2016 Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
NYU Press
ISBN 978-1-4798-5374-8
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Bagnall, Roger S.
Ostraka from Trimithis / by Roger S. Bagnall and Giovanni R. Ruffini ; with contributions by Raffaella Cribiore and Gnter Vittmann.
v. cm. (Amheida ; 1)
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
Contents: v. 1. Texts from the 2004-2007 seasons.
1. OstrakaEgyptTrimithis (Extinct city) 2. Inscriptions, GreekEgyptTrimithis (Extinct city) 3. Inscriptions, EgyptianEgyptTrimithis (Extinct city) 4. Written communicationEgyptTrimithis (Extinct city) 5. Greek languageTexts. 6. Egyptian languageTexts. 7. Trimithis (Extinct city)Social life and customsSources. 8. Trimithis (Extinct city)Antiquities. 9. Amheida Site (Egypt) 10. Excavations (Archaeology)EgyptAmheida Site. I. Ruffini, Giovanni, 1974- II. Cribiore, Raffaella. III. Vittmann, Gnther. IV. New York University. Institute for the Study of the Ancient World. V. Title.
PA3371.B34 2011
Suggested citation for this volume:
Rodney Ast & Roger S. Bagnall (eds.), with contributions from Clementina Caputo & Raffaella Cribiore. 2016. Amheida III: Ostraka from Trimithis, Vol. 2: Greek texts from the 20082013 Seasons. New York: New York University Press and Institute for the Study of the Ancient World.
Design by Andrew Reinhard
Printed in the United States
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