The Definitive Guide to Speed Reading People
on Sight Using Dark Psychology Techniques,
Body Language and Emotional Intelligence
with Manipulation Secrets to Influence People
By Scott Habits
Copyright 2020 by Scott Habits - All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents
Our bodies give out cues when we love someone, when we hate them, feel angry, when we are sad, happy, and more. They reveal all our innermost thoughts, feelings, desires, moods, and personalities. Whether we realize it or not, our bodies are constantly giving the people around us a glimpse of what may be happening on the inside.
When most folks think about reading people, they believe that there are some innate talents that enable a person to do this. Others believe that you need to go through years and years of training before you can achieve something like this.
After all, the ability to read people right off the bat can become incredibly useful during negotiations, job interviews, and any other professional and personal setting. Best of all, you are using these insights to position yourself in the most advantageous position possible.
By learning to analyze people, you get the advantage of knowing that persons feelings, emotions, and attitude even before the person utters a single word.
Moreover, the ability to analyze people helps you understand what the other person is going through. With this understanding, you can become empathetic and know what to do to make the person feel comfortable.
Yet, analyzing people does not require as much work and time as you might have thought. Of course, there are years of training behind the concepts in this book. Nevertheless, the experience of decades has been distilled into a single volume. This will enable you to learn the tips and strategies of seasoned veterans in a fraction of the time.
Chapter 1: The art of Analyzing People
It is important to remember that you can read a person you see, and you can read a person you are talking to, but you cant form an accurate opinion about a person until you have analyzed them.
To effectively analyze someone to the point you can make an opinion about them, you will need to have more than one encounter with them. Now, of course there is such a thing as first impressions and there are times when you only get a single shot at speaking with someone, but you have to remember that there is such an in depth concept to get a hold of in your own mind, it would be impossible to make an accurate opinion on someone without meeting them several times.
Watch and observe
There is a difference between knowing a person and knowing their personality. You can learn what a persons personality is without ever speaking to them by watching. This can be a touchy one, but it is important that you dont become a creep. Watch and observe people in a perfectly normal way, and that is how you will learn their personality.
This is an important thing to do for a number of reasons.
- You can learn how their standard reactions are
- You can effectively guess how they will do something
- You can accurately determine where they would fit the best (manager position, front worker, etc.)
- You can even make educated guesses on generic likes and dislikes based on personality alone
Draw conclusions, dont make assumptions
Never, never assume anything about a person. When you are analyzing people the right way, you know that you need to watch and learn. You cant base your opinion on someone on what you have heard, and you cant base it on a single interaction.
Study the people around you, and make conclusions, but dont make assumptions or base your belief on some loose theory. Form an opinion after several encounters
Sometimes you will have bad experiences with someone. There are times when that is your only experience with someone, but it is very important that you dont base your opinion on someone after that one experience.
There are a lot of people that start out as enemies and end up best friends. This would never have happened if one of them didnt give the other person a chance. When you are meeting people, dont get stuck in the first impression realm. You need to learn about them. Figure them out. Only then can you make an opinion.
Play off of aspects you pick up on
Once you learn how to read people, and put that to work, you will get good at it. Then, you can take it to the next step and start to influence the people around you.
Learn the likes and dislikes of people and roll with it. Do you know someone who doesnt like crude language or swearing? Dont do it around them. Do you know someone who doesnt like violent things? Dont talk about that movie you saw in front of them.
Do you know someone who likes fashion? Make mention that you like their outfit. These are all subtle things that dont seem like much, but they make a major impression on the person you are interacting with.
If you do this enough, they will like you, regardless of other differences, and the more you get people to like you, the more agreeable they are to your ideas.
Keep an open mind on people, they change, and so do you
You should never form a universal opinion about someone. You can know what they are like, and you can stand by an opinion you have formed (the right way), but dont ever trap people.
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