Copyright 1996 by Tony Alessandra Ph.D., and Michael J. O'Connor, Ph.D. All right reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.
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First eBook Edition: February 1998
ISBN: 978-0-446-55387-2
Book design by Giorgetta Bell McRee Cover design by Jon Valk
Fun and useful insights as to how to enhance both business and personal relationships. Tony Alessandra is a master of this and I recommend that you read it often.
Jack Canfield, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
Great book! Lots of practical information.Teaches you how to surprise the customer and lead the competition. It's worth more than gold for anyone in business.
Robert Kriegel, Ph.D., co-author of Sacred Cows Make the Best Burgers
Help [for] those who want to increase their sensitivity to others and their power to communicate.
Publishers Weekly
Fascinating.Easy to read.Helpful and empowering information is encompassed in this great book.
Les Brown, CPAE, author of Live Your Dreams
Dr. Tony Alessandra's work brilliantly provides effective insights for improving communication in any and all situations. Everyone will benefit from reading THE PLATINUM RULE.
John Gray, Ph.D., author of Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus
Pure business gold.Entertaining and thought-provoking.An impressively effective, proven technique for gaining power and influence in the workplace.
Business Times
Insightful, spiritual, and practical, all packed into one powerful book.
Wayne Dyer, author of your Erroneous Zones
The most important, practical, and effective book ever imagined. Everyone should read it!
Brian Tracy, author of Maximum Achievement
Buy this book. Read it. Become its student and put its extraordinary technologies to use immediately for platinum results.
Tod Barnhart, author of The five Rituals of Wealth
THE PLATINUM RULE is a must-read for all of us who want to be better in our interactions with others.
Ken Blanchard, co-author of The One-Minute Manager and Everyone's a Coach
You'll recognize yourself and all your contacts immediately. THIS platinum will be your most precious natural resource.
Kathy Levine, host, QVC, Inc.
THE PLATINUM RULE breaks all the old rules of communications. It is full of take-action strategies. Don't underestimate the power of this fine book. A learning and earning tool for the times.
Harvey Mackay, author of Swim with the Sharks without Being Eaten Alive
This simply written but special book is a true treasure. A great book!
Og Mandino, author/speaker
If you want to become a better salesperson, negotiator, and communicator, read THE PLATINUM RULE. It's the key to getting others to do what you want.
Michael LeBoeuf, author of How to Win Customers and Keep Them for Life
A valuable guide to understanding the human resource.
Charles Garfield, Ph.D., author of Second to None and Peak Performers
A quantum advance in identifying personalities. Practical yet powerful advice.
Dr. Anthony Wild, CEO, Parke Davis
Must reading for all management.
Jeff Olson, president & CEO, The Peoples Network
Teaches us all how to effectively manage people.
Raymond Zimmerman, chairman & CEO, Service Merchandise Co., Inc.
This approach to dealing with people has been instrumental in our success. It really works!
Lou Alesi, president & CEO, InterMetro Industries
A must-read for people who are in sales and marketing and people who need to deal with customers day in and day out.
Bob Russell, president, The McGraw-Hill Companies
An extremely useful and illuminating book on leadership stylesbut, more important: a book that will give all managers some important insights about themselves.
Warren G. Bennis, distinguished professor and founding chairman of USC's Leadership Institute, and author of On Becoming a Leader, An Invented life and Why Leaders Can't Lead
THE PLATINUM RULE will work wonders while you're working any room. If someone isn't your type, it will help you figure them out and insure your communication success.
Susan RoAne, author of How to Work a Room, The Secrets of Savvy Networking, and What Do I Say Next?
[THE PLATINUM RULE] is the priceless key to empowerment, productivity, and all business and personal is simply the most important leadership concept I have learned in all of my life!
Denis Waitley, author of Empires of the Mind
THE PLATINUM RULE is a blueprint for getting everything you want. As you read this magnificent book, you'll learn how to make your world work for you.
Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of Chicken Soup for the Soul
A practicaland powerfultool for interacting with others.
Working Solo Newsletter
A book that should be on everyone's reading listsimple [and] intuitive.Goes far beyond its genre to touch issues central not only to business, but to any area where personal relationships are involved. This is a book for anyone interested in service to others.
Book Scapes
Non-ManipulativeSelling (with Phillip S. Wexler and Rick Barrera)
The Art of Managing People (with Phillip L.Hunsaker)
Selling by Objectives (with JimCathcart and Phillip Wexler)
The Business ofSelling (with Jim Cathcart)
Be Your Own SalesManager (with Jim Cathcart and John Monoky)
People Smarts (with Michael O'Connor and Janice VanDyke)
Publish & Flourish (with GarrySchaeffer)
Idea-a-Day Guide to Super Selling andCustomer Service (with Gary Couture and Gregg Baron)
Communicating at Work (with Phil Hunsaker,Ph.D.)
Collaborative Selling (with RickBarrera)
People Smarts (withTony Alessandra and Janice Van Dyke)
Mysteries ofMotivation (with Sandra Merwin)
Managing byValues (with Ken Blanchard)
I dedicate this book to my family:
To my wife, Sue, for her encouragement, support, and love;
To my parents, Margaret and Victor, for their teachings and guidance;
To my children, Justin and Jessica, for their love and faith in me;
To my step-children, Ashley and Dana, for their acceptance of me; and
To my brother and sister, Gary and Linda, for their admiration and loyalty.
This book is dedicated: