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First published in the United States of America by Puffin Books, an imprint of Penguin Young Readers Group, 2014
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Copyright 2014 by Gabrielle Ford
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Puffin Books ISBN 978-1-101-63060-0
First and foremost, I dedicate this book to my coonhound Izzy, my best friend evermore, the center of my universe. Her long, velvety ears were often the first things to catch my tears. Without Izzy, I would not have discovered my inner gift for connecting with students, which helped me become a nationally renowned focal point for educatorsa face, a voice for Americas bullied.
Second, this book is sincerely dedicated to those who have suffered bullying at the hands of their classmates, to the students who have stood by not knowing what to do, and to those who bully.
Furthermore, this book is dedicated to all the students who have attended my school assemblies or events and have spoken with me afterward, shook my hand, hugged me, thanked me, gave me a high five, laughed with me, confided in me, danced for me, cried with me, rubbed Izzys belly, patted her head, took photographs or shared their personal story, and wrote letters to me or posted comments on my online guest book. You asked me to continue spreading my story not only across the U.S. but all over the world! Your wish has come true. You moved me to write the words within this book after listening to you and reading your letters. Yes, Ive read thousands of them, every one! THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!
Im just Gabe, grounded, given an unexpected and extraordinary story. But I am your voice! I have no doubt that this book will help you, and other students, for countless years to come.
Last but not least, I dedicate my book to my mom, who never gave up on me! She taught me the importance of forgiving others so that I would not hold on to hurt, anger, and bitterness or remain an unhappy person. My mom taught me that no one is perfect, and that every day is a new day for each of us, an opportunity to become a better person.
Mom, Izzy, and I spent many years traveling across the country, in and out of airports. She drove Izzy and me long distances through snowstorms, icy road conditions, rain, wind, and winding mountain roads, to ensure that we would be able to share our anti-bullying message.
When traveling by plane, Mom would pull Izzy in her wagon with one hand and push me in my wheelchair with the other. She would have to disassemble my wheelchair and Izzys wagon every time we got on a plane, and reassemble them when we got off. After all that, she was still responsible for getting us from the airport to our destination!
Im not sure how she did it all, but she did. She says bullying hurts not only the person being bullied but the family, too. She is passionate about bullying; she does not want anyone to feel its wrath, because she, too, experienced bullying first-hand as a young girl.
Years later, my stepfather, Rick, shared the driving with my mom. Both of them helped Izzy and me make our voices heard in a world of bullied students. No longer do students need to suffer in silence. I heard their cry, I am their voice!
Dear Reader,
I never imagined I would become a voice for the bullied. I never even imagined I would be bullied. But fate works in strange ways. When I was a girl, I dreamed of becoming a professional dancer. Dance was my first love. I danced tap, jazz, and ballet for years. I was pursuing my dream. Then, surprisingly, at about the age of thirteen, I began to lose my balance. I would fall and stumble. My family discovered I had a progressive, life-threatening disease called Friedreichs ataxia. I learned I wouldnt dance again, and someday I wouldnt be able to walk. I was heartbroken. My life would be a long fight. It was a new life I did NOT want.
I became different. I was bullied.
The bullying I endured hurt me deeply. For years, I would hide from classmates who teased me about the way I walked or pushed me into the lockers in the hall. I had speech class waived in high school because other students made fun of my voice. I began to spend long periods of time alone in my room at home. Just the thought of going into my school was pure torment. I didnt want to go out of the house, let alone to school!
And then a long-eared coonhound named Izzy came into my life, and everything changed. In this book, youll learn about my remarkable bond with Izzy: how she developed a mysterious condition similar to mine; how caring for her forced me out of hiding and launched me on the path to my lifes purposebecoming a speaker for the bullied.
Izzy and I became two of a kind, and through our shared experience I learned that while we dont always have a choice about what happens to us in life, we do always have a choice about how we treat those around us. I realize I am not the only one who has been bullied, nor am I the only one who has a life-threatening disease, but I am the only one with an Izzy dog!
Together, my beloved Izzy and I began to tour schools, speaking to students and educators about how to prevent bullying. I knew that fewer bullied students meant fewer broken people who would feel the pain, shame, and embarrassment I felt. I knew that together Izzy and I could make a difference.
As our story gained media attention, Izzy and I took it on the road, speaking to larger audiences all across the country. Our story has captivated hundreds of thousands of people, and it will captivate you, too.
This book is for you if youve been bullied, if youve been someone who bullies, if youve witnessed it or overheard it, or if youre just a dog lover like me who enjoys a good story! I cant tell you how many times I have felt alone, but I am here to tell you that you are not. I want you to know that if I can get through bullying, anyone can, and I hope youll find strength in my story, as many students and educators have.
By accepting what has happened in my life, my purpose in life found me. I now embrace my sufferings and would not change my life. My dog, Izzy, really does have a voice, and together we have been given an amazing story, an incredible journey, and many students have stopped bullying one another when they read or hear about it. Knowing that sharing my experiences has prevented so many students from being bullied has been meaningful to me. Ive come to learn that:
To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you may be the world.