Reality Creation andManifestation
2016 Frederick Dodson
Table of Contents
A Course in Reality Manifesting
This book is about manifesting desirableoutcomes through affirmations, incantations, invocations, visualization,acting-as-if and prayers. It is a book of practice, not theory. If you do notknow or understand what affirmations, incantations, the law of attraction,manifesting, creative visualization, the art of intending, new thought, etc.are, please look up the definitions on the internet. This is not a book for informationbut transformation. It is not to a book to read, agree or disagree, and thenput aside, but an invitation to apply manifesting techniques.
The purpose is topractice various forms of manifesting to find out which works best for you andto get first-hand experience of its powers. The cult of scientific materialismclaims that there is no evidence to indicate that your thoughts have any sortof effect on reality. The only way to counterbalance such self-defeatingnotions is by demonstrating differently. Not because I say so or marketerspromise so, but because you have checked and tested these principles in yourown life. I owe much of my own success, health and wealth to the practice offocusing on preferred realities. There are countless very successful people whomake the same claims: Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Oprah Winfrey, AnthonyRobbins, Tiger Woods, Jim Carrey and Will Smith are just a few contemporaryproponents of the idea. But the idea has been practiced for thousands of yearsin all cultures. In fact, all religions are based on the idea that you can callupon higher powers for support in life.
"Youhave so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustardseed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it willmove. Nothing will be impossible for you. Jesus in Matthew 17:20
My own expertise comes from thirty years of teaching manifesting tocountless students. I have also studied its myriad forms: Mantras, VisualizationTechniques, Shamanism, Law of Attraction, New Thought, NLP, Religious Prayer,Ritual Magic, The Art of Intending, Vision Boards, Sports Visualization andcountless others. I have written on the advantages and disadvantages of suchmethods. I have even developed and published a method of my own called ParallelUniverses Reality Emulation. In this book I intend to get back to the bare andsimple basics of manifesting.
This first chapteris a workbook that requires your own writing of intention lists. It is an 8-weekprogram in which you will write one intention list per week. Thatsabout ten minutes of work a week.
Your work is whatmakes this otherwise meaningless book come alive. You will be doing most of thework and you will enjoy it because it yields results. Any work that createspersonal benefit, higher energy, more appreciation and more fun is work youlove to do. Nonetheless, it might be necessary to give yourself a little nudgenow and then to keep moving along these lines. The mind has a tendency to wantto stay in its comfort zone and resist the kind of change this work creates. WhatI am saying is to get to work whether you feel like it or not and soon you willget into the flow and then you will indeed feel like it.
Once you have doneyour intention list for the week, by the prescribed method, you put this bookaside and dont look at it for a whole week. You may want to read it all atonce or to check which methods will follow, but I am asking you to practicerestraint and patience. Restraint (delayed gratification) and patience is amust for reality-creators. Impatience creates delay. Patience speeds things up.Put this book aside after each weeks exercise and pick it up again in a week.
Write down smallintentions and big intentions, intentions for your money, relationships,health, job, spirit, fun or whatever else you prefer. If there is somethingbothering you in your life, then rephrase it to a positive intention. Writedown at least five to ten Intentions per week. Then, forget about it all. Donot look at your list or this book for seven days. Mark a date in your calendarwhen you take this book up again. You will be surprised at how much manifestedif you learn to let go.
Manifesting is tofocus and let go. The most basic manifesting technique is to write down whatyou want, then forget about it. When you send out a thought as consciousnessrather than as ego, it tends to manifest. Forgetting about it indicates thatyou have no attachment. Having no attachment means that you are okay if itmanifests and you are okay if it does not manifest. You are lighthearted andfree about it. Thats not a characteristic of the Ego-Self but of consciousness.Consciousness is unlimited and can manifest anything.
Write down yourIntentions in the present tense and be fairly specific. I feel better is notspecific enough. I feel good about the tax audit is specific. The tax auditgoes easily is specific. I get an unexpected blessing of monetary income andcan easily take care of the tax audit is specific. Be fairly realistic. Thereis no tax audit would be unrealistic if there already is one. But dont be toorealistic neither underwhelm nor overwhelm your sense of reality. Anotherexample: Things go well is unspecific. You may use that if you feel inclinedto, but something more specific might be: My family and I stay healthy theentire month or I make $5000 extra this week. If you are obese, then writingI am an athletic superstar is too much of a stretch. You might want to startwith something simple such as I find the right resources and information tohelp me live in harmony with my physical body again and gradually lose weight.
If it appears asif you are not manifesting anything, keep on going from week to week. Whateverdid not manifest in a previous week can be added to the new week for a new try.Reserve your judgment about how well this works for the end of the final week.
To some of you itmay seem outrageous to assume that whatever you write down comes true. Youmight say, thats magical thinking or thats childish. However, in myexperience, focusing your attention in this manner first changes your mindset,your emotions, perception and behavior on a subjective level, and then finally itbegins to magnetically draw other experiences into your life objectively, andfor all to see. The idea that your thoughts are not just vague trash a by-productof chemical reactions as the scientific-materialists say but rather the causeand root of material reality itself.
Another objectionto this practice might be I cant forget about my goals, dreams andintentions. I have the feeling that if I forget about them, I wont followthem. To which I respond: If you cant forget about them, there is too muchattachment. This kind of attachment may be useful if you use the conventionalway of reaching goals through hard work and daily dedication but itsuseless for magical manifesting. Forgetting about it does not mean you loseinterest, it just means you can temporarily take a break and focus on otherthings in life. The universe is a big place and there are surely other thingsyou could be involved with for a week, without continually bringing your mindback to your intentions. Another way to say this is: A rose does not growfaster when you tug at it. Letting the universe do its thing is like lettingthe rose grow in its own pace.
Happy Manifesting!
Frederick Dodson,2014
Week 1
Write It Down and Forget It
Take a separate sheet of paper or worddocument and write a list of at least five to ten intentions. Include smallthings and big things. Write in the present or past tense (as if it has alreadyhappened). Your intentions can address having, doing or being. Examples of
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