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To Ralph
To Marek and Iwona
Text copyright 2022 by Deborah Blumenthal
Illustrations copyright 2022 by Lerner Publishing Group, Inc.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Blumenthal, Deborah, author. | Brzozowska, Maria, 1992 illustrator.
Title: Frank, who liked to build : the architecture of Frank Gehry / Deborah Blumenthal ; illustrated
by Maria Brzozowska.
Description: Minneapolis : Kar-Ben Publishing, [2021] | Audience: Ages 49 | Audience: Grades K1 |
Summary: As a child, Frank Gehry liked to dream and play, eventually becoming an architect who
created astounding buildings that attract millions of visitors worldwide Provided by publisher.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021016263 (print) | LCCN 2021016264 (ebook) | ISBN 9781541597624 | ISBN 9781541597631
(paperback) | ISBN 9781728444185 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Gehry, Frank O., 1929 Juvenile literature. | ArchitectsUnited StatesBiography
Juvenile literature.
Classification: LCC NA737.G44 B57 2021 (print) | LCC NA737.G44 (ebook) | DDC 720.92 [B]dc23
LC record available at
LC ebook record available at
Manufactured in the United States of America
deboRah Blumenthal
illustrated by Maria Brzozowska
ImAgine A building
with sloping silver skin
that seems to shiver
in the wind.
Or another
with billowy blanket walls,
big enough to hide
a family of dinosaurs.
And who made them?
Frank Gehry,
an architect.
Some of his buildings look like he designed them
while dreaming
or standing on his head.
Like a kid
having fun.
One has titanium walls
like unrolled
aluminum foil.
Imagine tossing building blocks
into a blender
and pureeing them.
Because Frank was different from other people,
so are his buildings.
They curve and swerve
and undulate
like swimming fish,
flowing with time
and light.
Frank started with ordinary
and shaped it
When he was small,
his grandma, Leah, gave him bits of wood
from a sack for the woodstove
and off he went
creating little cities
and different worlds.
Franks father wasnt impressed.
He thought I was a dreamer, Frank said.
He didnt think I would amount to anything.
Neither did my mother.
Those thoughts haunted him
his whole life.
B u t d r e a m e r s k e e p d r e a m i n g.
A n d p l a y i n g.
Frank made roo f tops that bend and sway.
Boulders that collide
with drenching colors that
steal your sight,
blinding you with brilliance.
Life sometimes
gets in the way of art, though.
Frank was Jewish, and
Jews faced prejudice
in Canada, where he grew up,
and in Los Angeles, where he went
to architecture school.
So he changed his Jewish nameGoldberg
to Gehry.
But it pained him
to do it.
What he didnt lose
were the memories...