This book would not have been possible without the ongoing support of my family: Herbert, Melody, Anthe, Elena, and Cassandra Shanbaum.
I want to thank those in Boston who put me on this path: Lynne Adams, Natalie Andrew, George Fifield, Taylor Hayward, Carmin Karasic, Heidi Kayser, Brian Knep, Chuck Lewin, James Manning, Armaghan Rumi Naik, Sean Omeara, Tara Spitzen, Jonathan Singer, David Wildman, and Benjamin Zipkin. I would also like to thank my colleagues and friends in London, Manchester, and Helsinki who have provided me with support and advice: Danah Abdulla, Louise Barkhuus, Sarah Beck, Mihaela Brebenel, Fred Breen, Elinor Carmi, Sean Cubitt, Paju Heinonin, Nicola Hogan, Rachel Holmes, Jacqueline Husary, Hardi Kurda, Mark Plaice, Pedro Ramos Pinto, Varpu Rantala, Paolo Ruffino, Jorge Savaderra Utman, Kevin Sharkey, Aidan Sheridan, Tom Tlalim, Pasi Valiaho, Giannina Warren, Lee Weinberg, and SuAnn Yeo. Joanna Zylinska and Sarah Kember deserve special recognition for nurturing this project in its nascent stages. I owe thanks to my colleagues at the UCL Knowledge Lab and CCM who have provided unwavering support of this project: Andy Ash, Andrew Burn, Diane Carr, Michelle Cannon, Lesley Gourlay, Carey Jewitt, Martin Oliver, Didem zkul, John Potter, and Marquard Smith. Finally, my deepest gratitude is reserved for Jennifer Rode and James Williamson who kindly read and responded to the majority of the ideas in this book.
![Abowd Gregory and Elizabeth Mynatt 2000 Charting Past Present and Future - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/272479/Images/bck_adv.jpg)
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