Welding For Dummies
by Steven Robert Farnsworth
Welding For Dummies
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About the Author
Steven Robert Farnsworth hails from Iowa, close to the age of dirt being born in 1955. He attended Archer School until they closed it and went on to Sanborn Community High School, where he graduated in 1973. He was one of the lucky ones. While attending high school, he also attended a vocational school, graduating with a welding diploma.
Steve enlisted in the U.S. Navy in July of 1973. After boot camp, he attended HTA (Hull Maintenance Technician) in San Diego, California, and transferred to the USS ARD 30 (the floating dry dock for fast attack submarines), where he worked in the repair division. Steve was then sent to C1 Welding School in San Diego, where he qualified as a high pressure plate and high pressure pipe welder. After attending C1 Welding School, he was transferred to the USS Basilone DD824 until his honorable discharge in July of 1977. Steve began his civilian career at a construction company in Spencer, Iowa, working as the welder, semi driver, and heavy equipment operator. In August 1979, he acquired the position of Welding Instructor at Iowa Lakes Community College, teaching the following classes:
Oxyacetylene Theory and Lab
Electric Arc Theory and Lab
Structural Welding
Brazing and Soldering
Mig and Tig Theory
Mig and Tig Lab
Pipe Welding
Production Welding
Special Processes
In 1984 Steve left teaching and went back into the Navy, receiving orders to the USS White Plains AFS-4 (the Orient Express), home ported in Guam. After 36 months, he received orders to the USS Hunley AS-31, home ported out of Norfolk, Virginia. After four years in that naval tour, he returned to instructing at Iowa Lakes Community College and has been there ever since. Steve is a Certified Welding Educator and Certified Welding Inspector through the American Welding Society.
I dedicate this book to all the welders and welding students who put everything together that makes this world go around. I cannot imagine a world without welded products. So thank you, welders who have breathed a little smoke and saw the flash of products being welded together. I would also like to thank Iowa Lakes Community College for allowing me to write this book and putting up with me for all these years.
Authors Acknowledgments
When I was young, my first job was moving chicken manure for 90 cents an hour. (Believe me, you never had a cold after you scooped that stuff.) Welding at the local factory paid 35 cents more an hour. (Wouldnt you change jobs?) At that time, who would have ever thought I would author a book on something that I enjoy doing? I would like to thank all the people who have helped me teach welding students how to weld over the last 25+ years. I hope this welding book helps you become the welder that you want to be.
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