Copyright 2013 by Sheridan Stewart.
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ISBN: 978-0-9874676-3-8 (e)
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Easy, Fun & Affordable Ways to Break Free
For Mum, who raised us to be courageous.
When life becomes too small, we can lose confidence.
Too often, when seeking change, we become convinced that we need to do something drastic or grandiose (and usually expensive!) to be effective, when in reality there are many every day, affordable (even free) things we can do to break out of our ruts and reinvigorate our lives!
Rut Busters are the small, easy-to-do baby steps that can add up to a quantum leap! Try one or two (or all) of the following and soon enough youll discover that taking these tiny steps can help you develop the confidence to do and be more than you ever dreamed was possible plus, theyre fun!
What, more housework? No, Im talking about reenergizing your home or your workplace in a way that creates an environment that is inspiring to be in and helps invigorate your life! And, yes cleaning is part of the equation but, rather than thinking of it as yet more housework, try thinking of it as preparing the foundations for an exciting new chapter of your life!
Put on your all-time favourite music and shake a tail feather along with the feather duster! Ive been known to vacuum to everything from Van Morrison to Vivaldi, although it might be advisable to use headphones or ear buds if youre giving your workplace the once over whist cranking out Van Halen!
With a little help from Elvis, or Eminem, youll be putting a whole lot of great energy into your environment instead of the traditional elbow-grease-and-resentment!
QUOTE: Im not going to vacuum until Sears
makes one you can ride on. Roseanne Barr
AFFIRMATION: If cleanliness is next to
godliness, I must be an angel!
Its hard to make a fresh start when your environment is weighing you down. Take it from me, a self-confessed stuffologist who is married to a major hoarder with a degree in hard rubbish collecting!
By getting rid of anything that is broken, worn out, shabby, unattractive or has simply lost its meaning over the years, you free up the space to enjoy the items that are useful, beautiful and meaningful. You may even invite something fresh and new in.
Start small. Choose a room (or even a section of a room like a desk or cupboard), pick up each item and give it the Relevance Test. That is, if you dont use it or love it, get rid of it!
If youre concerned about being wasteful, then offer them to friends and family, or hold a Garage Sale and turn your clutter into cash! Alternatively you could pass the items onto a charity/goodwill store.
Remember, one persons trash is anothers treasure.
QUOTE: No one ever became poor by giving.
Ann Frank
AFFIRMATION: My home is my sanctuary.
Now that youve de-cluttered, its time to revitalize your space. This is the fun part where you get to be as imaginative as you want to be.
Make sure your space has something for each of your senses - I like to call this Sense-able Living!
Adding a coloured candle, a framed photo or piece of art pleases the eye and enriches the soul. A vase full of fresh flowers adds beauty, colour, and can smell wonderful.
Burning essential oils is an easy way to really change the energy in a room, as well as giving your sense of smell a real treat! Always use quality essential oils. These range dramatically in price but some personal favourites, like clarysage & orange, are inexpensive and give your room a real lift. If youre looking for something exotic, try pre-blended oils. Usually the name alludes to the blends aroma-therapeutic properties. For example, Tranquility, Sensuality, etc.
Music and lighting both have a huge effect on a room and are two of the easiest ways to change mood. For example if you want to create a more soothing atmosphere, try switching on a soft lamp, or light some candles and turn off the main light. Now add some music that you find relaxing.
Finally, find something that feels fantastic to touch. Theres a reason why some people keep stress-balls or squeezy toys on their desk at work. In the home you might add a silk cushion or faux fur throw rug that you just cant resist caressing!
QUOTE: Nothing is more memorable than a
smell. One scent can be unexpected,
momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a
childhood summer beside a lake in the
mountains. Diane Ackerman
AFFIRMATION: I am surrounded by beauty.
When I first moved out of the city, I had a 50 minute drive to and from work each day, plus I was in a new relationship that saw me inherit a live-in teenage step-daughter along with a husband, and two step-sons who spent time with us as well.
Suddenly my time was no longer my own and one of the things I missed most was reading. There just wasnt enough hours in the day anymore. But I had nearly two hours of time alone in the car, so I headed to the library and loaded up with audio books. Now I could read whilst driving!
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