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Nabendu Biswas - Beginning React and Firebase: Create Four Beginner-Friendly Projects Using React and Firebase

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Nabendu Biswas Beginning React and Firebase: Create Four Beginner-Friendly Projects Using React and Firebase
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Beginning React and Firebase: Create Four Beginner-Friendly Projects Using React and Firebase: summary, description and annotation

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Use React with Firebase to build four beginner-friendly apps. A lot of React tutorials out there today only cover basic web apps, but with additional features the web apps included in this book can be converted into fully scaled startups.

You will start with the basics: learn to deploy a React app with Firebase hosting. Next, you will learn to create a fully functional ToDo app that will use Firebase database to store a list action items. You will also learn to create a Stories app, in which you can show short vertical videos, and a document storage app. Here, we will be able to log in using Google Authentication, and will learn to store files in the app using Firebase storage. Lastly, you will create a career social media app. Your users will be able to log in using email and password authentication. You will learn to use Redux in this project.

While creating these web apps, you will employ multiple concepts, including React hooks, React components, and how to use Material UI. You will learn to use Firebase to host your database, as well as hosting your app. With these projects in your portfolio youll be ready to take your developer skills to the next level.

What Youll Learn

  • Use Firebases powerful services, and how to connect Firebase with React
  • Explore the React ecosystem, including Redux and React hooks
  • Work with MaterialUI, the popular React UI framework
  • Understand how to use Google Authentication techniques in your sites
  • Deploy all sites using simple Firebase hosting

Who This Book Is For

Developers at the beginning of their career, or anyone who wants to take their React skills to the next level.

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Book cover of Beginning React and Firebase Nabendu Biswas Beginning React - photo 1
Book cover of Beginning React and Firebase
Nabendu Biswas
Beginning React and Firebase
Create Four Beginner-Friendly Projects Using React and Firebase
1st ed.
Logo of the publisher Nabendu Biswas Bhopal India ISBN 978-1-4842-7811-6 - photo 2
Logo of the publisher
Nabendu Biswas
Bhopal, India
ISBN 978-1-4842-7811-6 e-ISBN 978-1-4842-7812-3
Nabendu Biswas 2022
This work is subject to copyright. All rights are solely and exclusively licensed by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed.
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This Apress imprint is published by the registered company APress Media, LLC part of Springer Nature.

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Any source code or other supplementary material referenced by the author in this book is available to readers on GitHub via the books product page, located at www.apress.com/978-1-4842-7811-6. For more detailed information, please visit http://www.apress.com/source-code.

Table of Contents
About the Author
Nabendu Biswas

is a full-stack JavaScript developer who has been working in the IT industry for the past 16 years and has worked for some of the worlds top development firms and investment banks. He is a popular tech blogger who publishes on dev.to, medium.com , and thewebdev.tech . He is an all-round nerd, passionate about everything JavaScript, React, and Gatsby. You can find him on Twitter @nabendu82 .

About the Technical Reviewer
Alexander Nnakwue

is a self-taught software engineer with experience in back-end and full-stack engineering. Nnakwue loves to solve problems at scale. He is currently interested in startups, open source web development, and distributed systems. In his spare time, he loves watching soccer and listening to all genres of music.

The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
N. Biswas Beginning React and Firebase https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7812-3_1
1. Setting Up and Deploying a ReactJS Project with Firebase
Nabendu Biswas
Bhopal, India

In this chapter, you will learn about Firebase, which is a set of tools provided by Google. You will also learn how to deploy a simple React app through Firebase hosting.

Introduction to Firebase
Firebase is not just a database but a set of tools; it is often called a back-end-as-a-service (BaaS) . Firebase contains a variety of services , as listed here:
  • Authentication: User login and identity

  • Real-time database: Real-time, cloud-hosted, NoSQL database

  • Cloud Firestore: Real-time, cloud-hosted, NoSQL database

  • Cloud storage: Massively scalable file storage

  • Cloud functions: Serverless, event-driven back-end functions

  • Firebase hosting: Global web hosting

  • ML Kit: An SDK for common machine learning tasks

Firebase makes it easy for front-end developers to integrate a back end into their application, without creating any API routes and other back-end code. Figure , Firebase eliminates the back-end work, and you communicate directly with Firebase, hosted on the Google platform with an SDK.
Figure 1-1 Firebase Its extremely easy to build a project in the Firebase - photo 3
Figure 1-1


Its extremely easy to build a project in the Firebase back end with ReactJS as the front end. If you made the same project in MERN (meaning MongoDB, Express, ReactJS, NodeJS ), it would take more time and would be far more complicated as you would need to make the back-end APIs in NodeJS.

The other thing I find easy to do in Firebase is the authentication part. Authentication used to be one of the most complicated parts of JWT authentication, but with Firebase you need only a few lines of code. Even better, you get all types of authentication.

Firebase hosting is also extremely easy to use for your ReactJS apps, and that is what we are going to look at in this book.

Creating a Firebase Account
To work with Firebase, you just need a Google account . So, go to Firebase site at .
Figure 1-2 Firebase site Setting Up Hosting Click the Add project link on the - photo 4
Figure 1-2

Firebase site

Setting Up Hosting
Click the Add project link on the page, as shown in Figure . Since I have a lot of projects, the figure shows them on this page. For your first time, you will see only the Add project link.
Figure 1-3 Adding a project On the page that opens give the project a name - photo 5
Figure 1-3

Adding a project

On the page that opens, give the project a name like final-space-react and click the Continue button , as shown in Figure .
Figure 1-4 Naming the project On the next page click the Create project - photo 6
Figure 1-4

Naming the project

On the next page, click the Create project button after disabling Google Analytics, as shown in Figure . We are disabling Google Analytics as were creating a demo project here. If you intend to deploy your app in production, you should keep it enabled.
Figure 1-5 Creating a project After some time you will see the screen shown - photo 7
Figure 1-5

Creating a project

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