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Absolutely Essential Tips For Buying & Selling OneBay
Copyright 2014 Phil Gurian
Hardcopy ISBN-13: 978-1481930260
Hardcopy ISBN-10: 1481930265
Smashwords Edition
*eBay is a registered trademark of eBay Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this work maybe reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronicor mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by anyinformation storage or retrieval system, without permission inwriting from its writer, except by reviewers, speakers and otherswho may quote brief passages.
Important Tips for Buying on eBay
1) Last Minute BiddingFrenzies - Perhaps youve noticed thatoften theres a bidding frenzy in the last one minute of bidding.New bidders may suddenly start bidding in the hope that theprevious bidders will not be watching or cant increase their bidin time. Often however its because of Sniping .
Sniping websites automatically bid on your behalf,often in the last 10ish seconds. Simply sign up, enter an eBay itemnumber and the maximum price you're willing to pay. offer sniping services that place bids for you.
Typically youll need to give sniping sites your eBaypassword for them to work (ugh!!) Obviously that is a serioussecurity concern.
Theres little protection from eBay if things gowrong when sniping, since you willingly gave your password to athird party. If you do sign up for such a service, never use thesame password for eBay as you use for other accounts like banksaccounts or email addresses.
2) Second-chance Auction Scams,Beware of Them - Unscrupulous peoplesometimes watch bidders in high-dollar auctions and try to takeunsuspecting buyers money after an auction ends.
The scheme, known as a Second-chance Auction Scam , is just one of many types of Internet auction fraudsreported to the Internet Crime ComplaintCenter, or IC3 .
Second-chance scammers wait until auctions end andthen offer bidders that lost, a phony second chance to purchase theitem -- usually through a wire transfer service. This happens moreoften than people realize, beware!
3) Misspelling Search Tool - , , , and - There aremany items listed on eBay every day that have misspelled words inthe title. It's unfortunate for the seller but chances are goodthose listings will not come up well in eBay's search engine(because misspelling causes keyword problems) and thus not bringthe seller top dollar. Their loss can be your gain!
4) Bidding Tip - Often sellers start auctions at .99 cents, (or at leastunder a dollar) hoping a bidding war will erupt. Many items gounspotted, staying at this super-low price (99 cents). hunts for eBay auctions due to finish within an hour but wherethe price still is very low.
With these items in particular, double-check deliverycharges, as some sellers hope to recoup costs by charging a littleextra (though eBay's now set maximum delivery charges for manycategories).
5) Dont Forget AboutFacebook - FacebookMarketplace is a force to be reckoned with.Also sellers often are open to haggling. Just log on to youraccount at Facebook and search for "Marketplace". Its also worthchecking to see if theres any local Facebook selling groups inyour area.
6) Nigerian Type Scam forPaying . These unscrupulous people want topay with a money order that they claim to already have handy. Oftenits for more than the purchase amount. He writes to ask if theseller would be "honest enough" (or something of that nature) tosend him the extra cash along with the item. (However he might justtry to only buy the item with it and not ask for extra cash.)Unfortunately the money order can look okay but is counterfeit.They particularly like the Buy ItNow feature.
7) Set Long-term Alerts For RareItems - If you want something very specificor hard to find, set a 'favorite search' and eBay will email eachtime a seller lists your desired item.
Simply type a product in eBay's search bar, such as"silver dollar", and click 'save search'. Be as specific aspossible for the most accurate results. When (and if) someone listsone, youre alerted with an email.
8) Dont Assume eBays the CheapestPlace To Get Your Item - Many people assumethat if it's on eBay, it's automatically the least expensive placeto get it, but that often isn't the case. Perhaps youd also liketo use shopbots (shopping robots) that check numerous Internet retailers tofind the best price. Type into a search engine shopping comparisonsites.
The same rule applies when buying used merchandise.Check used marketplaces on and - you may evenget it for free on Freecycle or Freegle.
9) Check the eBay Going Rate For anItem - There's a quick way to check an eBayproduct's average price. Enter the item into the search box andclick completed listings. What will come up is a list of pricesthat similar auctions have already settled on. After that, sort itby "Price: lowest first". If the price is red, it means no onebought it. Green means it sold. Figure out the averageprice.
10) eBay has banned the selling ofintangible items, and that includes curses! - Among the items that were prohibited as of August 30, 2012,are advice; spells; curses; hexing; conjuring; magic; prayers;blessing services; magic potions; healing sessions; work from homebusinesses and information; wholesale lists, and drop shoplists.
11) Haggling on eBay Can PayOff - There's nothing wrong with asking fora discount, even if the listing doesn't have the make offerindication. Haggling works best on Buy ItNow listings, or auctions with a high startprice and no bids. Also youll likely do better if you haggle asthe auction is coming closer to closing as the seller could startfeeling more desperate.
To contact the seller, click on the sellers nicknamethen ask seller a question. If you're polite, you'll likely getfurther. Blunt requests such as "dude, how about $15?" likely wontwork out as well. Remember the seller is likely going to lose moneydoing this so no point in being annoying.
Once you've arranged a deal, try to keep thetransaction within eBay. Ask the seller to add (or change) aBuy It Now price. That way you dont lose the usual eBay buyerprotection privileges.
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