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Interior and Designer: Jill Lee
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ISBN: Print 978-1-64611-545-7 | eBook 978-1-64611-546-4
My name is Thais Gibson, and the intention of this book is to teach you how your childhood experiences affect your adulthood relationshipswhether they are platonic, romantic, or familial. This book combines attachment theory and a variety of therapeutic techniques to help you identify what attachment style you or your loved ones have and to heal the core wounds that each attachment style may have.
Throughout the years I have spent working with thousands of people in client sessions, seminars, and online programs at the Personal Development School, I have found clear parallels between adult behavior and childhood experiences. This book will combine traditional teachings with knowledge of subconscious patterns to provide tools for deep transformation. The tools throughout this book combine traditional psychological methodologies with new, cutting-edge techniques that I have developed in order to facilitate powerful change.
Throughout this book, you can expect to learn what your attachment style is, what the attachment styles of those around you are, and what steps you must take to become the healthiest version of yourself. It will specifically delve into the underlying habits of Dismissive-Avoidants, Fearful-Avoidants, Anxious Attachments, and Secure Attachments. Moreover, the core subconscious wounds that are associated with those attachment styles will be revealed, and through three primary forms of therapyAcceptance and Commitment Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and RAINI will teach you how to reprogram your subconscious mind.
If you find yourself interested in learning more about yourself and your wellness, I have created a series that offers a wide range of teachings, with courses ranging from Attachment Styles to Discovering Your Unmet Needs.
For more information, visit personaldevelopmentschool.com.
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This book is divided into three sections:
An introduction to attachment theory
An overview of attachment styles
The techniques required to heal your attachment style
Within the , you will learn the history of attachment theory and understand how it has evolved over time to better encapsulate behavior that stems from childhood experiences. While there is no incorrect way to learn from this book, you will obtain the most value from reading all sections chronologically since each section builds on those before it.
The will delve into how attachment styles originate. This section will help you understand what attachment styles you and others in your relationships may have. Once you understand how your style is created, you can begin to understand what unmet needs you may have and how you project certain outdated beliefs onto your everyday life.
From there, the will give you the tools that you need to reprogram the outdated beliefs causing chaos in your life and relationships. Each form of therapy will be expanded upon based on my personal research findings to help create real change in your life!
By learning about the different attachment styles and how they change in different relationships, you can learn how to heal the dynamic between yourself, your partner, and those closest to you.
Throughout this book, I will be taking you on an introspective exploration of yourself, your attachment patterns, and the attachment patterns of your loved ones. This will help produce a better understanding of how to move through challenges in relationships, how to transform triggers, and how to more deeply love and understand yourself and others.
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