Book 1
by Jane Roberts
9/12/67 to 11/25/69
The Early Seth Class Session books will consist of Seth class sessions that are different from those published in The Seth Audio Collection and Individual Seth Tapes and CDs. The Audio Collection & CDs cover the Seth class sessions held in Jane Roberts ESP class from 1972 -1979. The Early Seth Class Session books will cover the earlier Seth class sessions (from 1967 to the end of 1971) for which we have no audio recordings. In addition, some later class sessions for which we have no recordings will also be included in the Early Seth Class Session books.
The Seth audios are actual recordings of Seth speaking during Janes class in Elmira NY and are available in CD format along with written transcripts. There are 39 CDs currently published and more will be forthcoming.
The Early Sessions consist of the first 510 sessions dictated by Seth through Jane Roberts. There are 9 books in The Early Sessions series.
The Personal Sessions , often referred to as the deleted sessions, are Seth sessions that Jane Roberts and Rob Butts considered to be of a highly personal nature and were therefore kept in separate notebooks from the main body of the Seth material. The Personal Sessions are published in 7 volumes.
P.O. BOX 192 , MANHASSET, N.Y. 11030
Book 1
by Jane Roberts
9/12/67 to 11/25/69
2008 by Laurel Lee Davies-Butts
Published by New Awareness Network Inc.
New Awareness Network Inc.
P.O. Box 192
Manhasset, New York 11030
Class members names used herein are pseudonyms.
Opinions and statements on health and medical matters expressed in this book are those of the author and are not necessarily those of or endorsed by the publisher. Those opinions and statements should not be taken as a substitute for consultation with a duly licensed physician.
Cover Design: Michael Goode
Editorial: Rick Stack
Typography: Raymond Todd, Michael Goode
All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part, without written permission from the publisher, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review; nor may any part of this book be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or other, without written permission from the publisher.
ISBN 978-0-9768978-5-9
E-book ISBN 978-0-9975404-2-0
I dedicate The Early Class Sessions
to my wife, Jane Roberts,
who lived her 55 years
with the greatest creativity
and the most valiant courage.
-Robert F. Butts, Jr.
(This session was held for three of Janes students. Attending were Florence McIntyre, Sally Benson, and Rachel Clayton.
(It was hoped that in this session Seth would give impressions concerning the Gallaghers vacation.
Good evening.
(Good evening, Seth.)
My heartiest wishes to all here present. Now, we will speak for a brief time on some general matters while we make preparations for the Gallagher material.
Now, all of you in this room know but a small portion of your whole inner self. This inner self of yours, however, knows you well and guides your actions whether or not you intellectually realize its presence.
We will, at one time or another, speak with you each in a more private session. For now I simply greet you. Joseph, give us a moment if you please.
([Rob:] Yes.)
These are impressions dealing with the Gallaghers. Arcadia. A namea name of a place that means low valley in English. A native who is dressed in clothes that do not belong to him: he is performing. The clothes are a costume from another culture.
An A here. A boat. The Gallaghers are on a boat. They pass three islands and land on the fourth. There is something spilled on the boat, and a scramble.
A strange fruit they see, it resembles a coconut but it is not one. It has pink pulp.
A party of four on the boat. The initials M, B or M, D and a child of six. An initial encounter that is not pleasant. Someone screams: possibly a child involved.
The Jesuit notices a three-legged dog. He wanders far off from the others, the Jesuit. (Note: The Jesuit is Seths nickname for Bill Granger.)
There is a plane down or a ship in difficulty in their locality and resulting activity in a port at the far tip end of the island furthest down in this particular group of islands (voice slurred and slow). Perhaps planes sent out from the port to search. The initials T, B, A, here somewhere connected. The port at this island seems to be the only main town. (Voice slow, slurred, long pauses. )
While we are dealing with this, there is unusual activity around Cape Hope and this is connected with what has happened. (Mouths words first.) There is a town or island or bay, some area in the vicinity that sounds like Balinda. This is not it, however.
BalyWinda... Baly Wanda...
Now more personally our friend, the Jesuit. There is a large wooden object that he is taken with, like a totem, fatter it seems though and not so tall as one. He speaks with several male natives and an American man, from Minnesota, who deals in a business that is connected with salt.
(Voice very slow and slurred all through here and many pauses.)
An engagement between 4 and 5 today. And loud noises that are music. Two flags on one island and an administration building that is orange or pink. They eat or talk with a man (voice very faint) whose name has to do with grip, you see, as bag or valise. Do you see?
([Rob:] Yes.)
Some point over the spending of nine dollars in particular, a five and four ones, something outrageously priced.
A visit, a settlement of thatched or straw covered huts, nine to twelve of these. Our friend sees a shaman. A particular walk through a jungle area. Our friend, the Jesuit, is here, and five others have gone this same way earlier and he knows this: it is his reason for going, you see.
He and the Catlover (Seths nickname for Maggie Granger) chose one particular way because they are too cagey and shrewd to take another recommended way. Now one place they stay: has water on one side and foliage on the other with large square openings in the front; and I do not believe here by the large square openings there is any glass. The steps are from the side, three or four. They find this place on their own. Someone has hung clothing on a line though beside the place. They can stand and look out over the ocean and sight two or three other islands, one they have visited. They plan to see three other islands.
Now you may take your break or end the session as you prefer.
([Rob:] Well take a short break.
(9:10. Break. Jane didnt seem to be aware that her manner had been very detached, dreamy. She saw some of the surroundings but had no real projection.)
(9:20. Resume.)
Now a rather odd connection with Grumbacher, or painting supplies, for the Grangers.
They meet a man in a hut-like place. He is thin, with a white shirt that is not fully buttoned. He does not have a beard but his face is prickly and dark. He smokes and his fingers are long and stained with nicotine. His trousers are somehow strange, and he wears white shoes or not shoes, but his feet appear lighter, you see. There is a light behind him also and he stands at a partially opened door, and our friend the Jesuit speaks to him. There is an identical structure very close by, perhaps attached, you see. There are steps and men sit on them. The stranger lives on the island and he wears a ring. He may also have on other jewelry.