Recent World Bank Discussion Papers |
No. 295 | The Participation of Nongovernmental Organizations in Poverty Alleviation: The Case Study of the Honduras Social Investment Fund Project. Anna Kathryn Vandever Webb, Kye Woo Lee, and Anna Maria Sant'Anna |
No. 296 | Reforming the Energy Sector in Transition Economies: Selected Experience and Lessons. Dale Gray |
No. 297 | Assessing Sector Institutions: Lessons of Experience from Zambia's Education Sector. Rogerio F. Pinto and Angelous J. Mrope |
No. 298 | Uganda's AIDS Crisis: Its Implications for Development. Jill Armstrong |
No. 299 | Towards a Payments System Law for Developing and Transition Economies. Raj Bhala |
No. 300 | Africa Can Compete! Export Opportunities and Challenges for Garments and Home Products in the European Market. Tyler Biggs, Margaret Miller, Caroline Otto, and Gerald Tyler |
No. 301 | Review and Outlook for the World Oil Market. Shane S. Streifel |
No. 302 | The Broad Sector Approach to Investment Lending: Sector Investment Programs. Peter Harrold and Associates |
No. 303 | Institutional Adjustment and Adjusting to Institutions. Robert Klitgaard |
No. 304 | Putting Institutional Economics to Work: From Participation to Governance. Robert Picciotto |
No. 305 | Pakistan's Public Agricultural Enterprises: Inefficiencies, Market Distortions, and Proposals for Reform. Rashid Faruqee, Ridwan Ali, and Yusuf Choudhry |
No. 306 | Grameen Bank: Performance and Stability. Shahidur R. Khandker, Baqui Khalily, and Zahed Khan |
No. 307 | The Uruguay Round and the Developing Economies. Edited by Will Martin and L. Alan Winters |
No. 308 | Bank Governance Contracts: Establishing Goals and Accountability in Bank Restructuring. Richard P. Roulier |
No. 309 | Public and Private Secondary Education in Developing Countries: A Comparative Study. Emmanuel Jimenez and Marlaine E. Lockheed with contributions by Donald Cox, Eduardo Luna, Vicente Paqueo, M. L. de Vera, and Nongnuch Wattanawaha |
No. 310 | Practical Lessons for Africa from East Asia in Industrial and Trade Policies. Peter Harrold, Malathi Jayawickrama, and Deepak Bhattasali |
No. 311 | The Impact of the Uruguay Round on Africa. Peter Harrold |
No. 312 | Procurement and Disbursement Manual for Projects with Community Participation. Gita Gopal |
No. 313 | Harnessing Information for Development: A Proposal for a World Bank Group Strategy. Eduardo Talero and Philip Gaudette |
No. 314 | Colombia's Pension Reform: Fiscal and Macroeconomic Effects. Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel |
No. 315 | Land Quality Indicators. Christian Pieri, Julian Dumanski, Ann Hamblin, and Anthony Young |
No. 316 | Sustainability of a Government Targeted Credit Program: Evidence from Bangladesh. Shahidur R. Khandker, Zahed Khan, and Baqui Khalily |
No. 317 | Selected Social Safety Net Programs in the Philippines: Targeting, Cost-Effectiveness, and Options for Reform. Kalanidhi Subbarao, Akhter U. Ahmed, and Tesfaye Teklu |
No. 318 | Private Sector Development During Transition: The Visegrad Countries. Michael S. Borish and Michel Nol |
No. 319 | Education Achievements and School Efficiency in Rural Bangladesh. Shahidur R. Khandker |
No. 320 | Household and Intrahousehold Impacts of the Grameen Bank and Similar Targeted Credit Programs in Bangladesh. Mark M. Pitt and Shahidur R. Khandker |
No. 321 | Clearance and Settlement Systems for Securities: Critical Design Choices in Emerging Market Economies. Jeff Stehm |
No. 322 | Selecting Development Projects for the World Bank. Jean Baneth |
No. 323 | Evaluating Public Spending: A Framework for Public Expenditure Reviews. Sanjay Pradhan |
No. 324 | The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's Credit Programs: Performance and Sustainability. Shahidur R. Khandker and Baqui Khalily |
No. 325 | Institutional and Entrepreneurial Leadership in the Brazilian Science and Technology Sector:Setting a New Agenda. Edited by Lauritz Holm-Nielsen, Michael Crawford, and Alcyone Saliba |
No. 326 | The East Asian Miracle and Information Technology: Strategic Management of Technological Learning. Nagy Hanna, Sandor Boyson, and Shakuntala Gunaratne |
No. 327 | Agricultural Reform in Russia: A View from the Farm Level. Karen Brooks, Elmira Krylatykh, Zvi Lerman, Aleksandr Petrikov, and Vasilii Uzun |
No. 328 | Insuring Sovereign Debt Against Default. David F. Babbel |
No. 329 | Managing Transboundary Stocks of Small Pelagic Fish: Problems and Options. Max Agero and Exequiel Gonzalez |
(Continued on the inside back cover) |