to Dont smoke while youre filling your car with gasoline.
Three Foolish Assumptions
I assume just three things:
You have a PC with Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8.
![Picture 4](/uploads/posts/book/222999/images/check.png)