Quit Office Politics and Be the
Copyright 2021 Victoria Wright.
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ISBN: 978-1-5043-2452-6 (sc)
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Balboa Press rev. date: 02/17/2021
The Old Paradigm
So How Did We Get Here?
A Vehicle for Change
Change Your Mind, and Change Your Life
My Simple Five-Step Plan to Change Your Mindset
Dedicated to
Bill, Chlo, Max, Lulu, and Beau
Mum and Dad
You are each and collectively my inspiration.
To my darling husband, soulmate, and best friend, Bill. We have weathered the trials and turbulence of this thing called life together for over three decades now. While it hasnt always been smooth sailing, inevitably we have always caught each other at the right time and are now stronger than ever, navigating the choppy waters with clarity, determination, and unflappable spirit.
To my darling baby girl, Chlo. The first second I held you, I experienced love like never before. I would do anything for you, my angel. You are incredibly intelligent, caring, and beautiful inside and out. Be strong, sweetheart. Dont let anyone or anything stop you from being the beautiful, amazing woman you are. The world is your oyster.
To my amazing boy, Max. You have always been my little man, so smart and full of character. I love you, too, angel. Stay focused on your goals. You confirm my belief in the power of thought and mental toughness because despite your tender years, I have witnessed you manifest so much already. Achieving your dreams is a given.
To Lulu and Beau, my gorgeous fur babies. Your incredible love and loyalty, together with the joy you bring to all of us, inspires my journey, so I can help other beautiful animals less fortunate than the two of you.
To Mum and Dad, my first teachers. My story is just that, my story and you have been a big part of it shaping me through the good times and not so good times. Thank you for the love and support you have always given me.
I have written this book to create positive change, uplift, and inspire people to challenge their current paradigms. To consider that there is life outside a standard corporate job (Just Over Broke) and that there is ultimate freedom to be gained by clearing the years of nonsense conditioned into our psyches.
Victoria Wright is a consultant, business owner, investor and network marketer.
Over the years, she took the usual path of going to school and getting a good job to provide for her family. But she just knew there was more to life.
This is her story of how to leave the corporate rat-race behind for good. Through her story, she shares valuable insight into how our internal belief systems may be holding us back from achieving the life we dream of. Victoria explains how she and millions of others have said goodbye to the corporate grind to achieve financial and team freedom through a vehicle that is available to all. However to be successful, one must have an open mind and be willing to discard old limiting beliefs.
An easy, enjoyable read, this book gives you honest insight and inspiration. It guides you on a journey of your own reflection, questioning, and action to achieve the life you really want.
Victoria lives in Sydney, Australia.
Hi. Just fill out this form, buzz me when youve finished, then take a seat, and wait for me to come back, said the no more than twenty-three-year-old recruitment consultant. Startled by her rudeness, I steadily took a seat, pen poised between my thumb and forefinger above the form and froze.
What the hell am I doing here? I wondered. Im in my forties, and my job as a executive in a major company was made redundant several months ago. Ive lost count of the number of applications, emails, phone calls, LinkedIn messages, and interviews I have had since then.
Get a degree. Youll get a better job and earn great money, they said.
I have two degrees, led teams and managed businesses with turnover in the hundreds of millions, raised two children who are now young adults, maintained a marriage through financial and emotional highs and lows, and cared for my elderly parents. And now my financial future, and to an extent my identity, is resting in the hands of someone less than half my age!
Placing the clipboard and pen on the counter, I collected my bag and headed for the exit.
Im too old for this sh*t!
To my dear friend Rachel, your support, amazing ideas, and no BS approach gave me the reboot I needed! Im so glad to be sharing this ride with you.
To my darling Athelfi, thank you for your unconditional love, laughter, and support. And for igniting that spark all those years ago that is now burning like wildfire!
To my trainer and mentor, Gordon, thank you for sharing your deep knowledge and experience in applied psychology in a way that has inspired a lifelong passion of reflection and personal challenge.
To my coach, Jim, it is so nice to connect with someone who just gets it! Thank you for your patience through the various iterations of me.
To all the authors of personal development, financial education, and network marketing books who have long inspired me.
To the school of life and hard knocks, thank you for making me tough, resilient, and able to conquer the twists and turns encountered on my journey so far.
I am a forty-something wife, mum, and former corporate employee from Sydney Australia. My life was fairly normal by most Western standards. I am an only child and had a normal, albeit uneventful childhood followed by the typical foray into adulthoodstudy, corporate career, marriage, mortgage and children. Life carried on with its inevitable ups and downs, but overall, I felt I was doing what I was supposed to be doing. But something just wasnt right. I began to see the ugly side of corporate life. Our income, whilst good, did not seem to allow us to get ahead. As income increased, so did outgoings. I felt I was on a treadmill and getting nowhere fast. Apart from not achieving my goals financially, my health, both physically and mentally, was also not where I wanted it to be.
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