Stop Hemorrhoid Discomfort and Pain:
Natural Remedies That Eliminate Hemorrhoids
Christopher Teller, NaturalNutritionist
Smashwords Edition
Copyright 2013
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Chapter 1:
How to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids with Remedies
There are many unpleasant symptoms anddiseases associated with constipation. A hemorrhoid is one suchsymptom and many doctor or practitioners say, Its not a seriouscondition. As a natural nutritional consultant, I say,Hemorrhoids is a condition you need to reduce or better yeteliminate.
You need to listen to all symptoms you haveto decide if you need to take some action to correct the cause.Sometime just acknowledging a simple symptom is enough for symptomand the cause to disappear. Hemorrhoids whether simple or severeare your body telling you there is something wrong somewhere and Ihope you take care of it before it get worse
Taking care of hemorrhoids or the symptom isnot where you want to concentrate you effort. You want to go to thecause and start applying some changes so the cause will change ordisappear.
The first signs of hemorrhoids are when youneed to take action. Dont wait until your hemorrhoids get large,give you pain, start bleeding, or protrude.
The first question you should ask abouthemorrhoids is what caused them.
What causes hemorrhoids?
It is always the cause of an illness that youshould be after. Doctors dont always have the time to determinewhat the cause is so they will treat the symptom or get rid of itfor you.
Its up to you to take charge of your health.I know you are this type of person; otherwise, you would not bereading this eBook.
Hemorrhoids are cause by excess pressure inthe rectal veins and the veins in the surrounding area.
There are many causes of hemorrhoids of whichconstipation is a major cause. First work on eliminating yourhemorrhoidal symptoms, using the natural remedies listed in thiseBook. Then work on getting rid of constipation and the other causeso that you can be free of hemorrhoids and the other diseases thatcould follow.
In their book, Natural Prescriptions, 1994,Robert M. Giller, M.D. and Kathy Matthews, gives you their opinionof drugstore medications, If you are suffering from hemorrhoidsright now, you want immediate relief. What about all thoseover-the-counter remedies? Just last year the FDA clamped down onthe manufacturers of these products, and some of them are beingremoved from the market because theyve never been proven to beeffective. Other must limit their claims. Those that claim toshrink tissues must carry a warning because people with diabetes orheart disease, for example, shouldnt use them. In the finalanalysis, while you may get some temporary relief from theseproducts, you could do as well by applying zinc oxide, petroleumjelly, or witch hazel, which are just as effective and farcheaper.
Many different natural remedies for reducing,relieving, and eliminating hemorrhoids are listed here. Sinceeveryone is different in their chemical make-up and nutritionalrequirements, one remedy will not work for everyone. Each of youhas to find out what remedy works best for you. Use the remedy thatfeels right for you, the remedy where you have the ingredients, orthat one based on the severity of your hemorrhoids.
What are hemorrhoids?
Constipation, Hemorrhoids or Piles, andinactivity go hand in hand. If you have been constipated for quitea while, chances are you have hemorrhoids. If you are inactivebecause you just like sitting around or are confined to a bed orchair, then you will have constipation and hemorrhoids.
In the previous chapters I have talked aboutwhat is constipation and what foods not to eat and what foods toeat to eliminate constipation.
The diet and preventative measures to takefor hemorrhoids are the same for constipation. Eliminatingconstipation is the first step in curing your hemorrhoids. The nextstep is using natural remedies to eliminate your hemorrhoids. Thethird step is to increase your activity through walking, exercise,or other moving activities.
These three steps can be done at the sametime especially if you have hemorrhoids that are itchy or painfuland are in need of attention.
Constipation occurs when fecal matter remainsin your colon 25 hours or more. You should be having at least 2bowel movements per day, especially if you are eating three meals aday. If you are not then, you are constipated to the point whereyou may need to puff, push, or strain to have a bowel movement.
Bowel movements must occur naturally. Whenyour colon is somewhat working good and you are eating good food,then you will naturally have the urge to have 2-3 bowel movementsper day. If you do not have 2-3 bowel movements per day, dontworry and dont force yourself to have them. Just start changingyour diet as I have outline in earlier chapters and as time passesyou will have more natural bowel movement during the day.
Enlarged Veins
Hemorrhoids, in the rectum, occur when theveins are not returning enough blood back to the heart. When thishappens, the vein walls do not receive enough oxygen and release asubstance into the blood that cause them swell and become inflamed.This swelling causes the vein to become weaken and more likely tobreak when they are rubbed, like during a bowel movement.
If your stools are hard, you have a higherchance of breaking a swelling vein. For this reason getting yourstools softer is one step in clearing your hemorrhoids. You can dothis by eating a diet and using remedies that are directed atrelieving constipation.
On the inside just above the muscle thatcloses the anus and into to the rectum. They are near the surfaceof the rectum mucus membrane on the outside, they occur on the skinthat surround the anus and protrude or hang outward.
On the outside, they are called a prolapsedhemorrhoid, when they occur inside on the rectum and come throughthe anus and hang outward. In a way, hemorrhoids can be consideredvaricose veins of the rectum. Just like varicose veins in the legs,the rectum veins become enlarged and come to the skin surface andbulge out.
Hemorrhoids occur when you are constipatedfor long periods, sit for long hours, lift heavy items, or arepregnant. If youre constipated, youre probably having a difficulttime having a bowel movement. And when you do, your stools areusually small, hard, and dry. If you have to push and strain or siton the toilet for 10-15 minutes, then expect to have hemorrhoids atsome point. Two to three minutes is all you normally need to have anatural bowel movement.
Over 85% of the population has hemorrhoids.Hemorrhoids are a sign that fecal matter is not passing throughyour colon like it should. Simple hemorrhoids are not dangerous toyour health, but hemorrhoids that have been building for a whilewill cause you some discomfort, such as,
Mucus discharge
Bleeding showing up in your stools ordripping into the toilet water. Itching on the outside of therectum Pain in the rectum area and during a bowel movement Pain inthe rectum area, when you sit Soft bulging area in the rectum oranus that give you a sensation that something is there HealthAlert: See your doctor if your hemorrhoids are painful, have excessbleeding, or stools have change in color from medium brown to darkbrown or black.
Hemorrhoids typically dont itch. If theyitch most of the time, this may be normal. If they itch only atnight you may have pinworms. In her book, Digestive Wellness, 1996,Elizabeth Lipski, M.S.,C.C.N, tells you how to check forpinworms,
Place a piece of tape around your finger,sticky side out. Put the tape on your anus, pull it off and checkfor worms, which look like moving white threads. If you arechecking one of your children, you can use the tape method or justlook. Another cause of rectal itching is called pruritus ani whichcan be caused by food sensitivities, contact with irritatingsubstance (laundry detergent or toilet paper), fungi, bacterialinfection, parasites, antibiotics, poor hygiene or tightclothing.