Network Marketing Is it for you?
You are always your own best investment. So it is never too late to start your business. Because Ray Knoc started one of Americas greatest food chain stores namely McDonalds in his fifties.
Colonal Sanders started Kentucky Fried Chicken thegreat spicy chicken food chain store in America in hissixties. It has its network in many other countries.
You are never too young to start a business. Because Michael Dell started the multinational company Dell Computers while in college.
You need not be rich enough to start a business. Because Good Year, the tyre giant started his researchand business when he was a pauper without even apenny in his pocket. Today many tyre companies areselling tyres through affiliate/network marketing in hishistorical name.
You do not need to be an MBA to start your ownbusiness. Millions of entrepreneurs never graduated fromcollege. Bill Gates dropped out of college to start Microsoft. Brin and Page left their studies in PhD to startGoogle, the worlds largest search engine.
You need not be a man to start a business; becausenearly fifty per cent of all new businesses are started bywomen.
You never need a lot of things to start a business.But you need one thing . You must have a friend whois your customer, distributor or prospect. Go and gethim.
Jeffrey J. Fox
How to make big money in your own small business
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Network Marketing: Is it for you?
2008, V. C. Chandrasekharan
ISBN 978-81-207-3934-5
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The information about network marketing is given in this book in
good faith and not with any warranty. The author had collected
abundant information from several references and compiled only
the essence which is essential for the purpose of this book and for the
pursuit of network marketing profession. Several factors which are
out of the authors knowledge and control may mislead the readers
and as such if the readers rely on misinterpreted and misrepresented
information, it cannot be considered as our liability.
T wo thousand years ago, more than five thousand menand women and children were fed with five loafs ofbread and two pieces of fish. They ate and were filled andthe remaining were taken in twelve baskets full of fragmentsand the fish to be shared with others for the future. LordGod did this with ease. What a miracle it is! A power ofmultiplication! Do you know the value of that multipliedfood? It is 200 Denarii, a currency in the Greek and theRoman system. The current value of this biblical money is$6400 (one Denarius=$32) equivalent to Rs 250,000/-Divided by 5000 people it gives a value of Rs 50/- perhead, the price of one pack of Moghal biriyani. Leave alonethe truth and belief in Christianity in this miracle, the lessonto be learnt is worth considering. Firstly a few became large.Secondly as per the scriptures the multitude of more than5000 men and women were arranged in groups of 50s and100s with self-leaders for serving the food. We can see herea network organisation was formed on its own. In todaysnetworking system this is what is happening, withdevelopment of self-leadership, sharing of benefits andsurplus with others.
All said and done, network marketing is understood tobe the most misunderstood or the least understood concept.People always have a negative look at it because manynetwork companies are born and die eventually due to so many reasons and mainly due to deviation from legalconformities. It is my intention that I do not confuse theminds of the entrepreneurial readers aspiring to becomenetwork professionals. Mind hates confusion and as suchinstead of munching over repeated slogans, this bookexposes the truths about the network marketing businessstraightforwardly so that people have a proper mindset tochange themselves to an extraordinary lifestyle.
You will become interested about the information sharedin this book. This book is for networkers aspiring to becomenew professionals to earn more income and feel passionateabout doing all activities such as prospecting, recruiting,presenting and duplicating.
If you sign up as a distributor in a networking company,you are promised commissions and other rewards for bothyour sales and those people whom you bring into theorganisation under you. Networking companies sellpharmaceutical supplements, electrical goods, insurancepolicies, automobiles, financial products, numismatics, etc.Some networking companies like National Federation ofBlind promote the cause of blind people through networkingconcept. Networking is a brilliant concept and this bookattempts to bring out the facts behind it for the benefit ofall sections of the society, so that they develop a zeal tobecome entrepreneurs and pursue the business of networkmarketing.
Network marketing business is not easy. It is simple,but its not easy. Were bringing in a lot of people whonever have been their own boss before, so turnover is thereality of the process. Network marketeers cannot afford tofeel lucky. They have to get smart. They must master whatnetwork marketing stands for. It is the art and science ofword of mouth. This book provides rich, rigorous andachievable ideas. So read it and then teach and spread theword.
We have to see challenges as growth opportunities,setbacks as learning experiences and adversity as necessaryfor character building. And that is pretty tough to do whenyou are surrounded by negativity all day, as most of usare.
The truth is, most of our average co-workers, friendsand family members are always negative. They dont meanto be negative, but they cant help it. They are beingprogrammed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, just as weare.
We many a times approach sceptical people, who dontalways understand the difference between illegal pyramidsand legitimate network marketing.
Very often we promote breakthrough products whichneed clear explanation. Telling someone that they work forthemselves, work at home and become their own bossthemselves is not a sex story for them to hear. To them thesex story is learning about the products, prospectingtechniques, recruiting or leading generation strategies,which reading this book kindles and provides.
I can assure you that after having read this book if youcall ten people and invite them to a presentation, you willpull a higher percentage of people.
If you read this book for 30 minutes when you wakeup, you will be a different person at your opportunitymeeting that night. There will be a different tone in yourvoice, and a different look in your eyes and you will assumea different posture.
If you started your day watching TV, and get rejectedat 7 pm on a phone contact with a prospect, I am sure youwill put down the phone with disappointment and go rightback in front of the TV.
But if you start your day by reading this book NetworkMarketing Is it for you? for 30 minutes and you yet getrejected at 7 pm, it is most likely that youre calling thenext prospect at 7:03 pm.
V.C Chandrasekharan
M any top officials and people in managerial positionsin banks quit their jobs. Corporate leaders in industry,software and IT sectors drawing a salary of over Rs.20 lakhsper annum leave their jobs. Most doctors, lawyers, auditors,teachers, university professors, students and those in manyconventional professions, leave their jobs even when theyare earning high. Those in subordinate positions are crazyabout becoming leaders with the intention of earning fatincome and switch jobs. We see all these phenomenon inmedia reports and news columns and very often hear aboutthem through friends and neighbours.