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Byrne - Meals for Me Cookbook: Cook for Yourself: 37 Quick, Healthy, and Delicious Recipes

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Byrne Meals for Me Cookbook: Cook for Yourself: 37 Quick, Healthy, and Delicious Recipes
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Are you single, work alone, eat alone or just like to have something simple prepared for your lunch or dinner meal?
Do you think cooking for yourself is boring or perhaps you just dont like it?
Would you enjoy some time tested, delicious, simple meals to prepare so that you can take that worry off your plate?
Then this is a good book for you.
Inside there are 37 dishes that are rather simple to prepare for either one or two people.
Its an assortment of vegetarian, meat, and fish dishes. There are salads, wraps, packet cooking, bean dishes, pizza, pasta, and patties. Ive included my best tidbit to share with you at the end that may help shift the recipe to spice it up, tone it down or just let it rock on its own!

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Meals for Me Cookbook Cook for Yourself: 37 Quick, Healthy, and Delicious Recipes Congratulations on investing in Meals for Me for yourself. As my way of saying thank you, Id like to give you a bonus: a simple, sensible, and practical workout video. I call it an Everyday Workout because we use simple moves that use your whole body. Youll feel really good when youre done. Its 23 minutes and I coach you through the whole workout. Eating well paired with moving better is a great combo for healthy living! You can download it right here:
Why You Should Read This Book Are you single work alone eat alone or just - photo 1

Why You Should Read This Book
Are you single, work alone, eat alone or just like to have something simple prepared for your lunch or dinner meal? Do you think cooking for yourself is boring or perhaps you just dont like it? Would you enjoy some time tested, delicious, simple meals to prepare so that you can take that worry off your plate? Then this is a good book for you.

Inside there are 37 dishes that are rather simple to prepare for either one or two people.

Copyright 2014 by Lisa Byrne All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication or the information in it may be quoted from or reproduced in any form by means such as printing, scanning, photocopying or otherwise without prior written permission of the author and publisher. Disclaimer and Terms of Use: This collection comes from a variety of sources. They have been adapted from and inspired by family, good friends, magazines, cookbooks, and a gourmet chef. I offer them because they satisfy the intention of what I was looking for: cooking delicious meals for one.

Effort has been made to ensure that the information in this book is accurate and complete, however, the author and the publisher do not warrant the accuracy of the information, text and graphics contained within the book due to the rapidly changing nature of science, research, known and unknown facts and internet. The author and the publisher do not hold any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. This book is presented solely for motivational and informational purposes only. Table of Contents

Hi there. As much as in my head I love to cook, in reality I dont. Its not that I hate cooking at all.

What trips me up is the idea of deciding what to have and actually preparing it so I can eat it. I have a private movement studio where I see clients. So basically, I work alone. Even though my work is in teaching and coaching clients rather than exercising with them, I sure build up an appetite. When I get busy with clients one right after the other the last thing I want to do at my mid-day break is decide WHAT to eat. Once a week I go out for lunch.

Thats my treat. But the rest of the days I need to be prepared so I can function optimally for the clients who come in for themselves. In order for to be at my best, lunch or dinner has to be planned, nutritious and simple enough. A great discovery this year was that I have my best energy for clients when I have prepared my entire week of meals. Mentally, its satisfying and physically its energizing just knowing that my meal is waiting for me because I have it prepared and ready to go. If you live alone, cook alone, or eat alone my wish for you is that you can make that transition to preparing meals for your week.

And it becomes a no brainer when you remove the sheer laziness and insert preparation. All you have to do is heat and eat! This book before you contains an assortment of vegetarian, meat, and fish dishes. There are salads, wraps, packet cooking, bean dishes, pizza, pasta, and patties. Ive included my best tidbit to share with you at the end that may help shift the recipe to spice it up, tone it down or just let it rock on its own! Ready? Here we go!

Anytime Eggs
What You Need: 1 tbsp olive oil 2-3 cooked potatoes, slice them handful cherry tomatoes, sliced also 2 spring onions, nicely sliced 1 egg a few basil leaves How To: Heat the oil in a frying pan over medium heat Add the potato slices and fry on both sides until brown. Toss in the tomatoes and spring onions and fry for about 1 min until softened. Season that with salt and pepper.

Youll want to make a space in the pan now. Gently break the egg into the space and fry until cooked to your hearts desire. Scatter over the basil leaves and serve.
Picture 2 This dish is so easy, quick and versatile. I love it as a weeknight meal. Rustle up this recipe with a pinch of chili flakes.

The best thing: you can add in what you already have in your fridge.

Baked Fish with Spinach and Tomatoes in Foil Packets
What You Need: 1 pound fish fillets, about 1-inch thick 2 large handfuls baby spinach leaves 1 quarter red onion, thinly sliced 20 or so cherry tomatoes 4 sprigs fresh thyme 1/2 lemon, cut into 2 wedges Salt and pepper How To: Preheat your oven to 400F. Remove any pin bones you see as you inspect the fish. Divide it into two equal portions. Use two sheets of aluminum foil that is about 12-14 inches long. Lay those out. Take a large handful of baby spinach leaves and pile it in the middle of each piece of foil.

Each bed of spinach will get one fish fillet. Season generously with salt and pepper. Arrange a few slices of onion over the top of each fillet and divide the cherry tomatoes on and around the fish. Two springs of thyme go over the top. Squeeze your lemon over each of those packets and add a drizzle of oil oil, or butter if you prefer. Heres how you fold the fish in: Fold the sides of the foil in around the fish.

Then fold the top and bottom of the foil. Be sure to pinch them closed so you create a solid package. Place them side-by-side on your baking sheet. Bake for 18 to 22 minutes, or until the fish is opaque. When you open your packets be careful to not spill the juices. You can just eat it right out of the packet if you want! Or transfer it to your plate with a slotted spatula.

Spoon some of the flavorful juices over top. Be sure to eat immediately. Picture 3 The foil keeps the fish from drying out. It almost always guarantees a moist & fragrant piece of fish. I like to include slivers of garlic and lemon to the packet.

Baked Super Foods: Salmon, Kale & Sweet Potatoes
What You Need: 1 sweet potato 1 bunch kale 1 lb. filet of wild salmon 1 orange 1 grapefruit 1 lemon 3 tablespoons olive oil 1 tsp. kosher salt 1 tsp. coarse ground black pepper 1 pat of butter 12 cherry or grape tomatoes How To: You have 2 ways to prepare this dish: in two single-serve baking dishes or in one 13 x 9 pan. coarse ground black pepper 1 pat of butter 12 cherry or grape tomatoes How To: You have 2 ways to prepare this dish: in two single-serve baking dishes or in one 13 x 9 pan.

First, julienne the sweet potato into strips. Take the strips and toss with 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon orange juice, tsp. orange zest, tsp. salt and tsp. pepper. Put half of that on one side of each baking dish.

After you rinse the kale chop up the leafy part. Toss this with 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon grapefruit juice, tsp. grapefruit zest, tsp. salt and tsp. pepper. Place this on the other side of each baking dish.

After you cut the salmon fillets in half, toss with 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon lemon juice, tsp. lemon zest, tsp. salt and tsp. pepper. Place a fillet in each dish between the sweet potatoes and kale with the skin side down. 3 cherry tomatoes will go on the sides of each fillet. 3 cherry tomatoes will go on the sides of each fillet.

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