Without the continuous and generous support provided by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Archaeology, Sofia and the Veliko Turnovo Historical Museum, this volume could never have been completed. The unswerving assistance offered by the British Academy and the Society of Antiquaries of London were essential to the success, not just of the excavations, but the progress towards its full publication. Thanks Jane. The British Council and the Bulgarian Ministry of Education provided Scholarship Grants for members of the team between 19851991.
Special thanks are due to the contributors to this volume, all of whom persevered, without financial help from the excavation fund. I wish to acknowledge, in particular, the contribution made by Tom Blagg who finished the final revisions to his manuscript shortly before his untimely death. As a good friend and a great scholar, he is missed by many and with good reason. Mark Beech not only contributed reports to this volume but also co-ordinated the environmental programme as a whole.
The illustrators, who produced the publication drawings during the field-seasons in Bulgaria, worked in often difficult conditions and merit special commendation for their achievement; Paul Stroud, Helen Jeffries and Kirsty Norman. In Britain, Jane Goddard added to the corpus of final drawings for publication and more than matched the high standards set by those who had joined the field team. David Taylor also drew finds. Moreover, he successfully organized and assembled the large number of drawings and contributed the advice and practical knowledge which underpins the publication of the illustrations. Dr A. Jones has spent a year working with me on the final revisions of the texts. Her painstaking attention to detail and determination have contributed enormously to the final publication.
To all the above and the others who have offered advice and assistance in the preparation of this volume, I offer my heartfelt thanks. As in all successful outcomes, it is the combination of team-work and individual responsibility which achieves the best results.
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